"IZUNA! I have a way to kill this Abyss centurion."

Genryū's roar sobers Izuna slightly.

"I am ready to pay the price!" Izuna agrees without any hesitation.

"Are you sure? It will accelerate the process of your cell deterioration." Genyrū reminds him.

"I am willing! Besides, I only have a few days to live. If I can take down this monster with me to buy more time for this world; then it's worth it." Izuna shakes his head.

"Hmm… I commend your resolve. My decision to help you back then was right," Genryū approves of Izuna's sense of honor and sacrifice.

"Use the remaining origin power in the Dragon Blade. I will help you channel it as a Light chakra. We might be able to finish this abyss centurion off with it." Genyrū remarks.

"But… that is your source. If I use it, then you might…" Izuna hesitates a bit.

"What's there to worry about? I already sacrificed myself once to save my world. I could do it again to save another world." Genyrū shrugs him off.

"Thank you…" Izuna mumbles and summons the Dragon Blade.


The orb from the Dragon Blade flies out and enters the runes on Ama No Hoko. The Light runes on Ama no Hoko glows with a never seen before shine. Izuna feels a warm current surging through his battered body.

He clenches the bow and aims it toward the Abyss Centurion. A light arrow forms on the notch of the bow. He aims the arrow toward the head of the Giant serpent. Izuna closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.


Black Darkness chakra flows out from the Sin grimoire and channels through the Ama No Hoko. The remaining runes on the Ama No Hoko also light up. A pitch-black horn forms on the right side of Izuna's head. The darkness chakra infuses into his left shoulder and forms a dark black chakra arm with sharp claws.

Izuna grasps the bow with his chakra arm while he stretches the strong with his right arm. Darkness chakra and Light chakra intertwine with each other in perfect harmony. A gigantic Sin eye appears behind Izuna as it casts its gaze on the giant serpent rooting it in a place.


The eyes of the giant serpent dragon widen in shock.

"How… how is this possible? How do you come in possession of the divine *@#*#@*…"

The giant serpent's voice sounds like gibberish in Izuna's ears.

"Light-Darkness Release: Destiny Arrow,"

Izuna mumbles and releases the tension in the string.


Together with the release of the bowstring, life also slowly drains from Izuna's body like an arrow at the end of it's flight. His consciousness, which was barely holding up, turns blank. The pupil in Izuna's eyes turns blank as the scarlet cracks spread all over his body.


Izuna lifelessly falls to the ground.


The destiny arrow tears through the arrow, forming a gigantic rift in space-time as it shoots towards the Abyss Centurion.


The arrow hits the giant serpent, releasing a blinding white light.


Blood leaks out from the upper orifices of the sensors in the Intelligence unit.

Bang… Bang… Bang…

One by one, every member of the Sensory division, including Inoichi and Yoshi, falls unconscious.


The sensory bubble shakes violently and explodes into countless particles. The ground trembles violently as the area around HOLE slowly disintegrates.


Mei also faints from the shock.

"Everyone… hurry up and evacuate the area!" Shikaku immediately releases a new order.

Sakumo also orders every combat division to vacate the area around the HOLE.

Swoosh… swoosh…

All shinobi units hurriedly escape from the vicinity of the HOLE as the gigantic column of white light slowly approaches them. The shinobis desperately use every means in their arsenal to escape from the impending death.

After a few minutes, the giant white pillar of light slowly stops expanding after covering a radius of ten kilometers.

The shinobi army of the three nations slowly gathers at the foothill of a nearby hill.

"How is the situation with the various divisions? Report the number of causalities!" Sakumo orders the vice-commander under him.

"Yes, Sir!"

Three shinobis from Konoha, Kiri, and Suna each salute him and head towards the scattered army.

After fifteen minutes, each of them appears with a report in their hand with a grim expression. Sakumo frowns and reads the report.


He sighs slightly and falls back on a nearby stone.

"How is the situation Sakumo?" Rasa asks him.

"Kazekage Sama, in the previous explosion alone, we lost 30 percent of our men, which sums up to 1000 elite shinobis. Summing up the numbers, we lost a total of 1286 shinobis in this operation. This is an immense blow to our alliance."


Rasa sucks in a breath of cold air.

"The foundation of our three villages suffered severe damage. This is almost the same number as a Shinobi War. I am afraid we have to avoid any war at all costs, or else it will reduce the five great nations to two."

"You are right, Kazekage-sama!" Sakumo also sighs helplessly as he mumbles.

"This is just the number of casualties caught in the aftershock of the battle. I can't even imagine what would have happened if they fought near the Alliance Army. I am afraid none of us would survive to tell the tale."

Rasa also shakes his head as he recalls the incident five years ago.

'I was a fool back then to attack Konoha with such a monster guarding it. At that time, he could have easily wiped out Suna from the face of the Shinobi world.'

"Let's pack our supplies and retreat to our villages. We still have to handle the post-war amenities of all injured and casualties."

Back In In-Yō headquarter, Minato heaves a sigh of relief as he looks around.

"Thankfully, there was a mass teleportation formation engraved here. With the help of Flying Thunder God jutsu and the teleportation formation, I was able to teleport everyone in the vicinity of fifty meters with me."

He turns to Kushina and Tsunade.

"Lady Fifth… Kushina! Take care of Mei… I am afraid she won't be able to handle the stress. It won't be good for the twins."

"Rest assured, Minato! I won't allow anything to happen to her and her unborn kids." Tsunade quickly takes Mei to the nearby medical facility. Kushina also follows after her.

Minato turns to the rest of the people.

"All jounins will follow me back to the battlefield to get a report of the situation. We also have to seal the area around the Hole and declare it as a death zone of the Shinobi World."

With these words, Minato and the rest teleport back to the Alliance army, leaving behind members of Konoha 12.

"Sasuke, what should we do?" Naruto turns to Sasuke for advice.

"Let's head to the clan and inform Aunt Aiko and Aunt Fumiko about Mei nee-san's condition. They must know about the situation. I will head towards my house to inform the mother." Sasuke replies in a solemn tone.

"What about us?" The rest of the group questions.

"Head back to your respective clan elders and brief them on the situation. We have to strengthen the village defenses in case of an emergency." Shikamaru walks towards the exit.

Ino and Choji quickly follow him.


Soon, chaos ensues in Konoha and other shinobi nations as the news of the battle at HOLE spreads throughout the entire shinobi world.

The area around the HOLE became known as 'Shi No Sakeme' or 'the Chasm of Death', also commonly called the 'Death Crevice'.

Another great news also spread throughout the Shinobi World- Izuna Uchiha, the great hero of Konoha, the Grim Reaper of the Shinobi Nation was declared MIA by Konohagakure, Kirigakure, and Sunagakure.

This news created a tremendous commotion in the shinobi world, greatly shaking up several small and large nations. Kumogakure and Iwagakure were also greatly perturbed by the news. They even sent their elite shinobis to survey the area around the death crevice.

The report was so exaggerated that Onoki and A had to personally visit the area to confirm the truth. Even still, it shocked them to their very core as both of them wondered, 'Could a normal shinobi even wield such great power? Only a God could possess such absolute power.'

This further pushed their resolve to prepare countermeasures. Kumogakure invested most of its funds in the 'Project Chakra Cannon' while Iwa also secretly started a new top-secret project called 'Project Gaia'.

A few days later, Konoha held a funeral ceremony to honor the casualties of the previous Demon War.

-----End of the Arc----------


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