Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 379: Akatsuki Assault Arc Part-3

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All the Akatsuki members occupy a corner of an Octahedron around the leaf village. Zetsu split into two halves and occupy the remaining two nodes.

One by one, each of them makes some hand sign and takes out a small crystal orb from their pockets.

"Eight Trigram: Four Yin Four Yang Enclosing Formation,"

They infuse their chakra into the orb. The orb levitates in mid-air and slowly absorbs chakra from the surroundings to complete the formation.

"Accelerate the process through the tailed-beast chakra." White Zetsu's clone pops out of the ground.

Each Akatsuki member takes out a small magatama bead and infuses it with the levitating chakra bead.

Swirl… Fwoosh…

The crystal bead greedily absorbs the chakra from the magatama bead and expands rapidly. The crystal beads reach an enormous size and exert a strong gravitational pull on the ground.

Rumble… Rumble…

Rock, dust, debris, trees, and all sorts of surrounding matter rises in the air and fuse with the giant swirling mass of chakra. Small spherical rocks form in the air. The Akatsuki members being directly under the jutsu and being the initiator of the jutsu are unaffected by the strong gravitational pull.


Massive shockwaves spread through Konoha in the form of earthquakes.

Inside the In-Yō headquarters,

Kushina notices eight different chakra nodes split on the CPS system. Her expression turns grave. She immediately sends a message to all the members of In-Yō.

"The Akatsuki is planning something big. You all must have felt the huge spike in chakra. Whatever they are planning isn't something good for us. Stop them at all costs!"

"Alright!" The In-Yō members, including Kakashi, Might Guy, Shisui, Itachi, Naruto, and Sasuke respond to Kushina's message. Kushina also alters the protective barrier and cast a genjutsu on the villagers to prevent them from panicking.

"Evacuate the civilians to the nearby safe shelter, just in case of an emergency!" She sends this message to Tsunade.

Inside the village, Tsunade releases an emergency flare signal to gather all the shinobis of the village.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Multiple shinobis dash through the streets and roofs and gather in front of the Hokage Office. The civilians stop their activity and stare at the Hokage Office.

"Mom! What's going on? Why are so many people running through the streets?" One of the civilian kids asks his mother.

The woman picks up her kid and hurries towards her house.

"Something must have come up for Hokage-sama to summon all shinobis." She enters her house and closes the door.

A few minutes later,

An announcement rings through the streets of Konoha.

"This is an emergency drill! All kids, women, elderly folks, and civilians… please evacuate to the nearby emergency shelter. I repeat… this is an emergency drill! All kids, woman…"

"Why is it so early again?" A shopkeeper hastily closes his shop and grabs his box of precious belongings and tucks it in his clothes.

"I didn't even tally my gains from today's sale. The festival just ended a few hours ago." Another shopkeeper also closes his shop and steps out with a similar box.

Since the incident from the Konoha Crush, the village had made it a habit to conduct an emergency evacuation drill every three months. Izuna proposed this idea to prepare for future events.

The streets soon turn deserted as all civilians evacuate to the nearby shelter. There are five emergency shelters located in the village. There is an office building on the surface and the shelter building is located beneath the ground. Each shelter has a separate barrier from the village and can only be manipulated from within the barrier. Only someone with a barrier key can dispel it from the outside. The barrier of the shelter is sturdy enough to withstand a single point-blank Oblivion Release jutsu from Izuna, after which the barrier will shatter and disperse.

The shinobis and Konoha Police officers maintain public order as they escort the shinobis to the shelter.

On the roof of the Konoha's Investigation and Reconnaissance Bureau,

Various clan heads surround Tsunade. The clan heads are looking for answers. Fugaku and Hiashi activate their Dojutsu and stare at the barrier.

"This genjutsu can fool others, but it won't escape our eyes." Both of them see through the genjutsu cast on the entire village.

"This Genjutsu is a preventive measure to maintain public order and prevent mass panic."

Tsunade points toward the scroll Kushina gave to her.

"Look at this!" Several images of massive levitating rock spheres the size of a mountain appear on the visual feed.

"What… what is this?" The eyes of the clan leaders widen at this sight. Each of them gulps their saliva as they imagine the aftermath of one such body falling on the village.

'It will be an utter annihilation.' Similar thoughts appear in their mind.

'A few might survive due to their skill, but still, the cost would be too great.'

"Who… who exactly is attacking the village?" The current Sarutobi clan leader musters some courage and asks the question. The new Sarutobi clan leader is a relative of the Third Hokage. He also has some achievements in the previous two wars and thus is well known among the villagers.

"It's the Akatsuki!" Tsunade acknowledges him and responds.

"Akatsuki?!" Confusion appears on some of the clueless clan leader's faces.

"Isn't that a rag-tag criminal organization of a few S-rank rogue shinobis and ruffians? How could they have such a mean?" Kurama clan's leader gulps his saliva as he stares at the massive meteor levitating in the air near the outer perimeter of his clan.

"They must be using the power of captured-tailed beast to perform such a large-scale jutsu." Fugaku speculates as he recalls the recent activities of Akatsuki from the previous meeting.

The previous confidential meeting was only restricted to the prestigious clans of Konoha, who have made a significant contribution to the prosperity of the village.

"So, the Akatsuki was behind the incident of missing-tailed beasts?" The rest of the clan leaders become aware of the truth.

"Then does that mean they are here for the Nine-tails?" One of the clan leaders raises a question.

"If we hand over the Nine-tails to them; would they leave us alone?" One of the timid clan leaders raises his opinion.


Tsunade's expression turns extremely ugly as other small clan leaders agree with the notion.

"Yes, if we hand over the Nine-tails, then the rest of the villagers won't have to face such a horrifying jutsu." Another clan leader agrees with the previous clan leader.

"Yes, we agree with him. After all, the Nine-tails is just a tool captured by Lord Hashirama to protect the village. If we can exchange it for peace and avoid carnage; then we should unhesitatingly hand it over."

"Oh, no!"

The clan leaders, who were a member of the previous confidential meeting, immediately fall back.


Tsunade punches the roof and demolishes the entire building. Her heart is burning with fury. She turns towards Shikaku and apologizes.

"Apologies, my hand just slipped!"

Shikaku gulps his saliva and nods. Sweat trickles down the forehead of all noisy clan leaders. They shut their mouth and stare at Tsunade in horror.

Tsunade calms down her emotions. Shizune passes down a cloth to her. Tsunade wipes the blood from her fist, which heals instantly.

'She used her pure brutal strength to demolish a building. There was no chakra involved in her attack.' All the clan leaders once again become aware of her prowess.

Tsunade turns towards the noisy clan leaders and narrows her eyes.

'I might have forgiven them. But there is someone who didn't.'

She raises her head and stares into the sky. The rest of the clan leader also raises their head to stare at the sky.


A bolt of lightning falls from the sky and envelops the group of noisy clan leaders. The lightning bolts heavily electrocute them, leaving their charred and unconscious body behind.


The visual feed on the scroll changes and Kushina's furious face appear on it.

"How dare they… how dare they even think about handing over Naruto to these criminals? My husband and I sacrificed our life for these scummy bastards and yet they still have thoughts of using my son to save their necks? Unforgivable… absolutely unforgivable… This is just a mild punishment for them. They aren't dead yet. After this incident is over, I will give a piece of my mind to them."


Kushina's raging face disappears to reveal the previous visual.


The rest of the clan leaders gulp their saliva and silently pray.

'We were wise enough to stay away from these clans.'

Some of the clans who have a subsidiary relation with these clans decided to cut their ties with them. None of the clan leaders want to offend the Red Oni of the village, the only person currently capable of manipulating the complex protective barrier of Konoha. They don't want their clans to get struck by the punishment lightning.

'Looks like after this incident is over, some tremendous changes are going to happen to the hierarchy of Konoha." The clan leaders silently think to themselves as they focus their attention back on the visual screen.

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