Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 419: Island of Redaku Part-2

Somewhere on a remote corner of the island,


Minato and the rest of the group appear in a flash. Minato picks up his kunai from the ground.

"It was the right choice to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu to land on the island without attracting much attention."


"I can sense multiple human presences on the island." Naruto stares at the strange stone buildings in the distance.

"This looks like some sort of village." Sasuke remarks as he observes the place with his shared vision with Garuda from the sky.

"Let's communicate with these people. We will leave this place if the inhabitants are hostile to us." Tsunade suggests.

"There is something like a port and an entrance in the distance. Maybe we should start from there!" Ayaka points in the distance.


The group walks towards the port.


Back at the port,

Multiple guards are patrolling the area with their spear-like weapons.

"What was that flying monster? It showed up out of nowhere and vanished as quickly as it appeared." The guard converses among themselves.

"It must have immigrated from one of those countless inhabited islands in the sea. Countless monsters are lurking in the sea and the sky. It's not rare to see another strange flying monster." Another slightly older guard remarks.

"Speaking of which, when will the latest shipment arrive?" One of the guards asks.

"Hmm… the previous shipment was a month ago. The next shipment should be here in another two weeks. Why… you can't wait for more fancy products from the Shinobi land?" Another guard answers him with a smile.

"No, it's not like that." The guard shakes his head.

"It's just that my kid is pestering me to bring another issue of that picture book from the shinobi world. That stuff sure is fascinating to kids."

"Oh! This reminds me of my wife's nagging. She ran out of those so-called beauty and skin care products from the shinobi land. These past few days, she won't even look me in the eye." Another guard shakes his head.

"Haah… newlyweds!" Other guards enviously mock him.

"Hey! Who are these people?" One of the guards points towards Minato's group, sauntering towards them.

"Hmm… their outfit seems strange. Are they supposed to be any visitors at this period?" Another guard frowns as he inspects the strange clothing of the group.

"Hey! Don't they look like those shinobis from the picture book?" The guard with the kid remarks.

"Shinobis? There aren't any shinobis here. So, are these people pretending to be one?" Another guard murmurs.

"For now, don't lower your guard. Let's try to communicate with them and ask them about their motive." The older guard expresses his intentions.

He signals to a younger guard.

"Go and inform the captain about these people."

"Yes, uncle!" One of the young men departs from the scene.

Soon, Minato's group reaches the entrance.


The guards point their javelins toward Minato's group.

"Who are you people? You don't seem to be from here. State your name and purpose!" The older guards take the lead and issue a warning to them.

The Konoha group raises their hands.

"We don't have any hostile intents."

The guard frown and take a closer look at their outfits.

"Wait, that symbol!" The guard with the little kid recognizes the leaf symbol on the Konoha headbands.

He walks towards the group.

"Hey, Kazuko! Be careful. These people might harm you." Other guards warn him and point their javelins toward the Konoha group.

"Umm… are you people perhaps the shinobis from the leaf village?" Kazuko enquires.

"We are indeed shinobis from Konoha." Minato nods at him.

"But how do you know about our identities?"

"So, I was right. You people are the shinobis of the leaf village." Kazuko points towards their headbands.

"I recognized you from this headband. It has a similar design to the picture book my kid likes." Kazuko answers them.

"Oh! So, tales about shinobis are famous here?" The group is surprised to learn of this fact.

"Of course! It was only a few years ago. But we people of the Land of Redaku did establish contact with the shinobi world. Though, it wasn't just our efforts. We have to thank Lord Izuna for helping us out during that catastrophe and establishing a trade route with the shinobi world."

The guard recalls an event from the past.

"Wait! Lord Izuna?! Do you mean Izuna Uchiha?" The group is surprised to hear Izuna's name as Tsunade enquires.

"Of course! That's the name of our savior!" Kazuko nods at them.

"But how do you know about him? Is he also a famous personality in the shinobi world? I will be surprised if he isn't. Lord Izuna is such a brave and powerful man." The guard continues to pile heaps of praises for Izuna.


The faces of Minato's group turn sour.

"I get the mighty part. But what's this with a generous, benevolent and kind person? Why didn't we know about it?" Tsunade snorts.

"Umm… do you people happen to be acquaintances with Lord Izuna?" Kazuko asks with a fervent expression.

"Of course!" Tsunade and Ayaka nods at him.

"I am his teacher, Tsunade Senju!" Tsunade proudly puffs her chest. The faces of nearby guards turn red.

"I am his younger sister, Ayaka Uchiha!" Ayaka introduces herself.

"I am his mentor, Minato Namikaze!" Minato introduces himself.

"I am his disciple and younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha!" Sasuke introduces himself.

"I am also his disciple and younger brother, Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto also introduces himself.

"These names!" The expression of the nearby guard changes rapidly.

"What's going on? What's with all this ruckus?" The young guard arrives with the captain.

"Captain…" Kazuko quickly explains the situation to the captain.

The expression of the Captain also changes. A polite expression appears on his face.

"Umm… pardon my discourtesy! But could I have a look at your black cards?" The captain politely asks them.

"Hmm… you mean those bank cards? Sure, why not?" Minato and the rest take out their black cards and hand them over to the captain.

The captain takes out a strange bracelet-like device to inspect it.

"They are authentic!"

He passes the black card to them and bows to the group with the rest of the guard.

"Lord Fourth, Lady Fifth, Princess Ayaka! We welcome you to the Donut Island." The guards humbly bow to them.

The captain activates his comms and informs the situation of the commander.


This sudden change of attitude flabbergasts the Konoha group.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" Their sudden change bewilders Naruto.

"I am also curious to know what shenanigans did that brat did here to deserve such respect?" Kurama's voice rings in Naruto's head.

"Even I, who has a temple here, doesn't warrant such respect?" Kurama continues.

"You have a temple here?" Naruto's eyes widen slightly.

"Of course! I am one of the Nine respected sacred beasts of this land. I have protected these people multiple times. So, as a tribute, they erected temples for me." Kurama puffs his chest in pride.

"Then why didn't you stay here? It was better to stay at this place than be hunted down in the shinobi world?" Naruto questions him.

"Well, no matter what, this place is too small for me. Also, this place has many restrictions in place and the flow of nature energy is quite distorted here. So, I don't really like to live here." Kurama answers him.

"Hmm… you are right. There is something else mixed within the nature energy here. I can't absorb it to enter the Sage Mode." Naruto attempts to infuse the surrounding nature chakra in his body but fails.

The captain, not privy to the little conversation between Naruto and Kurama, answers him.

"The island we are currently residing on is a part of the property of Lord Izuna. No, this entire island, including the town, is Lord Izuna's property." The guard points towards a giant building with the Trinity Celtic Knot symbol in the distance.

"This island is owned by the Trinity corporation of Lord Izuna and we are its employees. So, as the relatives of Lord Izuna, you people are the VVIPs of our company."

The captain leads them inside the city.

"Woah! Incredible!"

Naruto and the rest are surprised to see the architecture of the city

"It's so beautiful." They look around in amazement.

"Humph… I won't forgive brother for not bringing me here earlier!" Ayaka puffs her cheeks in anger.

Soon, the group arrives in front of a giant resort-like building. A red carpet lies in front of the group as the manager and the security chief welcome them.


A/N:- My new Naruto fan-fic, 'The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World' is out.

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