Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 123 - 123: 077: A slap in the face, turns out Ni Yan was not bragging! _6

Chapter 123: 077: A slap in the face, turns out Ni Yan was not bragging! _6

Translator: 549690339

Could this really be Ni Yang, the rustic bumpkin?

Why would she be selling noodles here?

Liu Juan felt her worldview slowly crumbling.

How much did Sun Chunxiang say this bumpkin could earn in a day again?

Was it three hundred?

Three hundred!

That’s three hundred!

She and Ni Dazhu worked in the factory, toiling to the point of exhaustion, only to earn 40 yuan a month.

Together, they made 80 yuan a month.

But good ol’ bumpkin Ni Yang could make two months’ worth of their wage in a day.

Liu Juan was practically green with envy!

At the same time, she deeply regretted not taking this country buffoon in initially. Maybe all the money this hayseed was making could’ve been hers!

Just the thought of it made her heart ache!

But it wasn’t too late to realize this now. After all, she was Ni Yang’s aunt, her elder! Ni Yang should hand over the money she earned for safekeeping!

What on earth does this rustic who knows nothing want with so much money? She probably doesn’t even know how to put it aside much less guard it. What if she loses it?

Liu Juan took a deep breath, walked up to Ni Yang with a smile and affectionately greeted, “Yangyang!”

Ni Yang handed her last bowl of noodles to a customer, looked up, and saw’ Liu Juan’s ingratiating face.

A look of indifference crossed Ni Yang’s face, “Comrade, do I know you?”

Caught off guard, Liu Juan chuckled: “Yangyang, look at the way you talk. I’m your aunt, how could you not recognize me after just a few days?”

Ni Yang had thought Sun Chunxiang was already brazen enough, turns out, Liu Juan put her to shame.

“My mom is an orphan who doesn’t even know who her parents are. Are you claiming to be an aunt who sprouted from a rock?” Ni Yang retorted.

With a thick skin, Liu Juan smiled: “Yangyang, your aunt knows you’re still angry about that day. But your uncle only spoke rashly out of anger! Your mother is his biological sister after all!”

Without a word, Ni Yang began clearing the stove and the bucket, ignoring Liu Juan.

Liu Juan immediately started helping, smiling obsequiously: “Yangyang, this strenuous manual labor isn’t suitable for a young girl like you. Let your aunt handle it, go have a rest.”

“Put it down.” Ni Yang’s voice was composed.

“What?” Liu Juan blinked in surprise, her smile slightly forced. If Ni Yang was not rolling in money, she would not stoop so low as to fawn over her!

What a disgusting act!

Does she think she’s something special?

“I’m asking you to put it down!” Ni Yang repeated. Her tone was calm, but carried an undercurrent that cut deep.

The hand Liu Juan was using to hold the large iron spoon trembled involuntarily, “Ya- Yangyang, y-you don’t need to be polite with your aunt. I’m not tired.”

Ni Yang continued, “Miss, if you don’t put my stuff down, 1’11 be contacting the police for robbery! There are patrolling officers right over there!”


The word made Liu Juan turn white.

It was a critical time with strict law enforcement. As a formal factory worker, even a tiny blemish could get her fired from the factory. Besides, Liu Juan cared a great deal about her reputation. If the police were really summoned here, in this great public spectacle, how could she save face?

“Yangyang, don’t be upset, your aunt will put it down, 1 will put it down.” Liu Juan carefully placed the large iron spoon back into the bucket.

“Stay away from me.” Ni Yang spoke coldly.

Liu Juan immediately stepped back, “Ya- Yangyang, your uncle didn’t mean what happened that day, he regrets it very much after you and your mother left. He was so worried that he couldn’t sleep or eat well for several days.” “Your uncle is, after all, an elder. Can you please let it go? Your aunt is willing to apologize on behalf of your uncle.”

Liu Juan went on in a humble tone, saying many nice words to Ni Yang, but Ni Yang did not respond at all.

“Yangyang, we were wrong, really wrong. Please stop being angry…”

Even if Ni Yang was highly temperamental, she was only a teenage girl after all. Teenage girls were easily influenced, and maybe she could easily call her “aunt” with a smile after a while, Liu Juan idealistically thought.

After clearing up, Ni Yang finally had time to look at the fawning Liu Juan. A mocking smile played on her lips, “When 1 treat you like a human, for the love of god, don’t act like a dog.”

A dog?

Was Ni Yang insulting her?

Liu Juan was a bit slow to react, “What do you mean?”

Ni Yang mildly smiled, “I’m just asking you to act like a human!”

Liu Juan was almost spitting with fury, yet she managed to force a smile, “Yangyang, stop joking around!”

Ni Yang raised an eyebrow, “Oh, so being called a dog now affects your understanding of human speech?”

Stifling her rage, Liu Juanaved drew a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down.

For the sake of money, she could not lose her temper!

She mustn’t!

Having ignored Liu Juan again, Ni Yang started carrying tables and chairs over to Li Dongliang’s store.

Liu Juan wanted to follow Ni Yang, but she didn’t dare.


She needed a foolproof plan.

Perhaps, she could start with Ni Cuihua!

That dimwitted creature Ni Cuihua would be much easier to manipulate than Ni Yang.


That’s the way.

Thinking about it, Liu Juan seemed to see numerous huge banknotes waving at her. Elated, she turned around to return. As long as she knew Ni Yang was selling noodles here, she wasn’t afraid Ni Yang would run off. But for the upcoming matter, she needed Ni Dazhu to take action.

After all, he and Ni Cuihua were biological siblings.

After returning, Liu Juan told Ni Dazhu everything.

Upon hearing this, Ni Dazhu was shocked, “Really? You didn’t see it wrong? Is that bitch actually that rich now?”

“Could I have seen it wrong?” Liu Juan continued, “I even talked to her today, but her words, her tone… It seems like she may not want to acknowledge us!” Enraged, Ni Dazhu spat, “I’m her biological uncle! She dares to disavow us!” Liu Juan nodded, “So let us go to their house tomorrow! That bitch makes a lot of money now, but you’re her uncle. Her money should naturally be under your care.”

Having put on airs in front of Liu Juan for the first time, Ni Dazhu was quite pleased with himself: “Definitely! After all, I’m her uncle! If she doesn’t give it to me, who else would she give it to?”

Hearing his words, Liu Juan narrowed her eyes into a smile, attentively massaging Ni Dazhu’s arms and legs, serving him well.

Ni Dazhu, who had always been henpecked, was finally able to sit back and reap the rewards. His face was all smiles.

Liu Juan continued, “I think that bitch must have at least a small 10,000 yuan on her hands by now, you must get it all tomorrow! Our girl Chunxiang has long wanted new clothes, but they’re too expensive in the mall, so 1 didn’t have the heart to buy them..”

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