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The ceiling collapses from the impact of the jutsu.

"What the…"

Shinnō, who is preparing a powerful dark jutsu to get rid of Roen and the girls, is taken by surprise by the sudden collapse of the ground.

Rumble… Rumble…

The floor beneath them crumbles, revealing a dark gloomy abyss. Shinnō jumps on the falling debris to slow down his descent.


The girls also free falls towards the lower floor of the temple.

Swoosh… Whoosh…

Roen turns into his shadow form and supports them on his back. He swiftly jumps towards the various falling debris and descends lower.


Izuna waves his hand and creates a barrier around himself to avoid the falling debris.

Crack… crack…

Multiple cracks appear on the barrier around Zero-tails.


The ruins and Fuinjutsu seal around the Reibi glow brightly as it absorbs the dark chakra from the surroundings and repair the barrier.


Izuna clicks his tongue.

"Pesky cockroach!"


Roen lands beside him with the girls in his town.

"Oh! You are finally here, Roen."

Izuna nods.

"I need your help. I want you to cut off the connection of this beast with the dark chakra. It's absorbing the negative emotions of the surrounding people. This entire temple acts as a giant conductor to channel the negative chakra towards him. I am pretty sure there are multiple people locked in this temple who act as batteries for Reibi.

Since you also possess the ability to channel the dark and negative chakra, I want you to contest control over the negative chakra while I cut the supply from the main node."

Izuna issues a command to Roen.

"Yes, master!"

Roen nods and walks towards the giant cocoon of Reibi. He extends his claws and slams them into the ground.


A large amount of dark purple chakra flows through Roen's body, turning his fur purple and his eyes a darker shade of red.


Roen howls in agony as numerous negative emotions flow through his mind. The aura of Roen changes and it reminds Izuna of the time when they first met with each other.

"Are you okay, Roen?" He asks with worry.

"I am fine for now, master! I can still hold for another ten minutes."


Izuna nods and makes some hand signs. He extends his right hand in front of his forehead and makes a one-hand Ram seal.

"Kokoro No Me"

A giant vertical dark purple eye opens in the mindscape of Izuna. The eyes appear beside the various elemental orbs floating in his mindscape.

Izuna feels like his consciousness has left his body and transcended a higher state of existence as he gazes at the entire place, including his body, from a third-person perspective.

He tries to sense his body, but everything points towards his body, which is closing its eyes on the ground.

"What a strange technique?"

Izuna gives up on trying to sense his existence.

This is one of the techniques which appeared in the Sin Grimoire recently.

'The existence of Sin Seal itself is an anomaly. Much less the technique associated with it.'

He shakes his head and focuses his attention on the surrounding area. The entire world appears in a shade of gray as a detailed map of the entire area appears in his mind. His senses easily bypass various barriers and other restrictions meant to counter the abilities of powerful Dojutsu.

Soon, Izuna's consciousness leaves the scope of the Ancor Vantian and stares at everything from the atmosphere of the planet.


Izuna is shocked to see a glowing red aura around the entire planet as a beam of red energy shoots towards the sky from a distant place. There is a huge rift in the sky which appears like a scar on the planet's surface.

Chills run down Izuna's spine as he feels a threatening energy signature from the rift. He turns down and notices Ancor Vantian emitting a similar dark red color chakra towards the sky.

'This flying fortress is a beacon which sends a signal to that rift to guide something to this planet.'

Izuna concludes.



As Izuna is lost in his technique to search for the core of the temple; Shinnō lands on the ground and notices Izuna and the rest of the group.

"This place… How did they find it?"

He notices Roen interrupting the flow of the dark chakra.

"Argh… you beast! Stop what you are doing right now!"

He dashes towards Roen with mad anger.


A shield of dark chakra blocks his attack.


Roen towards him with his dark red eyes and giant glowing purple fur.


He slashes his claw and sends Shinnō flying.


Shinnō slams into a nearby wall as he blocks the attack with his arms.

Sizzle… sizzle…

The gash on his arms heals slowly. He turns towards the girls, who are hiding behind Izuna.

"This man… he must be the mastermind who ruined my plan!"

Shinnō gnashes his teeth and lunges towards an open Akio.


Shinnō gathers a massive surge of dark chakra in his arms and forms a giant purple orb with three rings around it.

"Super Shadow Revival Fist"

He slams it towards Izuna's head.

"Nii-san! Watch out!"

Ayaka screams at the top of her lungs to warn him.


Izuna's consciousness returns to his body as time slows down around him.


His right eye changes into Mangekyo Sharingan. Akio slowly opens his eyes and gazes at Shinnō's incoming attack with a cold expression.

"You had your share of fun toying with my students and imouto. Now, it's my turn to return the favor."

Cyan color chakra shrouds Izuna's arm. He clenches his fist and punches the attack of Shinnō.


Everything happens so fast that Shinnō is unable to react to Izuna's sudden punch. Izuna's punch blows the dark red orb of dark chakra as it lands straight on his chest.


Shinnō's spinal cord shatters with the punch as the latter is sent flying towards another wall. He firmly lodges in the wall and creates a crater in it.


He pukes a mouthful of blood and slowly slides onto the ground. There is a fist-sized dent in his chest.


He pukes out another mouthful of blood and stares at Izuna with disbelief.

"How are you so powerful? I have already reached the peak of humanity with all eight gates open. How can you still survive an attack from me and even wound me to this extent with just a single punch?"

"Peak of humanity?!"

Izuna shakes his head.

"Your technique is flawed. Your grasp of eight gates is flawed. Your circulation of chakra is flawed and even your use of your chakra is flawed. You don't even have a proper technique to use that powerful strength granted by the opening of all gates. And you boast that you have reached the peak of humanity? I already someone who can use Eight gates to its full extent with a heart of resolve."

A figure of Guy flashes in Izuna's mind. He shakes his head and turns to Roen, who is struggling to contain all the dark chakra and negative emotions.

"Just hold on for a little longer! I have found the core of this Fuinjutsu formation."

Izuna slowly floats up and flies towards a wall.


He shatters a hole in the wall and flies deeper into the temple.

"Damn you! How can you leave like that after ridiculing my lifelong dream and hard work?"

Shinnō clenches his fist and channels the dark chakra through his body.


Dark red lightning flickers across his body. He pukes another mouthful of blood as his body shrivels and his hair turns gray.

His eye sockets turn hollow and his muscles deflate. Shinnō turns into a bag of bones as the side-effect of forcefully using the Eight Gates kicks in.

The previous attack from Izuna disrupted his flow of chakra, shattering the balance of dark chakra and the Eight Gate. However, the powerful energy of the dark chakra helped him survive the backlash, albeit at a cost.


Shinnō slams his fists on the ground as he stares at his pathetic state.

"Why? Why? Why did this happen to me? I… I just wanted to avenge my country. I just… I just wanted to pay back for the injustice suffered by my people."

Shinnō wallows in sorrow as the girls silently stare at him.

"I feel sorry for him!"

Hanabi, who is the most emotional out of them remarks.

"Save your pity for someone else. He is not worth it!"

Ayaka shakes her head and points towards Amaru.

"He is paying for all the misdeeds he did in his life. This is his retribution, his karma!"

"Ayaka is right!" Yakumo shakes her head as she recalls her own life.

'Perhaps I would have followed a similar path if I didn't meet my team.'


The trio is startled by a sudden roar.

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