Reborn to Be A Noble Wife

Chapter 520 - 520 Great Anger, Husband and Wife Quarrel

Chapter 520 Great Anger, Husband and Wife Quarrel

Qu Mingcheng took the boy all the way over there, the two of them didn’t carry lanterns, and took a small path around to where Qu Xuexin’s yard was.

It was a bit of a detour, but had the advantage of avoiding the Dowager’s courtyard.

To arrive at the Qu Xuexin that place of purification outside the courtyard, in the courtyard door gently knocked a few times, the original guard here granny, this will be long gone back.

There were lights in the compartment, and when she heard the sound of knocking on the door, Hongmei walked out, and after looking around to see that no one was there, she opened the door, and Qu Mingcheng walked in with the boy.

In the compartment, lit, Qu Xuexin sat on the bed full of excitement and watched Qu Mingcheng come in, not waiting for him to sit down, he eagerly asked, “How is it?”

“Big sister, don’t be in a hurry, there’s a clue!” Qu Mingcheng sat down and whispered.

This said Qu Xuexin’s eyes glowed, where there was still half a bit of lack of spirit, more useful than eating the dragon’s liver and phoenix gall bladder.

“Really?” She said in a shaky voice, so eager that she would hardly believe her ears at this point.

“Big sister don’t worry, it’s naturally true.” Qu Mingcheng pacified her.

“Then can you … send this scented capsule to the Crown Prince?” Qu Xuexin took out a particularly beautifully embroidered scented capsule from under her pillow, mandarin ducks in pairs, the metaphor is already self-evident, she blushed but still sent it to Qu Mingcheng.

“Big sister, this may not really work, the crown prince is not something I can see, besides, even if I see it, I can’t talk to the crown prince, it’s still better if big sister has the chance to give it to the crown prince herself later.” Qu Mingcheng pushed back.

This is a very good reason, Qu Xuexin also did not think that Qu Mingcheng has this ability, Fang was just taken out in a hurry, when finished also know that it is not appropriate.

What is the status of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and is not Qu Mingcheng can see, for a time some nah nah, slowly retracted his hand, his face as delicate red as blood.

“Big sister, you will always meet the Crown Prince in the future, after this time, there will be plenty of opportunities to deliver it yourself, so why do you need me to go.” Qu Mingcheng added.

“Well!” Qu Xuexin nodded her head, blushing shyly as she lowered her head and carefully placed the scented capsule into her own cuff.

“Big sister, it’s that if you have something by then, you won’t blame me, right?” Qu Mingcheng felt that it was better to say things a little more securely and adequately.

“Don’t worry, it’s not half related to you, as long as Qu Mo Ying comes over, I’ll definitely do what we agreed to do then.” Once Qu Xuexin heard about this, she didn’t care about her shyness and hurriedly raised her head.

The petulance in her eyes became hateful and venomous at this moment.

How could she not hate, if it wasn’t for Qu Mo Ying, she wouldn’t be in this mess right now, all of this was caused by Qu Mo Ying.

“It’s best if big sister can think this way!” Qu Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief and reiterated, “Then I won’t be coming over again in the next few days, big sister has a number in her own heart, it’s just this between a few days.”

He came over once is not too convenient, originally not too come over to the west side of the house, now come over to secretly come to see Qu Xuexin, if let grandmother know, I’m afraid it is not good.

Still need to be more careful than that!

“Good, don’t worry, I know!” Qu Xuexin answered repeatedly, she also knew that it wasn’t very convenient for Qu Mingcheng to come over, and now that she had Qu Mingcheng’s permission, she naturally didn’t want him to come over and attract suspicion.

Qu Mingcheng said that after this incident, not only would grandmother not lock herself up, but she would also let herself return to the house properly to recuperate her body, and as for Qu Mo Ying, who would pay attention to a person with a heart so malicious as this.

Even if the grandmother does not quite believe, her own mother, father, and second uncle will not spare her, and when the time comes to pretend to be a little more serious, Qu Mo Ying can’t argue with a hundred words.

The best outcome is to be sent back to the manor, and from then on there is no more connection with the Qu family, as for after sending back, Qu Xuexin’s heart has long made up her mind, this time she will not allow her to live well in the manor.

Qu Mo Ying had to die, as long as she died she could get out of this bad breath!

The two miles are considered to be each released, and after detailing some details, Qu Mingcheng left, or Hongmei sent him to the door, looked around to see no one, opened the door, let Qu Mingcheng master and servant to leave.

Not a single person saw the entire process; the area was so quiet that the slightest breeze could cause alarm.

Eyes swept the night outside, the bottom of his eyes was gloomy, this time, he did not believe that Qu Mo Ying could escape, the secret that his mother had sent a message over, this time it was also considered to be used on the knife’s edge.

As for how the final result, it has nothing to do with him, who let grandmother care so much about that bitchy girl, it’s not that he’s unfilial, it’s all because grandmother asked for it.

Around to see there is not much people, Qu Mingcheng stride away, just Qu Mingcheng did not expect is that after he left, there is a black shadow from the courtyard door of the tree flashed …

Qu House two young ladies in the palace happened, the Duke of Qi is the last to know, to be known and angry face white, chopsticks in the hands of heavy down, face is very difficult to see.

This will be the evening meal, the Duke of Qi’s evening meal is quite late, the palm of the lamp only began and the Duke of Qi’s wife with the meal, a granny came in to report things, specifically mentioned the Qu Qiuyan hurried into the King’s House.

Mrs. Duke of Qi was afraid that the Duke of Qi didn’t understand, specially explained that it was the two misses of the Qu Mansion who had an accident, which hurriedly sent one to King Jing’s House, so far, the Duke of Qi was on fire.

Lady Duke of Qi looked to her left and right, and the subordinates to her left and right one by one had the eyes to back out.

“Duke of State, what’s going on here?” Duke of Qi’s wife said unhappily, a good meal, but made these things, she will not be happy.

“How come I don’t know about these things?” The Duke of Qi said angrily.

The matter of the Qu Mansion, he hadn’t paid attention to it before, and now he had already had people to keep an eye on it, but he hadn’t realized it until now.

“This matter, I was aware of it, just thinking that it had nothing to do with Fourth Miss Qu, I didn’t have anyone come to report it to the Duke of State.” Mrs. Duke of Qi pacified.

This is a decent thing to say, but in fact the real situation is that Mrs. Duke of Qi does not want the matter of the Qu Mansion to move to her own family at all, and for the Duke of Qi to care about the matter of that fourth young lady of the Qu Mansion, Mrs. Duke of Qi is also a little dissatisfied.

That is someone else’s granddaughter, the family not only has a granddaughter, there is a well-behaved and lovely granddaughter, how to let his country master to individual people’s granddaughter so concerned.

Inexplicably somewhat displeased, this is also the reason why Mrs. Duke of Qi stopped the reporting boy.

Qi Guo Gong now does not care about things, basically also do not go to court, is a idle at home in the state, if he does not inquire, others do not take the initiative to tell him, but also really do not know some of the things outside.

“You stopped it?” The Duke of Qi was not one to be fooled, and immediately understood the reason for this, glaring at Mrs. Duke of Qi.

“I’m the one who stopped it, this kind of thing is trivial.” Mrs. Duke Qi’s good handmaiden said.

“Why did you stop it?” The Duke of Qi choked angrily.

“State Duke, it really isn’t a big deal …” Mrs. Duke of Qi doesn’t understand where this has pissed off her own State Duke again.

“I don’t want to hear any more things about people stopping my messages in the future, and as for those who are not allowed to be used, I’ll get rid of them as well.” The Duke of Qi coldly said sternly, ignoring his old wife’s face.

He was originally a military general, this will be cold face, let a person’s heart can not help but palpitate.

Mrs. Duke of Qi’s heart trembled, but then even greater displeasure, this fourth daughter of the Qu House is still really unpleasant, although she looks quite understanding, but if she really understands, how could she be so pleasing to the Duke of State?

Let the Duke of State pity since then, her that mother when she first came to the capital, the Duke of State is not so heeded, how to her here to become this way?

It’s a bad feeling!

“Duke of State, let’s talk about Fourth Miss Qu’s matter.” Mrs. Duke of Qi also put down the chopsticks in her hands.

“What’s there to talk about, in the future, if you dare to stop this kind of thing again, don’t blame me for taking it out on those lackeys!” The Duke of Qi didn’t have the good sense to say.

This is to indicate that if there are still lackeys in the future and then stopped by Mrs. Duke of Qi, he will not be polite chastisement, at that time Mrs. Duke of Qi is bound to have no face, after all, the biggest in this house is still the Duke of Qi.

“Duke of State, why in the end?” Mrs. Duke of Qi’s voice also trembled, her hand pressed the corner of the table, holding a corner of the desktop with force, “We are husband and wife for so many years, it is also considered to be mutual, with sweet and sour, what kind of things have not gone through, but approaching the old man, you … you are doing this to me?”

Mrs. Duke of Qi said more and more aggrieved, her eyes red, voice also with a few choking, so many years, the Duke of Qi has been very give her face, as long as it is her decision, the Duke of Qi is rarely opposed, or even if it is opposed, but also said a very euphemistic, there will not be half of the Duke of Qi’s wife can not come down to the face of the matter.

But on the face of this fourth young lady of the Qu Mansion, the Duke of Qi hid it again and again.

“Alright, still eating or not?” The Duke of Qi frowned, looking at his old wife, and said without any good humor.

“What else to eat, you are all this way …” Mrs. Qi Guo Gong cried out, taking a handkerchief and wiping up her tears to cry.

“Bang” a heavy thud, Mrs. Duke of Qi looked up in dismay to see that the Duke of Qi had already kicked the stool in front of him away, turned around and left in large strides.

“The State … Duke of State …” Mrs. Duke of Qi could hardly believe it and trembled her lips twice before she made a sound.

Outside the door, there were Qi Duke’s wife’s personal in-laws, who wanted to go forward to stop Qi Duke, but they were given a fierce glare by him, and each of them shrank to the side, not daring to go forward to talk nonsense again.

The Duke of Qi stomped out, and behind him came the unexpectedly amplified cries of the Duke of Qi’s wife, his heart bursting with annoyance.

Out of the courtyard door, the cold wind blew, he stood still, for a moment was very confused, looked around, inexplicable pathos in his eyes.

“State Duke, the lady is so sad, you see …” The boy saw that he suddenly stopped walking, thought that he stopped because he heard the cries of the State Duke’s wife, and hurriedly and carefully persuaded him.

“Go, to the study!” Duke of Qi angrily said, behind his ears came the cries of Duke of Qi’s wife, thinly drilled into his ears, but made him even more annoyed, his mood is almost uncontrollable, the light in his chest can not breathe in general.

Why did it come to this?

Why did things turn out this way?

If he can, does he regret it?

In this life, he asked himself that he had not owed anyone else, even his old wife, but he was plainly aware that he had shortchanged two people, the only two people in the world, Xiao Yue’s and her daughter.

It’s a sin he made, but he doesn’t know how he’s going to pay for it …

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