Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 212: Truth Behind First Hokage’s Death


Izuna draws his chakra blade and points it towards the cloaked figure. He infuses Light release chakra through the blade as the blade hums with a brilliant blue glow and radiates an enormous amount of heat.

"Swift Release: Sonic Steps"


Izuna disappears from his position and reappears behind the cloaked figure.


He swings the sword near the cloaked figure's neck, aiming to slice it quickly.


The figure turns his head and blinks.


Izuna's blade disappears from his hand.

"What the?"


The cloaked figure performs a round-house kick and swats Izuna away like a fly.


Izuna blocks the kick with his arm as it sends him flying.


The bones in his arms crack.


Izuna performs a somersault midair to regain his balance.

'It will take a little time to heal this injury.'

He ignores the pain and stares at the cloaked figure.

"I have figured out your identity, Jigen!"

Izuna remarks as he waits for the cloaked figure's reaction.

'Earlier… he used a unique jutsu to shrink the size of objects without making any hand signs. I had my doubts when he shrank my fireball and later, he used his ability again to shrink my sword.

I was able to notice the change because of the microscopic vision of my Sharingan.'


Izuna's eyes turn into Mangekyo Sharingan as he draws another blade from his pocket.

'If I remember correctly, his ability can't shrink living objects.'


Izuna bites his thumb and makes some hand signs.

'I never expected, I would have to resort to this failed technique of mine.'

"Fuinjutsu: Blood Carnate Sword"

Blood drips from his thumb and coalesces into a giant sphere in front of him.

Swoosh… swoosh…

Multiple fuinjutsu seals bind the blood sphere and shape it into a sword.

Izuna grabs the sword and confronts Jigen.

Jigen removes his cloak. He has a shaved head with a long mohawk of black hair tied in a long ponytail reaching his lower back.

Jigen has pronounced eye ridges void of brows, a broad nose, and a diamond shape Kama seal mark on his chin and Roman numerical IV tattooed below his left eye.

"YOU! How do you know my name?"


Jigen riles up his chakra as he exerts pressure on Izuna with his chakra. A wave of chakra is released from his body.


The chakra wave travels outward and pushes Izuna away.



Edo-Hashirama stops in his tracks as the chakra pulse hits him.


Hashirama struggles to break off from Orochimaru's control.


Orochimaru feels Hashirama's resistance. His expression turns ugly.

"I didn't expect this. His Will is way too strong."

Orochimaru makes some hand signs to control Hashirama.

Crack… crack…

Cracks appear on Hashirama's body as he breaks free from Orochimaru's control.


Jiraiya stares at Hashirama with wide-eyes.

"Lo… Lord First! Are you in control?"


Hashirama waves his hand as he struggles to get his motor sense.

"Yes, it's me. I am back in control. But it will take me a while to control my body."

Hashirama continues to attack Jiraiya.

"That's a relief. We have to stop Orochimaru from further waging destruction on the village."

Jiraiya anxiously turns towards Hashirama as he repels his attacks.

"No… I need to talk about something more important. I trust in Saru's abilities."

Hashirama's expression turns serious.


Jiraiya gulps his saliva as he stops.

Hashirama turns towards the direction of Izuna's and Jigen's battle.

"Who is the person fighting against that monk?" Hashirama points his finger towards Izuna.

Jiraiya notices Izuna fighting against the cloaked figure. He is unable to see the face of the figure.

"That is Izuna-kun… I mean Izuna Uchiha. He is a disciple of your Granddaughter Tsunade."

Jiraiya informs Hashirama.

"You mean Tsuna…"

"Yes." Jiraiya nods his head.

"I am her old teammate, Jiraiya. Together with Tsunade and that guy Orochimaru; we learned under the guidance of Sarutobi Sensei."

"I see." Hashirama nods his head as he continues to fight with Jiraiya.

"He is fighting evenly against that monster… but I don't think he has a chance to win."

Hashirama murmurs to himself.

"Huh! Did you say something?" Jiraiya asks Hashirama as he blocks another attack.

"Tell me more about the Uchiha boy?"


Jiraiya scratches his head as he informs Hashirama.

"That Uchiha boy is a genius. A one of kind genius. He became a genin at the age of 5, chunnin by 8. At the age of 8, he partook in the Third Ninja War and earned a name for himself…"

Jiraiya narrates Izuna's feats.

"No matter what the era, conflicts, and wars always exist." Hashirama shakes his head.

"Perhaps my old friend was right. Maybe I was too naïve back then. I found Konoha to prevent young children from facing the dangers of war, and yet even in this era, the young ones are still exposed to the atrocities of war."


Hashirama sighs as he and Jiraiya continues to battle.

"… later he became an anbu at the age of 10 where he lost his mentor and the village lost its Fourth Hokage." Jiraiya sighs as the memories of Minato and Kushina floods his mind.

"So, who is the current Hokage? If the Fourth died early, then the current Hokage must be Fifth." Hashirama turns to Jiraiya.

"It is Tsunade. She is the Fifth Hokage."

"What? Tsuna… Tsuna is the Fifth Hokage. My VILLAGE!!"

Hashirama clutches his forehead as he enters a depressed state.

"Lord First! We have to stop them from destroying the village." Jiraiya anxiously reminds him.

"I can't do much in my current state. I can't even use half of my strength. This body is too weak to handle my chakra. It will disintegrate if I exert my chakra." Hashirama shakes his head.

He turns towards Izuna's and Jigen's fight.

"What I am more worried about is the outcome of that fight? If that Uchiha boy loses to that Monk, then the village is in far greater danger than what your friend Orochimaru can do!" Hashirama continues to watch the battle.

"In my current state, I would only be a hindrance to that Uchiha boy. Somehow, that boy reminds me of my old friend, Madara. Haha…"

Hashirama chuckles.


Jiraiya silently nods his head.

"Lor… Lord First! Can you tell me more about that person who is fighting against Izuna-kun? You said he is a far greater danger than Orochimaru." Jiraiya inquires.

"He indeed is. Can you tell the cause of my death?" Hashirama asks a weird question.

"Uh!!... Your death. As far as village records, you died fighting in the First Shinobi War. The shinobis of all other nations who considered you as a far greater threat joined hands to assassinate you. They outnumbered you." Jiraiya reveals the facts to Hashirama.

"Haha… those kids from other villages. How could they possess a threat to me? Haha…"

Hashirama chuckles as he shakes his head.


"Then… did you win against them?" Jiraiya raises a question.

"Of course, I did. It was not that great of a challenge. Subduing Madara with Nine-tails was more challenging than that fight." Hashirama laughs.

"Then… then how did you lose your life?" Jiraiya waits for a response.

"Hmm… during the aftermath of the First Shinobi War, when all other villages ganged up on me, I repelled their collective effort and almost ended the war. While on my way to the village, I noticed traces of a strange kind of chakra seeping into the ground.

Out of curiosity, I tracked the traces of chakra…"

Rumble… Rumble…

A shock wave travels through the ground as a giant Susanoo appears in their vision. The Susanoo is silver with golden bracers and has a pair of katanas.

Hashirama pauses as he lifts his head.

"What strong chakra?! This boy is on par with me at such a young age. To fight against him, I would have to resort to Sage Mode to gain equal footing." Hashirama remarks.


Jiraiya's eyes widen from the revelation.

"Lord First… you mean to say that… that boy can rival you in power."

"Yes… he is almost as strong as me during my peak. If he survives this ordeal, then I can rest in peace, knowing the village has such a powerful protector." Hashirama nods his head.

"… anyway, where were we? Ah! Yes… yes. I tracked the traces of the chakra to the Land of Ancestor, which was quite close to the battlefield.

The chakra led to a cavern. I tried to enter the cavern, but there was a strong barrier cast at the entrance of the cavern.

Out of curiosity, I tried to force my way through the barrier, but I felt a sense of danger never like before. Before I could do anything, a black rod pierced through my body. It drained me of my chakra and I lost my consciousness. The last thing I remember was the sinister chakra emitting from the rod."

Hashirama points towards the monk fighting with Izuna.

"The person who is fighting against that Uchiha boy has the same chakra signature I sensed before I was assassinated."

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