Chapter 79

“Ha ha, Secretary Lan is joking. My younger brother is modest and would not dare to claim himself as a talented and distinguished person.”

Ning Feipeng spoke highly of Yi Feng, hoping to help and leave a good impression on Feng Ze and Secretary Lan.

Lan Caiyi smiled knowingly, understanding Ning Feipeng’s intent without saying much, but gave Feng Ze a meaningful look.

Feng Ze caught on, nodding and turning to Ning Feipeng, “In today’s world, it’s rare to find young people who understand modesty.”

“Right, President Cheng and President Jiao?” he asked, looking towards two middle-aged men in suits seated to the right of Lan Caiyi, one with a round belly and chubby cheeks, the other balding with gold-rimmed glasses, both exuding a scholarly aura.

Both were distributors in the Dianke Building, Cheng Bo and Jiao Tongxing.

“Yes, yes, what President Feng said is true!” Cheng Bo’s round face crinkled into a smile, leaving only a sliver of his eyes visible.

Jiao Tongxing adjusted his glasses and added with a smile, “Indeed, in today’s world, modest people have an advantage.”

Just then, Ning Feipeng’s phone rang.

“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear? Ha ha!” Feng Ze laughed heartily.

Ning Feipeng checked the caller ID on his phone and was momentarily taken aback.

“It’s Old Wan.”

Old Wan was an acquaintance of his, but not exactly a friend, more a business contact.

Old Wan’s real name was Wan Tulei, but he disliked his old-fashioned name. Being the third child at home, he preferred to be called Old Wan outside.

Old Wan owned several computer stores in Guangxi’s Yuexiu District, initially purchasing complete machines from Ning Feipeng. After being introduced to Feng Ze by Ning, he began sourcing computer parts from Feng, gradually building his business.

Ning Feipeng always considered Old Wan a bit crude and small-minded, not someone he intended to befriend, though Wan often initiated contact and occasionally brought gifts.

However, the gifts, whether pumpkins from the countryside or fruit from his hometown, often went uneaten and spoiled, leaving Ning Feipeng the mission of cleaning up, which he found annoying.

Answering the call, Ning Feipeng calmly asked, “Hello, President Wan, what brings you to call all of a sudden? Is there some business matter?”

“Ah, President Ning, I’ve got an urgent matter and wanted to consult with you. Where are you now?”

“I’m at Lianxiang Restaurant, having dinner.”

“Lianxiang Restaurant? Ha ha! What a coincidence, I’m just on the next street. Who else is with you?”

“President Feng, President Cheng, and others are here.”

“President Feng is there too? Ha ha, that’s great, what a coincidence! Which private room are you in? I’ll be right over!”

Ning Feipeng frowned, not having invited him yet, but old Wan was already inviting himself.

Rejecting him directly would be impolite and offensive.

“Alright, alright, we’re in the Tianque private room,” Ning Feipeng said somewhat reluctantly.

After hanging up, Ning Feipeng shook his head and smiled, “Old Wan is nearby and will be joining us shortly.”

“Old Wan? The guy from Meizhou?” Feng Ze inquired.

Ning Feipeng nodded, “Yes, him.”

“Oh, let him come then, having one more person for dinner is no issue,” Feng Ze said nonchalantly, smiling.

He knew the purpose of Ning Feipeng’s dinner party, and Old Wan’s arrival was unexpected. If Ning had intended to invite Wan, he would have mentioned it beforehand.

Shortly after, a middle-aged man in a grey suit, with dark skin and a crew cut, entered the room.

“Haha, hello, Presidents!”

Old Wan greeted everyone with a smile, and when his gaze landed on Lan Caiyi, he was momentarily stunned by her beauty, then chuckled lewdly.

“President Wan, what brings you here today?” Cheng Bo asked cheerfully.

“Ah, I’ve actually got some urgent business with President Feng, and I was planning to ask President Ning to arrange a dinner. It’s such a coincidence to run into you all here, ha ha!” Old Wan laughed, pulling out a pack of soft Zhonghua cigarettes and offering a few to the room.

Ning Feipeng expected Old Wan to offer him a cigarette first but saw him bypass Ning directly to Feng Ze, offering the cigarettes.

“Here, President Feng, have a cigarette,” Old Wan said, smiling and eager.

Feng Ze glanced at Ning Feipeng, who had been snubbed, and internally shook his head at Old Wan’s lack of tact.

Not offering the cigarette to Ning Feipeng first was a classic move of someone who easily forgets favors.

Nevertheless, he took the cigarette, “You’re too polite, President Wan.”

After distributing to others, Wan finally turned to Ning Feipeng, “Here, President Ning, have a Zhonghua.”

Ning Feipeng maintained his composure, smiled, and accepted the cigarette, though he didn’t smoke it, instead tucking it behind his ear.

“President Wan, you mentioned some urgent business?” Ning Feipeng inquired.

Old Wan’s expression darkened as he sighed, “I don’t know if it’s just my bad luck this year, but just a few days ago, a heavy rainstorm collapsed my warehouse, soaking all the computers and parts inside! I lost almost eighty percent of my stock!”

“The problem is, one batch of damaged computer parts was due for delivery!”

“With the delivery date approaching, I have no stock to fulfill the order!”

“If I breach the contract, I’ll have to pay a huge sum!”

“President Feng, you must help me!”

Old Wan looked towards Feng Ze, who had the capacity to quickly supply the goods, hence his rush to meet Feng upon hearing he was present, hoping for Feng’s assistance.

Feng Ze remained calm, smiling, “No rush, let’s eat and talk. Feipeng, let’s have the dishes served.”

Ning Feipeng nodded, seated Wan Lao San, and then called Yi Feng.

The call was quickly answered.

“Hello, Brother Yi, have you arrived?”

“I’m downstairs, I’ll be up shortly.”

“Ha ha, good, I’ll have the waiter serve the dishes then,” Ning Feipeng laughed.

He then instructed the waiter to start serving.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and a waiter opened it, allowing Yi Feng and Wang Tie to enter the private room.

Seeing Yi Feng, Ning Feipeng joyfully stood to greet him, “Brother Yi, you’ve finally arrived!”

“Brother Ning, you’re being unfair. We agreed on six o’clock, and you’re here by five, making me the late one. Are you trying to make me drink two penalties?” Yi Feng joked.

“Heh heh, blame President Feng if you must, it’s not my fault, ha!” Ning Feipeng laughed heartily.

“Come, sit next to me, let me introduce you to a few Presidents.”

Ning Feipeng introduced Yi Feng to everyone in the room and also introduced Yi Feng to the others.

“My brother here, despite his young age, has opened his own shop, which is not only beautiful but also personally designed by him.”

“Not only does he understand shop decoration and interior design, but he’s also a computer repair genius. If his skills were ranked in Dianke Building, he’d easily be in the top ten!”

Hearing Yi Feng was skilled in computer repair, everyone showed a hint of surprise, especially with Ning Feipeng’s high praise, indicating Yi Feng’s skills must be noteworthy.

Being so young and skilled in computer repair, as well as owning his shop, was indeed rare.

Feng Ze and Lan Caiyi looked at Yi Feng, evaluating him up and down.

Feng Ze’s face showed additional astonishment.

Given Yi Feng and Wang Tie’s youthful appearance, despite their mature attire, they couldn’t hide the slight greenness in their eyes.

Could they really be as outstanding as Ning Feipeng claimed?


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