Outside Sunagakure,


A tall figure with an Onii-mask flicker in front of the entrance. The figure has long orange hairs draped over her shoulders.

"The time has come."

The figure clenches her fist and enters Suna.

"Is this what you want?"

An old voice falls in her ears.

"Who is there?"

The figure jumps back and turns towards the source of the voice.

Ebizo calmly walks out and confronts the figure.

"Tell me, is it really necessary? Do you want to exact revenge on your home?"

He stands in front of the figure and looks at the figure in the eyes.

The masked figure stops and confronts him as she stays silent.

"I won't ask you to stop. But I don't want you to involve innocent people in your revenge."

Ebizo calmly closes his eyes.

"I won't make a promise, but if someone interfered in my revenge, then they will suffer my wrath."


The figure enters deeper into Sunagakure.

"So… that's your answer."

Ebizo closes his eyes as a teardrop falls from them.

"Perhaps if only I acted my part as the leader of Suna council, then this tragedy could have been prevented."


A series of explosions occur inside the village as it set many houses on orange flames. Smoke and fire pour out from them.

Whoosh… whoosh…

Multiple Sand Shinobis gather around Ebizo as they wait for his instructions.

"Honored Grandfather! The village is under attack. The enemy is targeting the elders of the village. We are waiting for your orders to neutralize the enemy."

One of the Jounin leader bows in front of Ebizo.

"Just leave it be."

Ebizo waves his hand.

"It has been a while since we did some cleaning in Suna. The rats have overpopulated the village."

The fire dyes the evening sky with a red hue.


The Onii-masked figure reappears at the entrance with two unconscious bodies in her hands.

"That's Elder Tojuro and Elder Yura."

The eyes of the rest of the shinobis widen in surprise.

Swoosh… swoosh…

They hurriedly jump in front of the figure and blocks the entrance.


Ebizo waves his hand to stop them.

"They got what they deserve and besides, none of you are a match for her."

"But… but… that's the members of the Suna council."

A few shinobis resist.

"And I am the head of the Suna council." Ebizo stares at them with a stern expression.

"YES! Honored Grandfather."

The shinobis turn tame as they allow the figure to leave Suna.

"Take care, Sensei!"

A silent whisper falls in Ebizo's ears.

"You too, child."

Ebizo closes his eyes as the figure of the intruder vanishes into the desert.

He slowly reopens them and turns towards the rest of his men.

"Investigate the remains of the properties of Elder Tojuro and Elder Yura. You will get your answers."


He flickers towards his house.

'Chiyo! I hope you won't make any foolish decisions. I still want to see that clumsy smile of yours.'


An enormous explosion occurs at the entrance of Suna. The explosion blows away the outer gate.

Ebizo slowly turns around and notices a giant green humanoid figure swinging a giant Katana at the entrance.

"This is…"

His eyes widen in horror as the memories of the era before the First Shinobi War freshen up in his mind.

"This is Susanoo. The power of Madara Uchiha, what's it doing here?"


The giant humanoid swings its sword again and cleaves a hill guarding the entrance.

"It's an enemy attack. Quick, we have to stop him."

The guards gather at the entrance as they make hand signs.

"Wind Release: Wind Bullet"

"Earth Release: Sand Buster"

"Water Release: Water Bullet"

The shinobis make multiple hand signs as they fire one jutsu after another at the giant monster.


The Susanoo swings its sword and repels the attack. With another swing of its sword, it easily incapacitates the guards.

"The Sand will pay for its crimes. Nothing will stand in my way."

Shisui roars as he enters in the Sunagakure.

Swish… swish…

Multiple kunais with paper bombs bombard the Susanoo.

Bang… Bang…

Multiple minor explosions occur on top of the Susanoo as smoke and dust cover their vision.

"Did we get him?" One of the Suna jounin gulps his saliva.

"We did, right?" Another jounin warily stares at the smoke.


A giant green blade greets them as it destroys the hill hiding them.


Ebizo flickers in front of the Susanoo.


He raises his hands to stop Shisui.


Shisui notices Elder Ebizo and stops his assault.

"Are you a member of the Suna council?"

The Susanoo stretches its arms in an attempt to grab him.

"Yes, I am. I am the leader of the Suna council."

Ebizo nods his head.

"Then that makes it one down."

The Susanoo grabs Ebizo with one of its arms and continues to walk deeper.

"Wait! Listen to me first."

Ebizo tries to reason with Shisui.

"What do you want me to listen? It's because of you that my big brother, his wife, and my little sister are in a comma. How can I forgive your sins?

You Suna shinobi waged war on Konoha with no thought of retaliation from our side. In a war, the destruction is mutual."

Shisui angrily stares at Ebizo as his Mangekyo revolves.

"No… no… I didn't mean to stop you. Just listen to what I have to say." Ebizo shakes his head as he pleads to Shisui.

"Fine… speak up." Shisui relents as he releases his grip.


Ebizo points towards the burning houses in the Sunagakure.

"The culprits have already been punished."

He explains the entire series of events to Shisui.

"Onii-mask, you say?" Shisui dispels his Susanoo as he stands in front of Ebizo.

"Yes!" Ebizo nods his head.


'Nii-san once mentioned the separate branch of his team, which works in shadows. Perhaps it is the work of one of the members of that group.'

"Very well…"

Shisui nods his head and flickers out of Sunagakure.


In the skies near Sunagakure,

A giant hawk is quickly approaching Sunagakure. Itachi stands atop his hawk summon as he gazes at the entrance of Sunagakure.

The dilapidated entrance appears in his vision.

"This must be the work of Shisui Nii-san!"

The hawk lowers its altitude as Itachi jumps from it.


A figure flickers out from the entrance of Sunagakure.

"Huh! Is that Shisui Nii-san?"

Itachi notices Shisui walking out of Sunagakure.


He flickers towards Shisui and unites with him.



In an underground hideout near Land of Ancestors,

A black rift opens in space as Jigen falls from it.

Cough… cough…

He coughs out some blood as purple lighting continues to flicker over his body.

"I never expected him to possess such a technique. I let down my guard."

Cough… cough…

Jigen rests against his throne as he coughs more blood.

"At this rate, this body will fail before I could even complete my Kama awakening. I need to recover from this grievous injury. Izuna Uchiha! I will remember this."

Jigen tightly clenches his fists.

Pitter Patter…

Jigen raises his head as he hears some footsteps.

"Amado! You are here."

"Yes, Leader."

Amado adjusts his spectacles as he notices Jigen's condition.

"You are in terrible shape. Let me take a look."

Amado approaches Jigen.

"No! This is not something you can deal with. Cough… cough…"

Jigen coughs again as the purple lightning continues to corrode his body.

"I will take care of it on my own." He shakes his head.


Jigen's right eye changes into his Dojutsu.

He opens a spatial rift as a juvenile ten-tails appears in his vision.

"I have to draw chakra from the ten-tails to recover my body. It will take some time, so proceed all plans without me. Whoosh…"

He enters inside the portal and disappears from Amado's vision.

Amado adjusts his spectacles.

"Now… now… that's interesting."

He strolls out of the room and enters a lab with many large capsules filled with nutritional fluid. Several test subjects are floating in these capsules.

"Izuna Uchiha! Quite an interesting man."

He picks up a report with the information of Kama seal.

"Otsutsuki clan! A clan of God-like beings. They possess the power to shape worlds and even destroy them."

He picks up a map as it turns to ashes in his hand.

"What are they searching for in this vast world? Why they are desperately seeking more power despite possessing such god-like abilities?"

Amado raises his head as he stares at a bulletin board with a map pinned on it.

"If they can help me achieve my aim, then I am ready to betray humanity."

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