Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 118 - 118: 077: A slap in the face, turns out Ni Yan was not bragging! _1

Chapter 118: 077: A slap in the face, turns out Ni Yan was not bragging! _1

Translator: 549690339

Seven up, eight down?

This so-called “seven up, eight down” refers to rinsing a piece of tripe seven times in the hot pot.

The whole process takes about fifteen seconds.

Not only was Ni Cuihua stunned by this, even Ni Chenggui was taken aback.

Because it was their first time learning that tripe could be eaten like this…

Was it really cooked just by scalding it a few times?

Tripe usually has a very strong smell.

Ni Yang placed the scalded tripe on Ni Cuihua’s plate, “Mom, please have a taste.”

Ni Cuihua stared at the tripe in the bowl, hesitated for two seconds, then picked it up and put it in her mouth, and began to chew –

Her originally cold expression gradually turned into one of astonishment!

The tripe not only lacked the expected strong smell, but was crisp and tender, dissolving beautifully in her mouth. It was numbingly spicy, and biting into it released the flavors of sesame and crushed peanuts, whetting her appetite and complimenting her meal so well it brought tears to her eyes!

Having tasted something so delicious, Ni Cuihua felt that even if she was asked to ascend to heaven to be an immortal, she might not agree.

Seeing Ni Cuihua’s reaction, Ni Chenggui couldn’t resist swallowing, “Yangyang’s Mom, how does it taste?”

“Delicious!” Ni Cuihua nodded her head in agreement, “Sister Chenggui, you should try it too!”

Was it really that delicious?

Initially resistant Ni Chenggui, seeing Ni Cuihua’s reaction, immediately picked up a piece of tripe and “seven up, eight down” in the bubbling red oil pot.


The flavor was surprisingly good!

“Yangyang, where did you learn this new way of eating? The taste is really good!” Ni Chenggui had not even heard of this “seven up, eight down” method before.

Ni Yang smiled and said, “It was introduced in a gourmet cookbook.”

Ni Chenggui nodded, “Oh.”

The boiling red oil in the pot filled the air with smoke, veiling the laughter of the three people.

Ni Yang, who had not eaten spicy food for a long time, was eating duck’s blood while gulping down Sour Plum Soup.

It was the first time Ni Yang discovered that Ni Cuihua and Ni Chenggui could eat so much spicy food!

They heartily enjoyed the hot pot meal.

In the end, Ni Chenggui took the initiative to clean up, while Ni Cuihua went to feed and bathe the baby.

Ni Yang was in the kitchen preparing Mrs. Mo’s meal.

The kitchen lights were a bit dim.

When Ni Chenggui turned around, she saw Ni Yang bent over focusing on her work.

In the dim light, her features seemed extremely delicate, her eyes were clear and radiant like dazzling stars, and her skin was so tender it looked like it could be pinched out water.

In terms of attractiveness, she could easily outclass even the most traditionally beautiful girls. Compared to Ni Yang two months ago, the Ni Yang now looked ten times better.

Moreover, it was not only Ni Yang who had changed, Ni Chenggui also noticed many changes in herself.

The most noticeable changes were to her breasts, teeth, and hair.

Her breasts had become much firmer, making her look better in clothes. Her teeth had become whiter; even though she brushed twice a day, her teeth were never quite white, always giving off a slight yellow tint. But now, every day when she looked in the mirror, she could see her teeth shining.

Also her hair, which used to be dry, brittle and yellowish, had now become black and shiny, so smooth that female colleagues around her were asking her what brand of shampoo she used.

Ni Chenggui felt that all these changes were because of the delicious food that Ni Yang cooked.

Thinking this in her heart, Ni Chenggui asked out loud.

Ni Yang did not expect that Ni Chenggui would be so observant to notice these details.

Faced with Ni Chenggui’s curiosity, Ni Yang smiled and nodded, “Yes, Auntie Ni, it does have a lot to do with the food we eat every day.”

Ni Chenggui was amazed and said, “Yangyang, how did you manage to achieve this? I’ve been eating food all my life, and I’ve never known that food can have a beautifying effect.”

Ni Yang smiled and said, “It mainly depends on eating the right things. Some beauty is inherent, and some beauty depends on daily maintenance.” Here, Ni Yang pulled out the menu,” For example, look at this Sour and Spicy Tender Ginger Mixed with Lettuce. Ginger is known for its rust-removing properties, and lettuce contains fluorine. The combination of these two can effectively whiten teeth…”

Ni Chenggui was amazed by hearing this, “No wonder my teeth have gotten so much whiter recently! It turns out to be the effect of ginger and lettuce. Yangyang, how did you know all this?”

Ni Yang explained, “Because I am a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, I know a little about the efficacy of plants.”

Ni Chenggui nodded, and for a moment, she felt even more admiration for Ni Yang!

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