Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 262: Who is the strongest Shinobi?

"Yo Boruto! Everyone!"

A spectacled boy with dark eyes and black chin-length hair tied in atop-knot waves at them.

"Oh Denki! You came right on time."

Boruto grabs Denki's hand and thrusts the card in his hand.

"Look… Look… Isn't this card too broken?"

"Let me see." Denki takes a peek at the card.

"SSXR rarity card. No way!"

Denki gasps in astonishment.

"Boruto!! Do you know how lucky you are?" Denki almost yells in Boruto's ears.

"Eh! Is that so?" Boruto and the rest of the group curiously stare at him for answers.

"Ahem! Let me explain." Denki adjusts his spectacles.

"I am sure all of you know that my father's Kaminarimon company produces these cards…"


The group nods their head.

"Since my father's company produces these cards, their rarity and number are also determined by my father."

"That makes sense." Shikadai nods his head.

"So, needless to say, the cards with the higher rarity rating are very low in number." Denki continues.

"Yeah! That's true. I only have 12 SSR rarity cards even after spending all my pocket money for 5 years." Boruto grumbles.

"What about the money you borrowed from me?" Sarada glares at him.

"Yes! During the production of these cards, we decided on a fixed ratio for the number of cards. For example, almost 90 percent of cards produced are of N rarity, 7 percent of the cards are of R rarity, 2 percent of the cards are of S rarity, 0.995 percent of the cards are of SR rarity and 0.005 percent of the cards are of SSR rarity. This ratio will stay fixed no matter how many cards are produced in the future." Denki reveals the production secret to them.

"No wonder, I can only get 12 SSR cards in 5 years," Boruto complains.

"No! There is more to it." Shikadai shakes his head.

"With such a meager number, it would be a miracle if you even managed to get even a single SSR card, much less twelve. There is something else in play here." Shikadai speculates.

"Wow! As expected of Shikadai." Denki nods his head in praise.

He looks around and places a hand near his mouth as he whispers to them.

"This is a secret. So don't tell to anyone or I will get in trouble!"

"Don't worry! You can trust us." Boruto pats Denki's shoulder.

"Since my father is the owner of the company, he decided to sell a percentage of packs with SSR cards exclusively in Konoha. Also, this SSXR card is very, very rare. It's so rare that only 5 of such cards will be ever made." Denki whispers to them.

"Woah! Isn't that a bit unfair?" Boruto grumbles.

"Ssshhh!" Denki places a finger on his lips.

"Do you want other villages to get all your SSR cards?"

"No! Never!" Boruto frantically shakes his head.

"So this is the reason why only three packs are allowed per person per day." Shikadai nods his head in understanding.

"Yeah, kind of!" Denki scratches his head.

"Still, I am so envious. Even I couldn't get that SSXR rarity card." He grumbles.

Boruto picks the card and stares at Izuna's picture in sunlight.

"He looks just like Tatsuya Nii-san."

"Of course, he is. He is Tatsuya Nii-san's dad." Sarada rolls her eyes.


Boruto's expression turns serious, and he turns to Sarada.

"Hey, Sarada! You are an Uchiha and lives in the Uchiha compound. Do you know anything about Uncle Izuna? I mean… he is the only person with an SSXR card. Not even dad and uncle Sasuke have such a card given how strong they are."

"Hmm… Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Let's visit Grandpa Akira and Grandma Aiko. They will tell us more about Uncle Izuna." Sarada suggests.

"Can I come with you?" Chocho hurriedly stuffs the remaining pieces of meat in her mouth.

"Me too… Me too…" the rest of the group also insists.

"Fine! All of you follow me." Sarada shakes her head.


Later in the evening,

"Bye, everyone!" Boruto waves his hand and dashes towards his house.

"Woah! I never expected uncle Izuna to be so incredible. But why does nobody know about him and where he is now?" Various questions pop in his head.

"Even Grandpa Akira didn't mention it when I asked him. Let me ask mom. She must know something." Boruto hops over to his house.

"Boruto Onii-chan! You are back." Himawari waves her hand.

"Oi Brat! You are back."

A spectacled woman with crimson eyes and red hair walks out of the house.

"Oh! Aunt Karin. When did you come?" Boruto panics a little.

"Huh, Boruto! This is how you greet your aunt." Karin grumbles and pulls Boruto's ear.

"Aw… Aw… That hurts." Boruto rubs his ear.

"Aunt! Where is mom?" Boruto asks Karin.

"You looking for me, Boruto!" Hinata walks out of the kitchen.

"Oh! My Boruto-chan is back. Give Grandma a hug!"

Kushina walks out of the kitchen and bear hugs Boruto.

"Aww… why do I feel like I live with a bunch of barbarians?" He silently mumbles to himself.

"Ara… did you say something?" Kushina has a smile on her face as her hair rises in the air.


"No! I didn't say anything." Boruto gulps his saliva.

"That's good then. Go and wash. Dinner will be ready soon."

After half an hour later,


"That hit the spot." Boruto relaxes on the couch.

"You sound like Dad!" Himawari giggles.

"No! I am not an old man!" Boruto grumbles.

He turns to Hinata and Kushina.

"Mom! Grandma! Who is the most powerful shinobi to exist ever?" Boruto expectantly stares at them for an answer.

Ah!… Ah! Hinata, Kushina, and Karin's expressions freeze as they hear this question.

"Boruto! Why the sudden question?" Kushina curiously asks him.

"It's because of this." Boruto takes out Izuna's card from his pocket.


Hinata, Kushina, and Karin reads the details and shake their head.

"These stats. They are an understatement of his true power."

"What?!" Boruto's eyes widen in surprise.

"The… then! That means Uncle Izuna is way more powerful than this." He asks in trepidation.

"Of course!" Kushina nods her head.

"Don't you agree, Tatsuya-chan!" Kushina raises her head and stares at the ceiling.


The space in front of them trembles and a person appears in front of them.

The newcomer greatly resembles Izuna except for his hairs which are a little bit different.

"Tatsuya Nii-san!" Boruto is shocked to see him.

"Why are you sneaking around here?" He asks Tatsuya.

"Sneaking?!" Tatsuya rolls his eyes.


He bonks Boruto's head.

"You brat! I am doing my duty as an Anbu. I am the bodyguard of Hokage and his family." Tatsuya shakes his head.

He acts as if Boruto's words hurt him greatly.

"This boy!" Kushina rolls her eyes.

"Not only his looks, but even his personality is similar to his father."


Tatsuya clears his throat and remarks.

"Boruto! If you want to know how powerful my dad is. Then let me tell you, he single-handedly ended the Fourth Shinobi war." He has a proud expression on his face as he describes Izuna's feats.

'It's nothing. Father even stopped the invasion of Gods.'

Boruto turns to Hinata for confirmation.

"Mmm…" Hinata nods her head.

"Woah! Incredible! Uncle Izuna is really incredible. Tell me… tell me! Where he is? I want to train under him."

Boruto asks in excitement.


Tatsuya's expression changes as a tint of sorrow and sadness appears in his eyes.

Kushina notices the sorrow in Tatsuya's eyes.

'Poor child! He is just like Naruto! Naruto spent the first ten years of his life without his parent. Tatsuya spent the later ten years of life without Izuna.'

"Boruto! Your Uncle Izuna is on an SSS-Rank mission. A mission only he can do. Since it's a secret, every information related to him is hidden. This is the reason the kids of your generation know little about him. As for us, Izuna Nii-san was our idol. He was our hero!" Karin has an infatuated expression on her face.


Kushina clears her throat.

"It's getting late. Your father and grandfather are already here." She interrupts the conversation.

"We are back!"

Minato's and Naruto's voice rings in their ears.

"Welcome back! Grandpa! Dad!"

Himawari dashes towards the door.

"Oh! It's Hima-chan!" Minato picks her up and Naruto tickles her face.

"My Hima-chan is the best. Look how much she loves dad!"

Naruto pampers Himawari.


A/N:- Bonus chapter in morning!

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