Chapter 84: Repay the Cheng Family

Cheng Ling didn’t want this chemical to affect the medicinal effects of her plants, so she spent a week developing this herbicide.

This herbicide was colorless, tasteless, and harmless to the human body. However, it had a miraculous effect on weeds.

After spraying the soil with the herbicide, Cheng Ling went around to check on the growth of the crops.

The herbs that Lu Qi’s men helped her grow the last time were almost ready for harvest. She only needed to wait for another two or three days before picking them.

She had thought that when she harvested them, she could give some to Lu Qi and others.

After all, they had contributed.

Just as Cheng Ling was carefully checking the condition of the land, a person suddenly appeared on the edge of the field.

Specifically, Cheng Ling first saw a pair of legs and a walking stick.

Cheng Ling looked up and found that the person was actually Old Master Cheng.

Old Master Cheng had never been here before.

“Grandpa, what’s the matter?”

For the sake of etiquette, Cheng Ling still called Old Master Cheng “Grandpa”. But her tone and expression always made people feel that these two people were just strangers.

Of course, this was also the feeling in Cheng Ling’s heart.

Old Master Cheng had never treated her as a granddaughter. Especially after Cheng Xiao came back, his attitude toward Cheng Ling became even more disdainful.

This time, Old Master Cheng appeared here, which was something Cheng Ling had never expected.

As the saying went, one wouldn’t visit the three treasures palace for no reason. Since Old Master Cheng appeared here, presumably, Cheng Ling didn’t want to hear what he had to say.

“Cheng Ling, why do you always work on this piece of broken land? It’s not like you’re going to live by selling vegetables in the future.”

Ever since the news of Cheng Ling being picked up by Old Master Ding yesterday, Old Master Cheng could not calm down even though he was lying on the bed.

His heart was in a mess for a long time. In the end, he decided to come over personally to ask about it. He did not expect to see Cheng Ling working on the land as soon as he arrived.

Although the Cheng family’s reputation in the capital couldn’t compare to the Lu family or the Ding family, they were at least reputable.

However, the matter of Cheng Ling farming had been made known to many people.

For Old Master Cheng, this was a very shameful matter.

He originally had wanted to come over and ask Cheng Ling about Old Master Ding, but seeing Cheng Ling wearing ordinary clothes and a straw hat working in the fields, he couldn’t help but criticize Cheng Ling.

“No matter what, our Cheng family is a prestigious family. You act like a farmer every day. How do you expect others to view us? Our Cheng family doesn’t lack food or clothes for you. Why do we need you to farm here every day?”

“If you have the time, you might as well study hard or dress yourself up.”

He knew he had to say these words.

Cheng Ling moved her shoulders and neck. She had bent over for too long, and now they were a little sore.

“What’s wrong with farmers? If it weren’t for the farmers’ hard work, where would the food you eat come from? Did It fall from the sky?”

As for Old Master Cheng’s words about studying hard, Cheng Ling’s ears were already starting to hurt.

She never bothered to explain herself to people she didn’t value.

Old Master Cheng probably didn’t expect Cheng Ling to refute him so directly. The sarcasm in her words was so obvious that he coughed twice in anger.

“Don’t talk back to me here. The Cheng family has provided you with food and shelter for so many years. It’s time for you to repay the Cheng family.”

Cheng Ling sneered and took off her hat.

Repay the Cheng family?

The Cheng family had never taken Xie Ying and her seriously.

If it weren’t for Xie Ying, she would have starved to death on the streets.

For 18 years, whether it was food, clothes, or use, Xie Ying had bought them for her. At most, the Cheng family had provided them with a place to stay.

She raised her head and looked straight into Old Master Cheng’s eyes.

“There’s nothing that money can’t solve, right? If you think that I’ve eaten, clothed, and used the Cheng family’s money, write a bill for me. And I’ll return the money to you. From now on, we’re done with each other.”

“You… you ungrateful girl, what kind of attitude you have to talk to me in this manner now!”

“All these years of energy that we’ve put into you, and the ridicule that we’ve received because of you, do you think that you can pay it off with just a little money? Besides, what money do you have?”

A gentle breeze blew past, blowing Cheng Ling’s hair in all directions. It was the best early spring season, but the coldness in Cheng Ling’s eyes was like snow in winter.

“After talking for so long, if you don’t want money, then what do you want?”

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