Chapter 89: Variable (3)

“What do you mean ‘rebellion’?”

The emperor frowned because no one had ever mentioned that word since the empire had been built. The mood in the room quickly became dark.

Although he’d just been giving his opinions confidently, Eisen took a step back.

“An emergency messenger has just arrived from Shahatra with news that they’re experiencing a rebellion and the capital is being attacked. Only the imperial family and some officials have been evacuated,” said the eunuch.

“Isn’t Shahatra the desert kingdom?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Thes dirty little bastards…! How dare they pay me back like this when I helped them make a living within their kingdom!”

Technically speaking, the former emperor, Golden Jackson, and the State Contributors had helped them during their time of struggle, but no one dared speak up.

“Ha, a rebellion… a rebellion during my rule…! How does this even make sense?” said the emperor, placing his hand on his forehead. He tried to pretend to be angry, but it was obvious that he was feeling nervous. The emperor had never dealt with such a situation before since he had only inherited a legacy from the generations before him.

“What should we do about this?” After calming himself, the emperor asked the Patrician Family members for a solution.

Eisen was about to respond when Duke Arthus intercepted him. “Your Majesty, I have a good idea.”

Eisen frowned and backed away.

“A good idea? Let’s hear it.” To the emperor, Arthus was a very trustworthy person and the emperor had high expectations of his solution.

“How about sending the counts here as a disciplinary force to suppress the rebellion in Shahatra?”

“The counts?”

“I believe that this will be a good opportunity. We were going to duel anyway, why not take this opportunity to test their skills in subjugation?”

“Test their skills in subjugation…”

“All three counts here are outstanding warriors, so I don’t think there is a need to worry about failure.”

“That’s not a bad idea! If the counts are personally going to deal with the rebellion, I wouldn’t have to worry as much either.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty. Also, why don’t we organize a force using our own private soldiers instead of the imperial army?”

“Private soldiers? Is there a reason why we have to do that?”

“Of course, Your Majesty. This is also a part of the test. I think this is another way to judge the qualifications of the counts based on how much they’re willing to give up their soldiers and money to help the empire.”

“As expected of you, duke! You’re right!” The emperor seemed to fall for Arthus’ reasoning.

However, unlike the emperor, the three counts looked quite reluctant.

‘That bastard…!’

Arthus had suggested using their private soldiers and wealth to avoid using the budget to deal with the rebels despite his commitment to the empire. Since the emperor was satisfied with the idea, it was impossible to make any objections.

Normally, Eisen would have said something about the situation, but just as he was about to speak, he recalled what Henry had told him.

- If an unexpected variable comes up, please answer that you will do it, no matter what it is. Don’t give any other opinions and just answer with a simple yes.

Eisen did not know why Henry had said such a thing, but he agreed since it was the last thing Henry had asked for. After all, he’d only ever benefited from Henry’s advice. All the counts answered with forced smiles.

“We will try our best, Your Majesty.”

“I will leave everything up to you. I will not announce an official date of departure, but leave for Shahatra as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The meeting ended strangely due to the sudden occurrence.

* * *

“...There’s a rebellion going on?”

“Yes! The eunuch shared the news that there was a rebellion in Shahatra! Thanks to him, my plan fell into pieces even though I was so close.”

Henry also looked puzzled at the unexpected news.

‘A rebellion?’

No matter how chaotic the imperial palace had been over the past few years, they hadn’t neglected imperial management so badly that it would cause a rebellion. It was only a year after Henry’s death, and this rebellion wasn’t supposed to be happening.

‘Is this going to be the end of the nation after all? No, it’s still too soon to jump to conclusions.’

The impact of the rebellion was greater than he’d expected. Henry thought of some possibilities but decided not to get ahead of himself. Henry regained his composure shortly after and replied with a calm expression, “There’s no need to worry too much. It is a bit of hassle, but I’m here for you, count, aren’t I? I’ll try to figure out a solution to this as well.”

“You will?”

“Yes. It is only natural that I carry out my duties, for the count has appointed me as his vassal.”

“As expected, I have no one else but you to rely on. Okay! How do you think we should handle this situation?”

“Before I look for a solution, could you tell me more about the other two counts first?”

“Ah, yes. I know about them, but you probably don’t. Let me briefly describe them for you.”

Eisen was a very kind person to Henry. The explanation was simple and clear: the three counts all held important positions in the imperial army.

Eisen was the commander in chief of the capital army, Count Oscar Eiji was the commander in chief of the spearmen, and Count Terion Falcon was the commander in chief of the archers. They were at the top of the imperial army’s power structure.

“Since all of the counts hold a similar amount of power, this will be a battle of strategy.”

“What do you mean we hold a similar amount of power? They’re not even close to reaching my status.”

“That’s true, of course. However, Shahatra is a desert. We need to change our strategy to minimize the damage on our side.”

“That’s true.”

“I need to know more about the count’s private army. Could you tell me more about the Shonan army?”

“That’s easy, of course.”

It was as easy to manipulate Eisen as it was a puppet. Henry learned the military strength of the Shonan army by checking the weapons and the variety of tools Eisen could use for the mission.

Henry nodded and said, “It’s all yours, count. With all you have, there’s nothing much to worry about.”

“Of course! It’s me and my private army.”

“As expected of the count. It’s good to depart right away, but since Shahatra is the only desert on the continent, why don’t you leave after you have prepared equipment that’s suitable for the environment? I will also take care of the preparations, of course.”

“Alright. I trust you, so I’ll leave everything up to you. In the meantime, I'll warm up my fighting skills, since I haven’t done so in a while.”

“Thank you, count.”

The strength of the Shonan army was good, but it had been some time since the war had ended, so they didn’t have enough soldiers to outnumber the rebels by a huge margin.

‘A fight based on numbers is meaningless in a desert anyway. Having a lot of soldiers doesn’t mean much if they’re in an unfamiliar environment.’

It had to be a fight solely based on strategy. Henry specialized in handling detached units for special operations, and he could easily pull it off.

‘Anyway, of all places, it’s Shahatra… I’ll be encountering some trouble after such a long time.’

Henry was confident in battle, but during the unification war, there had been challenges, one of which was Shahatra. He had managed to subdue the kingdom, but he’d suffered a lot of damage in the process.

‘The time has finally come for me to use the iron colt.’

Henry came up with a rough plan and began to rearrange the Shonan army.

* * *



That evening, after returning to Vivaldi, Henry took Con and Halger to the city of artisans, Monsieur.

Monsieur was a free city like Enkelmann where the best craftsmen in the empire lived.

Now that Henry was a vassal of the Shonan family, it was possible to teleport directly to Monsieur. However, he decided that there was no harm in being careful, so he set the coordinates for arrival near Monsieur.

“Sir, I really don’t need you to buy me new equipment. The equipment I received last time is still in good shape,” said Hagler right after the teleportation.

“Yes, Halger is right. I don’t need new equipment either as it would just be a waste.”

Henry shook his head and said, “Both of you stay put and just accept it. It’s not just any ordinary equipment.”

“What do you mean?”

“The three of us will form a small unit that will move separately from the Shonan army. That’s why the equipment is important.”

“What do you mean? What does being a detached unit and having equipment have anything to do with each other?”

“I’m thinking of matching all the equipment with iron colt this time.”

“Iron colt? You sure are smart for thinking of fitting the equipment with that precious iron colt.”

“Iron colt is known as a metal that amplifies mana. Wouldn’t it be better if I take this opportunity to cover myself in iron colt and support you with magic?”

It was finally time to use the 300 kilograms of iron colt that Henry had acquired a long time ago. It would be the most efficient way of reinforcing Henry’s power, which was why Henry had come to Monsieur, in search of a craftsman who could best handle iron colt.

‘The people of Monsieur are very secretive, and they don’t provide any information on their clients. I have no choice but to have the equipment made in Monsieur.’

Even though Eisen was backing him, iron colt was an illegal metal. Even if it cost a little more to have the equipment made in Monsieur, it was the best place to avoid any flaws.

The three arrived at the entrance of Monsieur.

“Salute! I'm from the Shonan family, a Partrican Family!”

Henry used the power of Eisen’s name every chance he got. The guards at the entrances saluted as soon as they saw the Shonan badge.

They passed through the entrance without a separate ID check.

“...It really is good to have power.”

“Do you miss your past?”

“You can never move forward if you live in the past.”

“Don’t worry. If you trust and follow me, I promise you a better future than your past.”

Henry’s playful talk made Von and Hagler burst into laughter. However, Henry seemed sincere, which made them think he was even more trustworthy.

Hagler asked, “Sir, which craftsman are we entrusting the work to?”

“That’s a good question. Hagler, do you know who Monsieur's best craftsman is?”

“This is actually my first time in Monsieur. I heard that it costs a few pieces of gold just for a single kitchen knife here, so I thought that I would never come here at all.”

“A kitchen knife from Monsieur is worth it since it’s usually purchased as an extravagant wedding gift. Anyway, the name of the craftsman we’re going to meet is Vulcanus.”



“W-what? Vulcanus?” Von was surprised even though Henry said the name casually. “I’m not mistaken, am I? You’re going to leave the equipment production up to the Vulcanus that I know of?”

“That’s right. He is the right person to trust the iron colt with, don’t you think?”

“Ha, what shall I ever do with you…”

Hagler's curiosity made him ask, “Um, is Vulancus any good?”

“What? You’ve seriously never heard of Vulcanus?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

Von was surprised once again and Henry answered in his stead, “Vulcanus is Monsieur's mayor. It’s a title that is given only to the best craftsman.”

“Do you know how Monsieur elects their mayor?” Von asked Halger.


“Monsieur's mayor is the craftsman with the greatest skill,” replied Henry.

“What?” This time, Hagler’s eyes opened wide.

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