Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 269: Preparation for the Battle

While Tatsuya is being bullied by Shisui and Itachi, Izuna approaches Sasuke.

"Let's go and pick Boruto. Tsunade must have fixed him by now."

"Alright!" Sasuke covers his face.

"You don't have to. I have cast an illusion on you to protect your identity."

"I just want to add another layer of assurance," Sasuke replies.

"Well, do whatever you see fit!"


Both of them flickers and arrive at Konoha hospital.

"Oh! Izuna-kun! It has been a long time since I last saw you."

Sayori greets him.

"Sayori-san! It surely has been a while." Izuna nods his head.

Sayori turns to Sasuke.

"Oh! You must be the person who left that child yesterday." Sayori recognizes Sasuke's outline.

"Yes, that's me."

"Good! Tsunade-san is currently waiting for you in ward number 5," Sayori informs them and returns to her work.

"Let's go!"

Izuna and Adult Sasuke enter Ward 5.

Tsunade is using the Mystic Palm technique to heal Boruto.


The door opens up and Sasuke and Izuna enter the room.

Tsunade turns around and notices Sasuke and Izuna.

"Why am I not surprised that this kid was involved with you?"

Tsunade has a stern expression on her face.

Eh… Hehe…

Izuna scratches his head in embarrassment.

"Do you know this kid could have died if left untreated for another day?" Tsunade glares at him.

She turns to Sasuke.

"You are his guardian, right?! What kind of guardian are you? You can't even take care of a little brat?"

"This… I am sorry. I will keep it in mind." Sasuke lowers his head.


Tsunade snorts and turns to Izuna. She stretches her palm in front of Izuna.

"My payment?!"

"Heh?!" Izuna stares at her in confusion.

"Don't you dare tell me you forgot your promise?"

"Ah! Right! Right!"

Izuna takes out a wine bottle and passes it to her.

"Good!" Tsunade nods her head in satisfaction.


She stores the bottle in her storage bracelet.

Izuna's expression turns serious, and he speaks in a solemn tone.

"Tsunade! I am going to summon Konoha members of In-Yō. It's an emergency. A powerful enemy has appeared."

"What?! I will immediately inform them."

Tsunade rushes out of the hospital without any delay.

Aw… Aw…

"My head hurts."

Boruto slowly opens his eyes. Sasuke and Izuna appear in front of him.

"How are you feeling?" Izuna asks him.

"I am feeling slightly dizzy and nauseous. It's like I ate too much Thunder chili burger and drank a lot of hot habaneros shake on top of that."

Pfft… Haha…

Izuna burst out in laughter.

"That's Naruto's son for you. He is even more of an idiot than I expected."

"Oye! Who are you calling an idiot? And I am not like my dad, I am much smarter than him." Boruto grumbles.


"I am sorry on behalf of Naruto!" Sasuke lowers his head in embarrassment.


"That's fine too. Let him meet with a younger version of future pillars of Konoha. He will surely learn a lot and perhaps it might change his view of them." Izuna proposes.

"Eh? I don't think it's a good idea." Sasuke has a reluctant expression.

"Just let him be." Izuna waves his hand.

"Fine!" Sasuke relents in.

He instructs Boruto with a lot of do's and don'ts.

"Alright! Alright! I understand. I am eager to try a thunder chili burger of this era."

Izuna rolls his eyes.

"You really think that exists?"

"Heh! It's not around?" Boruto anxiously asks him.

"Where do you think it is? Do you expect a McDonald's or Burger King here?" Izuna chuckles.

"Wow! That sounds like a place I would like to go to."

Boruto salivates a little.

"Alright! I will summon Naruto and send this punk to Ichiraku."

Izuna summons a little eagle and sends it to inform Naruto. Both of them drop Boruto at Ichiraku with Naruto and enter the headquarter of In-Yō.

"Why I am stuck with a noisy brat like this?" Naruto complains.

"Shut up! You took the word out of my mouth." Boruto grumbles.

"Aah! Mo! I can't handle this brat!" Naruto grabs Boruto's collar.

"Huh?! You want to duke it out." Boruto grabs Naruto's collar.

"Go! Go! Naruto Nii-san and Onion haired boy."

Ayaka is sitting on a nearby fence as she cheers for them.

"Huh?! Aunt Ayaka?!" Boruto turns to Ayaka.

"Hmph… who are you calling an aunt? Naruto Nii-san! Beat him up." Ayaka angrily glares at Boruto.


At In-Yō headquarter,

Whoosh… whoosh…

Tsunade, Minato, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Itachi, and Shisui arrive at the headquarter.

"Hmm… where is Guy? And why is this pervert here?" Izuna raises an eyebrow.

"Guy is out on a mission with his Genin team. As for Jiraiya, he was fooling around near hot springs; so, I dragged him along." Tsunade shakes her head.

"Huh?! You have a problem with me, brat!"

Jiraiya glares at Izuna.

"No, on the contrary; it's good that you came here." Izuna has a smile on his face.

'Now, I can dump Boruto on him for babysitting.'

"What?! Why do I feel like something is fishy here?" Jiraiya has a crooked expression.

"Anyway, I summoned you here because a powerful enemy is on its way to Konoha."

Izuna starts the meeting.

"He is so powerful that the likes of his power are never seen before." Izuna has a grim expression.

Minato senses the meaning behind Izuna's words.

"Don't tell me, he is one of those otherworldly beings."

"Yes, he is!" Izuna nods his head.

"Then that's really a worst-case scenario." Minato clenches his fist.

"Otherworldly being? What's his objective?" Kakashi raises a question.

"It's not what? It's who!" Izuna corrects him.

"Do you mean he is targeting someone?" Tsunade chimes in.

"Yes, this time the target is Naruto. NO! To be more accurate, it's Nine-tails sealed inside Naruto."

"What?! Someone is targeting me." A projection of Yin Kurama appears in front of the group.


The group gasps in astonishment.

"It's the other half of the Nine-tails. Don't worry! He is docile, he won't bite anyone." Izuna calms them down.

"Oye! Who do you think am I? A dog?" Nine-tails growls at him.

"Well! It's scientifically proven that foxes too are a part of the dog family. So, my point stands." Izuna states as a matter of fact.

"You bastard! Don't test my patience. I am the great Nine-tails fox, the Kyubi-sama!" Yin Kurama flashes his sharp canines.

"Alright! Alright! I don't have time to bicker with you." Izuna shrugs him off and turns to the group.

He takes out a scroll from his pocket and passes it to the group.

"This is the intel on the abilities of the enemy. It's not a hundred percent accurate, but this is what we have for now."


All of them read the scroll one by one and their expression turns grim.

"What's the deal with him? He is so insanely powerful!" Jiraiya complains.

"He can easily raze our village to dust. What kind of calamity has befallen on Konoha?" Minato rubs his forehead.

"I am afraid, we are no match for him." Shisui shakes his head.

"He can learn people's jutsus just by absorbing their chakra. What else he could be, if not a monster?" Kakashi agrees with the rest.

"But we can't hand Naruto just like that. Naruto is a member of our family." Itachi argues.

"Yeah! You are right! I finally got a second chance to be with my son. I won't give it so easily." Minato has a resolute expression.

Izuna and Adult Sasuke watch them from the sidelines.

"So, Izuna-kun! What's the plan?" Minato turns to him.

"The plan is simple. Since we have an advantage of a preemptive strike, we will lure him into a trap and deal with him." Izuna formulates a plan.

"It's simpler said than done. What kind of trap can hold a monster like him?" Jiraiya argues.

"Actually, I know of such a trap. It's just that it will take lots of time to set it up." Izuna takes out another scroll from his pocket and passes it to Minato.

"Minato-san! What do you think of this Fuinjutsu seal?"


Minato opens the scroll and inspects the seal for a while.

"It's… it's incredible. I have never seen such a powerful seal before." Minato passes the scroll to Izuna and shakes his head.

"It's just that, it's not feasible with our current means. First, it requires a large amount of chakra. Also, the chakra should be of high quality.

Then, there is the issue with the creation of this seal. It will take us a very long time to set it up. Even if we set it up, we should be able to lure him to the trap."

Minato shakes his head in dismay.

"I will take care of the later part." Sasuke walks from the shadows. His face is covered with a cloak.

"He is?!"

The group turns to Izuna.

"He is a member." Izuna brushes it aside.

"As for the first problem, this should be enough?"

Izuna takes out a scroll from his pocket and slams his palm on the seal.


A large amount of crystal-clear chakra ores appears in front of them.

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