Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 277: She Was Completely Humiliated

As the New Year approached, the price of pork dropped to 80 cents per jin. It was similar to the price of pork a few years ago, but this year the price of everything else increased.

In the countryside, it was a waste of effort after a whole year because everything was produced on their own land.

And those who needed to buy feed would really suffer heavy losses this year.

No one expected the price of pork to drop so much this year when it was so high last year.

Several families in the village were crying uncontrollably, but those who had killed pigs with Ji Jianyun earlier were relieved.

They were fortunate to have gone through with it early on, otherwise they would have a place among those who were crying right now.

Su Danhong was the real winner. She got a lot of bacon hanging all over the backyard.

Renren and Qiqi would go there every morning to take a look. They were looking forward to how delicious the bacon would be. When they smelled it, it did not smell that good. However, they still said it would be delicious.

When the adults said something tastes good, their minds automatically changed their taste from bad to good. This was the magical thing about being young, they were easy to fool.

However, once they start to reach five or six years old, they wouldn’t be as easily deceived.

On the 18th day of December, Su Danhong took a piece and steamed it.

After steaming, she cut the meat into slices and stir fried it with pickles. The family were very satisfied with the taste. Su Danhong also ate a few pieces. The taste was a bit strong. She liked it but didn't eat too much.

“If you think it's good, you can take some and sell them in the college town,” Su Danhong said.

“Okay!” Ji Jianyun thought that the bacon business would definitely be very good, so he asked Xu Heshan to transport some the next day to test the market first. After that, he could send more over. There was a lot at home.

And to Ji Jianyun's surprise, the bacon was very popular.

Su Danhong kept some at home to eat and sent the rest to the college town.

Father Ji and Mother Ji also liked the bacon. Su Danhong asked Ji Jianyun to take more than ten jin of bacon over. They could steam a piece if they wanted to eat some.

Yun Lili took ten jin for the New Year. Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan got about 3 to 5 jin each.

They did not plan on giving any to the long term workers. They would just get two jin of pork over when the time comes.

Although pork was cheap, it was still 80 cents per jin. The two jin was just an estimate.

As for Mother Su, she got a lot and was told to eat it slowly. Ji Jianyun came back from the capital with a pair of gold earrings for her.

He also wanted to thank his mother-in-law for helping him take care of his wife during those ten days he was gone.

One day, Li Zhi came over with Yuanyuan on his back. Yuanyuan cried a lot, but wasn’t father and daughter connected? After being coaxed by Li Zhi for a long time, she calmed down and was taken home.

Su Danhong said, “I heard that his mother offered to find him a new wife, but he refused.” She heard this from Wang Honghua and the others in the village.

“Yuanyuan is still young.” Ji Jianyun frowned.

He felt that Aunt Li was being too impatient. Would such a young child let her stepmother in?

“He’s busy with work and wouldn't marry so soon. I think Li Zhi is not going to be thinking about marriage for a while,” Su Danhong said.

Ji Yunyun hurt a lot of people, but she really hurt a good young man.

“He should wait until Yuanyuan grows up,” Ji Jianyun said.

He sympathized with Li Zhi, but he also didn't agree with him marrying again so quickly.

Su Danhong didn't say anything. It was someone else's business anyway, so she said it without any feelings.

It was cold during December and it snowed.

Renren and Qiqi liked snowy weather, and the brothers even went out to play in it. Su Danhong smeared them with cream and left them alone. Their dad was watching them anyway.

It was freezing cold for a few days. A thin layer of snow covered the ground. Ji Jianyun took the two brothers up the mountain to catch sparrows. They caught a few and came back. The brothers were very happy.

After playing happily, they would go to bed and dream with smiles on their lips.

On December 28, Ji Jianyun distributed New Year's goods. He brought back half a pig and divided them all. All of the workers under him were happy.

With the New Year's goods from their boss, they didn’t have to go shopping.

They were given sugar, dried persimmon, meat and eggs. Life was very easy.

In addition to these goods, the elders in the village got 50 kilograms of rice and wheat, and they were all thankful for Ji Jianyun.

It costs almost 200 yuan to buy everything, but Ji Jianyun didn’t blink an eye, and he was also happy.

Su Danhong didn’t mind these things about him. Sometimes this man was very economical, but sometimes he was extraordinarily heroic. No matter which side he showed her, she liked all of him.

This year, everyone still went to Lao Ji’s house for a reunion dinner.

The reunion dinner was much better than in previous years, and it was pretty harmonious.

Su Danhong brought over four dishes. Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan brought four dishes each. Mother Ji and Yun Lili prepared the rest to fill a large table.

This year, Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan earned a good amount.

Yun Lili paid off her mortgage, so she was in a completely new state. Everyone put aside their past grievances and started the reunion dinner in a peaceful way.

After the reunion dinner, they started chatting. Father Ji and Mother Ji talked a lot about their experiences in the capital. The family atmosphere was very nice.

No one spoiled it by mentioning Ji Yunyun's incident.

It was as if the Ji family no longer knew this person.

The children were also very happy because they each received red envelopes.

Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu took Yan'er to buy dolls to play with, while Ji Xiaodong took Renren and Qiqi to set off firecrackers. Everything was so joyful.

Around 11 in the night, the children were sent to a room to sleep. Father Ji and Mother Ji were tired, so they went up the mountains with flashlights.

The only ones left were the four brothers and four sisters-in-law.

The brothers went to drink and talk, and the sisters-in-law talked about their own matters.

Su Danhong went to cut oranges, which Ji Jianyun bought.

The four sisters-in-law were eating oranges and chatting.

Feng Fangfang talked about Ji Yunyun. “Fourth sister-in-law sister, you are the most familiar with the youngest sister-in-law. Has she ever looked for you after she left?”

Father Ji and Mother Ji have gone back to the mountains, so it was fine talking about it.

“I saw her once,” Yun Lili said.

“Did she go after you?” Feng Fangfang asked.

“We met once on the streets, but we didn't talk.” Yun Lili shook her head.

“Don't be soft-hearted. She is not worth your attention. You will be in trouble if you get involved with her in the future.” Ji Mudan pursed her lips.

Their relationship with Ji Yunyun was very cold. After what happened, how could they give Ji Yunyun any respect during the New Year?!

She was completely humiliated.

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