Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 330: Side Arc Part-5: Konoha 12 vs Gang of Four Part-2

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A large cloud of white smoke rises behind the group.


A gigantic demonic bull leaps out from the summoning circle. The black bull has giant curved horns. There is a giant reverse pentagram seal on its forehead.

Multiple horizontal curse marks run across its girth.


The giant bull stomps its hooves on the ground.

Crack… crack…

The ground splits apart, and a large rift opens beneath them.


The group jumps in the air and avoids falling in the rift.

Swish… swish…

Sasuke quickly makes some hand signs.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

He shoots out a giant fireball towards the bull.

The fireball explodes on top of the bull and covers its dark black fur with flames.

"It's my turn, Dattebyo!"

Naruto takes a deep breath and makes some hand signs.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"


Naruto exhales a large vortex of wind from his mouth. The vortex slams into the bull and forms a giant fire hurricane.

Naruto's and Sasuke's combination jutsu slow down the momentum of the giant bull.


The giant bull opens its mouth and sucks the fire hurricane inside.

"What the…?"

Naruto's eyes widen in shock.

"He ate my jutsu!"

Naruto points at the bull with trembling hands.


The trio summons more demonic creatures.

Rumble… rumble…

A gigantic demonic sandworm erupts from the ground. Its entire body is covered in a rock-like dark shell.

There is a giant reverse pentagram seal on the belly of the sandworm. Multiple vertical stripped curse seals run across its entire body.

Dark Purple Fumes rise from its body. The sandworm opens its giant mouth.

Pittar… Pattar…

Its mouth is filled with many razor-sharp teeth.


Lightning flickers through the sandworm's mouth.

Bzzt… BOOM…

It shoots a dense beam of lightning towards the group. Bolts of lightning flicker across its body.

The lightning beam incinerates the sand and turns it into the glass.


The beam travels in a straight line and leaves a trail of destruction in its wake.


The Konoha 12 gulps their saliva as they warily look at the sandworm.

"It's not over yet!"

Shikamaru points towards the summoning seal, which is still glowing brightly.


A gigantic scorpion leaps out from the summoning circle. Dark green fumes rise from its mouth and stinger. Its body is covered with a thick armored shell. There is a reverse pentagram seal on the back of the scorpion.

Clang… clang…

The scorpion waves its gigantic deadly pincers.


He inserts the pincers in the ground, and the pincers vibrate at a very high frequency.

Rumble… rumble…

Multiple blocks of the earth rise from the ground. The giant scorpion waves its pincers and directs them towards the group.

Chirp… chii…

Lighting flickers through Kakashi's palm.

"Chidori Current"

Kakashi creates an electrical discharge in the surrounding area. He channels the lightning through the ground.


The lighting instantly travels through the ground and attacks the pincers of the scorpion.


The gigantic scorpion digs out its pincers and waves them in the air to disperse the lightning.

"No effect!" Kakashi raises an eyebrow.

Haha… Ahaha…

"Brother! I have been itching to have a go at them."

Gitai dusts his knuckles and leaps in the air. He has a wide smile on his face.

"I will take care of that green cucumber!"

He smashes its giant body towards Guy.

Flap… Flap…

Setsuna flaps its wings and leaps in the air.

"Then leave these bunch of kids to me!" Shizuku zooms across the battlefield.

"Hey! Who are you calling a kid?"

Swish… swish…

Naruto and Sasuke make some hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu"

"Summoning Jutsu"


A giant cloud of white smoke rises in front of them.

"What's the matter, brat? Why would you bother me during my afternoon nap?"

A giant toad with dull, rusty red skins appears on the battlefield. There is a scar over its left eye, and its tongue has a series of stud-like piercings.

The toad wears a Happi vest with kanji 'Ebi' on its back. There is a giant dosu blade tied to its waist.

"Boss! I need your help."

Naruto points towards the three giant demonic summons.


Gamabunta frowns as he stares at the summons.

"Demonic creatures!"

"Yes, boss! These guys summoned them." Naruto jumps on top of Gamabunta.

"Let's beat them up, boss!"


Gamabunta sheathes his giant dosu blade and clashes with the black scorpion.


Sasuke summons a giant blue snake with light green eyes.

"At your service, Master Sasuke!"

The snake politely greets Sasuke.

"Aoda! Let's deal with that giant worm."

He jumps on top of Aoda as the latter slithers towards the giant sandworm.

Naruto and Sasuke occupy a summon each.


Gitai slams on top of Guy.


Guy performs a somersault and dodges his attack.

"Kakashi! Leave this giant man to me!"

Guy engages with Gitai.


Lightning flickers through Kakashi's palm.

"Purple Chidori Senbon"

He shoots a barrage of purple lightning senbons at Setsuna, who is flying in the air.

"Wind Release: Divine Wind"

Setsuna's fangs parts open and he spews out multiple tornadoes from his mouth.


The lightning senbons clashes with the wind tornadoes and dispel them.

"I will handle this guy. Asuma, Kurenai! Take care of the woman."

"I am already on it!"


Asuma infuses wind chakra in his trench knives.

"Flying Swallow"

Slash… clang…

He slashes them at the fast-moving shadow of Shizuku.

Clang… clang…

Asuma skillfully deflects all of Shizuku's fast slashes.

"Huh?! You can deflect my ultra-fast attacks."

Shizuku pauses and stares at Asuma with surprise.

"Let me see how long will you last against my lightning-fast attacks. Ahaha… Haha…"

On the other side of the battlefield,


The giant bull slams its hooves on the ground and charges towards the rest of the group.

"I will try to block this bull!"

Munch… Munch…

Choji takes out some chakra pills from his pocket. He quickly swallows them.

"Partial Expansion Jutsu"

Choji infuses chakra arms in his arms and expands them to a massive size.


He jumps in front of the bull and grabs its horns with giant arms.


The momentum of the bull pushes him back. Choji's arms tremble in pain as he struggles to hold the bull.

"Guys! GUYS! I need some help here! I don't think I will be able it back for long."

"Akamaru and I are on it!"

Kiba holds Akamaru and takes a horse stance.

"Man-Beast Ultimate Taijutsu: Fang Over Fang"

Both of them rapidly rotate their bodies and slam into the bull from both sides.

"I will lend a hand too!"

Rock lee clenches his fists.

"Eight Inner Gates: Gate of Life: Open!"

Lee directly opens the third gate.

Bang… bang… bang…

Lee rapidly kicks the air and gains altitude. He stops in mid-air and dives while spinning. Rapid currents of wind form around his body.

"One-Man Front Lotus"


He lands a blow on the girth of the giant bull.

Crack… crack…

Ground cracks beneath the bull as it lies flat on the ground. A giant dent forms on its back.

Huff… Huff…

Lee breathes heavily as he performs a somersault and returns.

"Did we get it?"

He warily stares at the giant bull.


The giant bull roars in anger. Its eyes turn red and dark purple flames rise from its body.


It slams its hooves on the ground and releases a powerful shock wave.

Kiba, Lee, and Choji cross their arms as they are pushed back by the shock waves.

Dark purple flames spread across the ground. The bull channels the flames through its horns and charges towards the group.

At the sidelines,

The security squad of Hachou village wryly stares at the Konoha's ninjas fighting against the demons.

"Are these the demons who attacked the Tonika village?"

One of the guards gulps his saliva.

"I am afraid if they attacked our Hachou village then it will suffer the same fate as the Tonika village."

The village chief stares at them with trepidation.

"Shall we assist them?"

Shiseru asks the village chief with hesitation clear in her tone.

"We can't fight them! These demons are way too powerful. I am afraid we will get in their way!"

The village chief shakes his head.

Up in the air,

Kusuna stares at the battle and nods his head with satisfaction. He turns towards the Hachou villagers.

"There are too many insects here. Let me thin their numbers first!"


The two-faced bird waves its wings and launches a barrage of its steel-like feathers towards the group.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Hinata and Neji jump in front of the group.

"Gentle Fist: Eight Trigrams: Palm Revolving Heaven"

Both of them rapidly spin in front of the group and release chakra from their tenketsu points and form a barrier to shield the group.

Clang… clang…

They easily deflect all the steel feathers.


Kusuna clicks his tongue. He makes more hand signs and infuses chakra in the bird.

The bird parts its beak wide open.

Crackle… crackle…

Lightning condenses in between its beak and forms two giant yellow lightning balls.

"Lightning Release: Divine Punishment"

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