"Odour Concealing Bubbles"

The Fat Kusa Ninja rapidly spins his body and launches multiple green bubbles filled with his slimy sweat.

Chojuro turns towards his teammates.

"Renzo takes care of this fat guy while I will fight with that flag guy and Senzo will take care of this mole guy."

Chojuro instructs his team.

Chojuro draws his sword and points it towards the flag Ninja.

"Let's fight."

"This was what I was waiting for. Oryaa…" The Flag adjusts his sunglasses and spins his flag.

"Wind Release: Flag Hurricane"

He creates a long vortex of air which expands into a cylinder and traps Chojuro.

"Not so fast."

The bandages around the blade untie themselves as the blade glows with a brilliant blue light.

"Hiramekarei: Long sword form"

Chojuro infuses a large amount of chakra in the blade and creates a long semi-circular blade.


The blade tears through the vortex and dispels it.

"Eat this."

He swings the blade towards the flag Ninja.


The Kusa Ninja blocks the attack with his flag but is launched in the air. He slams into a nearby tree and passes out.

Huff… huff…

Chojuro breathes heavily as his knee caves on the ground.

"That took most of my chakra. Huff…"

Rumble… Rumble…

The ground beneath Chojuro rumbles as the mole summons slips out of the ground.


It slashes its claw at Chojuro.


A calm voice interrupts them as the Suna Ninja walks out of their hideout.

The leader of the Suna group slams his giant folding fan on the ground as he confronts them. He smirks at them as he lifts his fan.

"Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel Technique"

He creates many wind currents which collides with each other and creates multiple vacuum pockets.

Slash… slash…

The wind current chops nearby trees into multiple logs as it continues to travel towards the Kiri and the Kusa Group.

"Chikyūmaru block the attack."

The Kusa Ninja orders his summons.


The giant mole squeals as its claws shine brightly. It jumps in front of the wind current and attacks them.

Crack… crack…

The wind current collides with the claws and cracks them.

Slash… slash…

The vacuum pockets dice the summon as pieces of its flesh flies around.


Its blood splatters the ground and dyes it red. Chojuro places his sword in front of him and blocks the wind blades.

"NOOOOO!…. Chikyūmaru!" The Kusa Ninja stares at the ground in horror as the flesh of his summon flies around.

"NOOOO!…" He cries in agony as he picks up a kunai and mindlessly dashes towards the Suna ninja.


The Suna Ninja slaps him away with his fan.


The Kusa Ninja slams into a nearby tree and passes out.

"Such pieces of trash. If I had known this earlier, then I won't even have to waste my time waiting for them to finish fighting."

He lazily walks towards the Kusa Flag guy and searches through his belongings.

"Oh! Found it. It is an earth scroll." He slams his fan in excitement.

The Suna Ninja turns towards Chojuro and his group.

"You Kiri trash… hand over your scroll and I might allow you to leave intact."

"Here… take it." Chojuro takes a black scroll from his pocket and throws it at the Suna Ninja.

"Another Earth Scroll. This is hilarious. These bunch of fools were fighting for nothing. Haha…" He laughs maniacally as he pitifully stares at the Kiri group.

"Now get lost from my sight or else I might change my mind."

Chojuro weakly stands and supports his teammates as he walks away from the place.

"Leader, are you going to let them leave this easily?" Hoshio asks him.

"No… I hate these Kiri shinobis to the very core. They plotted against my elder Sister Pakura and killed her. I won't forgive them this easily."

He lifts his giant fan and points it towards the retreating Kiri group.

"Wind Style: Beheading Vacuum Winds"

He infuses a large amount of chakra in his fan and prepares to swing it at the Kiri group.

"Eat this. Rasengan."

Naruto jumps out from behind a bush as he attacks Pakura's brother with a Rasengan.

"What the…"

The expression of Hoshio changes as he stares at Naruto.


Pakura's brother hurriedly turns around and swings his fan at Naruto.


He creates a large narrow blade of wind that travels towards Naruto.


Rasengan and the wind blade collides with each other.


Naruto clicks his tongue as he sub-consciously infuses a small amount of wind chakra in his Rasengan.


The Rasengan rotates slightly and dispels the wind current.

"What?" His eyes widen as Naruto closes the distance.


He blocks the Rasengan with his fan.


Naruto releases the Rasengan as it expands quickly and creates a small wind pressure.


The wind pressure knocks away the fan and sends Pakura's brother flying together with it.


He slams into a nearby tree and skids down.


Hoshio and the other hidden Suna ninja shout his name.

Sasuke and Sakura regroup with Naruto.


Kaito spits out some blood and slowly stands up.


He slams his fan on the ground and faces Naruto and the group.

"KAITO!" The Suna group supports him.

"I am alright… Hoshio, Reo."

He angrily stares at Naruto and the group as he shouts.

"These bastards of Konoha have come to interfere."

Hoshio and Reo take out a kunai as they warily stare at the group.

"Listen! I don't know what's your problem. But what you did earlier wasn't right. It doesn't sit well with me." Naruto confronts Kaito.

"Humph… Who are you to judge my actions? Are you a chunnin or jounin instructor or are you the invigilator of this exam? If they don't have any problem with my actions, then who are you to talk shit here?"

Kaito lifts his fan and points it at Naruto.

"Uhh… who am I again?" Naruto scratches his forehead.


"Naruto!" Sasuke and Sakura facepalms.

"Uhuh… I am Naruto Uzumaki. The coolest and the most badass Ninja ever. You already got their scroll; I won't allow you to harm them anymore."

Naruto points a finger towards Kaito.

"Oh! Then let me see, how will you stop me?"

Kaito takes a stance as he infuses some chakra in his fan.

"Sasuke… I will take this guy." Naruto calls to Sasuke.

"Then I will fight these both." Sasuke confronts Hoshio and Reo.

He turns towards Sakura and orders her.

"Sakura hide somewhere and keep a watch out for chunnins, jounins, and any other team."

"Alright!" Sakura nods her head and jumps on top of a tree and hides.

"You will pay for your arrogance."

Hoshio and Reo dashes towards Sasuke as they attack him.

Clang… clang… clang… Bam…

Sasuke engages in a one vs two fight as he has the upper hand.


Kaito takes a deep breath as he focuses on Naruto.

"I will end it swiftly."

He swings his giant fan towards Naruto.

"Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique"

Kaito releases several small wind blades at Naruto.

Naruto stares at the incoming wind blades as he makes some hand signs.

"Wind Release: Gale Palm"

Naruto kneads some chakra in his palms and clasps them together to release a spiral current of wind which compresses and collides with wind blades and nullifies them.

"Oh! So, you are a wind user as well. But if you think you can beat a sand shinobi using wind techniques, then that would be the biggest mistake of your life."

Kaito lifts his fan and opens it wide and swings it towards Naruto.

"Wind Release: Great Task of the Dragon"

A gigantic tornado appears in front of Naruto as it tries to sweep him away.

Huff… huff…

Kaito breathes heavily as he stares at the tornado.

'I have used up lots of chakra performing so many chakra taxation jutsus.'

He takes out a chakra pill and eats it.

"This is not looking good." Naruto stares at the giant tornado closing on him.

He stretches his arm as blue chakra gathers in his palm.


The chakra rotates and creates a blue ball. Kaito stares at the jutsu.

'This is the same jutsu he used to block my attack earlier. It even knocked me back. Don't tell me he can use it multiple times?'

Kaito's expression turns ugly.


Naruto throws his Rasengan at the tornado.

Swirl… Boom…

Rasengan collides with the tornado and creates a vortex of its own. The vortex rotates in the opposite direction from the flow of wind of the tornado and cancels it.


A giant crater appears in place of the jutsu.


Kaito blocks Naruto's sneak attack with his fan as both of them engage in close combat.

"What's taking you so long?" Sasuke lazily rests against a tree as he stares at Naruto.

"Damnit Sasuke! This guy is a little tough. Just a little tough."


Naruto delivers a roundhouse kick to Kaito and sends him flying.

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