Itachi is training Sasuke in Shurikenjutsu.

There are a bunch of target places around them. Itachi picks up a bunch of kunais and tosses them up in the air.

He draws more kunais from his holster and throws them at the previous kunais. The kunais change their trajectory and hit the target.

"Look at the movement of my hand and the trajectory of kunais. Once your observation skills are good enough, you can perform the same feat as me."

Itachi reminds Sasuke. Sasuke looks at Itachi with disinterest.

"Big-brother Itachi, can you perform the Shurikenjutsu technique used by Big Brother know what I mean, by just using one shuriken he directed the trajectory of all kunais. Can you do that Itachi nii-san?"

Sasuke questions Itachi. Itachi hangs his head low in embarrassment and replies,

"I still can't do that. It requires very precise calculations, but I will be able to do it in a few more days."

"Then you are no fun, Itachi nii-san. Teach me something else, which I don't know." Sasuke turns his head away and walks towards Naruto.

Itachi sighs and looks at Sasuke's back.

"I am not a good big brother. I can't even train my little brother. What would big brother Izuna do in this case?"

Izuna laughs again as he clutches his stomach.

'This is way too hilarious. The genius Itachi is struggling to teach his younger brother. At least, there is something out there which Itachi is not good at.'

He jumps from the tree and walks towards the group.

Shisui and Itachi notice him.

"Big brother Izuna, you are back? It has been a while since I last saw you."

Shisui walks in front of Izuna and curiously looks at him.

"You must have trained away from the village for a year while doing your mission. I want to see how strong I am in your comparison. Let's have a spar Izuna nii-san."

Shisui proposes a spar between them.

"It's a good idea, Shisui. I also want to see the progress of both you and Itachi."

Izuna jumps back and takes a fighting stance.

"Come at me, both of you. Shisui and Itachi, both of you join fight with me together."

Naruto and Sasuke near a corner of the training ground and excitedly look at their fight.

"Sasuke, who do you think will among them? Dattebyo!" Naruto questions Sasuke.

"Is there even a need to ask? Even a retard could guess the result. Obviously, Izuna nii-san will win the spar. Even if he is fighting against Shisui and Itachi nii-san, Izuna nii-san is a lot stronger than both of them." Sasuke smugly folds his hands in front of his chest.

"Oh! Is that so?... Hey! What do you mean by this? Do you want to say that I am a retard?" Naruto grabs the collar of Sasuke.

"Do you want a beating, you knucklehead?" Sasuke clutches Naruto's hand.

"Oh! Yeah, you smartass. I will beat your ass." Naruto and Sasuke engage in a fight.


Their fight is interrupted by a large explosion. Both of them leave each other's collars and look at the spar.

Itachi made some hand signs and fired a 'Great Fireball Technique' at Izuna.

Izuna jumps and avoids the jutsu. Shisui makes some hand signs and shouts,

"Wind Style: Vacuum bullet"

The wind amplifies the fireball jutsu and creates a much bigger Fireball.


The fireball rams in Izuna. Dust and debris cover their vision. Shisui and Itachi take out their kunai and raises their guard.

Various kunais and shurikens attack them. Both of them skilfully deflect all kunais and shurikens.

"Behind you."

Shisui warns Itachi. Itachi turns around and folds his hand to block a kick from Izuna. The impulse from the kick sends him flying away.

'Shadow body Flicker'

Shisui disappears, and multiple shadow clones surround Izuna. They start to constantly attack Izuna as Shisui shifts his position within the real clones and the afterimage clones.

'So, Shisui has mastered this technique. He has officially become 'Shisui of the Body Flicker.'

Izuna continue to block Shisui's attack and praises him,

"You have come a long way, Shisui. You have successfully mastered this technique and even improved it to pair with shadow clones. Well done!"

"Thank you, Izuna nii-san. Victory will be ours."

"Oh! Don't get too ahead of yourself. This is just warm-up for three of us."

Izuna throws a shuriken at the various afterimages and clones and makes some hand signs.

'Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu'

Several shurikens appear in front of him and attack Shisui. All of his afterimages and clones disappear. The real Shisui blocks the shurikens with a kunai and appears in front of Izuna.

Itachi also joins him, and both of them look at each other and nod.

"Wow, so awesome. Izuna nii-san, Shisui nii-san, and Itachi nii-san are so awesome. Dattebyo!" Naruto claps his hand in astonishment.

"They were just doing some warm-up. The actual fight hasn't even started. None of them have even activated their Sharingan yet." Sasuke chides Naruto.

"Oh! Is that so? I thought they were seriously fighting against each other." Naruto scratches his head in embarrassment.

"That's why you are a knucklehead."

"What did you say? Mind repeating." Naruto angrily glares at Sasuke.

Sasuke turns towards Naruto and looks him in eyes,

"Naruto, you are a big idiot!"

"You have done it, Sasuke." Naruto punches towards Sasuke. Sasuke easily avoids the punch. Both of them engage in another round of their catfight.

Itachi and Shisui seriously look at each other and nod.

"It's time to show our year's worth of extensive training to Izuna nii-san."

"Yes, Big brother Shisui. We have worked hard, it is time to test the results."


Both of them activate their Sharingan and close the gap between them.

'Oh! Itachi has a three tomoe Sharingan. He must have worked hard to master his Sharingan.'

Itachi and Shisui engage in a Taijutsu fight with Izuna. He blocks their kicks with his hands and returns the favor by kicking them away.

Shisui and Itachi somersaults in the air and prevents their descent. Itachi makes some hand signs,

'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu'

He fires off many small fireballs at Izuna.

'Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu'

Izuna creates a water dragon. The water dragon fires many water bullets at the fireballs and cancels them. Itachi jumps and avoids the water bullets.

'Oh! It's a distraction. So, where is Shisui?'

Shisui pops out of Izuna's shadow and tries to stab him.

'Shadow Assassination'

"Nice try! But I was a former Anbu Captain. So, I am still your senior."

Izuna kicks Shisui away.

"You can't use Anbu techniques against an Anbu."

"Got you," Shisui smirks and disappears in a puff of smoke.


A large explosion engulfs Izuna. Shisui appears beside Itachi and stares at the explosion.

"Get ready to engage. It can't be over this easily."

Izuna appears unscathed from the explosion. Earth wall crumbles around him while he is holding a stack of paper bombs in his hand.

Izuna's left hand is coated in lightning chakra which nullifies the explosive chakra of paper bombs. He throws away the paper bomb and looks at them.

"Come on! Is this the best you can do? I have trained both of you in many jutsu and techniques, use them against me. If it is the extent of your growth, then I am disappointed." Izuna disappears from their vision and reappears in front of them.

He punches both of them in the gut.

"Finally, we caught you in our trap." Two of them smirks at Izuna.

Shisui's body turns into lightning and binds Izuna. Itachi turns into many crows and flies away.

The real Itachi and Shisui appear from the ground and cautiously look at Izuna. There is a sealing formula below Izuna that roots him to the spot. The lightning binds him with the sealing formula.

"We have laid this trap while fighting you. It was very difficult to pull off. But we successfully pulled it off…

How is it? That's our co-operation, Ninjutsu. It is still a work in progress." Shisui looks at Izuna in anticipation.

"Not bad! You got me. It is indeed an excellent technique. But there are many flaws to it. And I think you have forgotten one crucial factor.

Let me remind you, I am a Sealing Grandmaster. Such messy sealing formula won't be able to hold me."

Izuna riles up his chakra and the sealing formula crumbles.


A figure appears behind Naruto and Sasuke and pulls their ear.

Aww… Aww…

Both of them shriek in pain and look at the intruder. They are stunned to see the intruder and stutter. After stuttering for a while, only a single phrase escape from their mouth.


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