Proof-reader: TheMonitor

“What? What do you mean level 18?”

Yang Joo Hyuk couldn’t help but ask .

“Wasn’t he level 10 just before?”

The levels of Tier 0 players were regularly checked, and the last time they checked, the Archmage’s Descendant was only a level 10 .

“Yes, he was……’

Jang Yool nodded . Yang Joo Hyuk then continued .

“Even if he can one-shot monsters around his level, this leveling speed still doesn’t make any sense . ”

A day hadn’t passed since the last check, it had only been a few hours . More precisely, only 2 hours had passed .

8 levels in a mere 2 hours? That could be achieved if he could hunt without any competition, but the beginner levels fostered the most competition in the game . So how did he raise his level by 8 in such a short amount of time?

“Did he go to a high-level hunting area?”

Maybe he went hunting in an area not meant for level 10s?

“No, that’s not it . ”

Jang Yool shook his head at Yang Joo Hyuk’s guess .

“Then how?”

“He hunted wolves . ”


“Yes . ”

Jang Yool confirmed as he nodded once again .

“In Matab, because there are only Magicians the players don’t tend to hunt in wolf territory . ”


Yang Joo Hyuk sighed in resignation .

“Is he still hunting? If he’s at level 18, then wolves won’t grant much experience anymore . ”

He asked Jang Yool . Even normal jobs at level 18 found levelling through hunting wolves gruelling, but Soo Hyuk was the Archmage’s Descendant, a job which required five times more experience .

“No, he’s stopped hunting now . ”

“He hasn’t moved anywhere else?”

“Well, he went to the library again . ”

* * *

“Magic Missile . ”


The wolf was blasted away by the Magic Missile . Soo Hyuk turned his line of sight away from the dead wolf and scanned the surrounding area . After he confirmed that no more wolves were nearby, he collected the drops of the dead wolves .

– 14 wolf pelts

– 5 wolf paws

– 7 wolf fangs

Even though he collected the drops frequently while hunting, there were still many drops left . Soo Hyuk then opened his inventory to check how many pelts, paws and fangs he had gathered so far .

“Hmm, how much are these all worth?”

How much gold would he obtain after he sold them? With a satisfied expression, Soo Hyuk closed his inventory and opened his status window . Soo Hyuk’s expression darkened instantly when he checked his character profile . More exactly, he was frustrated .

Occupation: Archmage’s Descendant

Level: 18

Experience: 9%

Health: 5250 Mana: 36620

Strength: 15 Agility: 25(+6)

Stamina: 99 Wisdom: 1832

“Do I have to move to a different area now?”

When he hit level 17, he had felt the effect of the low experience that the wolves gave . Going forwards, Soo Hyuk knew that it would take even longer for him to reach level 19 .

“Yeah, I even got a new title as well . ”

Soo Hyuk could easily pick off wolves now . He had gained another title while hunting wolves . It was ‘the Scourge of Wolves’ .

(TL: The name of the old title fit better . Sorry for the inconvenience as I’m translating on the fly right now . This kind of thing is exactly why I reduced the sponsored chapters . The title he got from killing the King Wolf will be changed to Conqueror of the Wolven Forest . )

-The Scourge of Wolves (Agility +3)

It increased agility by three, which Soo Hyuk thought was meaningless for him .

“Let’s stop hunting wolves . I think it’s better to move onto a new area . ”

He no longer had reason to stay here, as he had even gained the ‘Scourge of Wolves’ title . It was more efficient to go hunt higher level monsters .

Soo Hyuk closed his status window and started walking back to the city . His hunt had ended . It was time to go to the library .

“Who wants to hunt bears with me! I’m a level 25 Fire Mage!”

“I’m looking for a party! I’m a level 19 Healing Mage and I have experience hunting bears!”

Soo Hyuk arrived at the Eastern Gate not long after . The number of players looking for a party hadn’t reduced since morning . Soo Hyuk passed them and entered the city .

“Let’s sell all the drops first . ”

He had something to do before going to the library . It was selling the monster materials that he had collected from hunting . He was going to sell all the monster materials that he had obtained from his hunting trip .

“The wolf drops sell for more at the Earth Pagoda, right?”

He could sell items in places other than the Central Spire, and prices were different at every market . It was because different towers wanted different things .

The wolf pelts, paws and fangs that he currently had in his inventory sold for more at the Earth Pagoda . At least, that was what the internet said .

He would go to the Central Spire if he only had one or two drops, but with his massive stash, he chose to go to the Earth Pagoda .


Soo Hyuk had finally arrived at the Earth Pagoda .

‘There are a lot of players here . ’

The Earth Pagoda didn’t just buy the wolf drops for more . Low-level monsters like foxes and bears were also sold at a high price . For that reason, the Earth Pagoda always had a lot of players visiting . Soo Hyuk got in line at one of the booths in the Pagoda .

“How can I help you?”

“I want to sell some materials . ”

It was Soo Hyuk’s turn after a few minutes . He opened his inventory at the NPC’s word and started taking out the monster materials, starting with the wolf pelts .

“It’ll take a minute . There’s a lot . ”

Soo Hyuk currently possessed 932 wolf pelts . Although his inventory had infinite storage, he could only bring out ten items at a time . Soo Hyuk unceasingly pulled out pelts in stacks of ten, but when he reached his 40th stack, the NPC hurriedly stopped him with a flustered expression on his face .


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Soo Hyuk stopped taking out the pelts and stared at the NPC Karl in confusion .

“How many more do you have?”

Karl asked when he saw that Soo Hyuk had stopped . Soo Hyuk checked his inventory at Karl’s request . He had brought out a total of 400 pelts, so there was ‘only’ 532 pelts left in his inventory .

“532 . ”

Karl choked when he heard the amount . After calming himself, he stuttered with a pale face .

“Kek……Y-you sure have a lot of wolf pelts . Can we move spots? This location isn’t suitable for such a large deal . ”

“Sure . ”

Soo Hyuk returned all his pelts back into his inventory . Unlike taking things out, storing items in the inventory didn’t have a limit . Soo Hyuk then followed Karl inside the tower .

“Those were wolf pelts, right?”


“How the f*ck……”

“Is he a high-level player?”

“Well even if he’s a high rank player, he’s a Poison Magician, so hunting monsters on the same level is impossible . ”

“Yeah, kekeke . ”

“But that’s still amazing . I mean how many days would that take?”

The players around him whispered to each other after he left with Karl . Soo Hyuk managed to catch a few snippets as he walked away . It seemed there was a big misunderstanding . Of course, he didn’t correct them, as he had no reason to . He just quietly followed Karl .

“Alright, let’s start again here . ”

Karl said after he stopped . In front of him was a massive table . Soo Hyuk then started taking out his items again .

‘Hah……taking items out from the inventory is also quite an undertaking . ’

It wasn’t easy taking out 932 wolf pelts . Plus, there were still paws and fangs left .

“That’s all of them . ”

Soo Hyuk said to Karl after taking out the last 2 pelts .

“Ah, can you please wait a bit?”

“Sure . ”

Karl then began to check the quality of the pelts .

“Although some are a little burned, they are in a good condition overall . ”

Karl, who had been assessing the pelts for quite a long time suddenly said to Soo Hyuk,

“How about 700 gold?”

“……700 gold?”

Soo Hyuk couldn’t help but do a double take .

‘Isn’t that too much?’

In the Central Spire, most people gave 1 gold for 2 wolf pelts . Using this exchange rate, Soo Hyuk would’ve gotten 466 gold .

‘That must be why there are a lot of buyers and not many sellers there . ’

The Central Spire had a lot of players who were looking to buy items . He had originally thought that coming here was a waste of time, but now he understood why people bothered to make the trip to the Earth Pagoda, even if they were on the other side of the city .

“Okay . I accept . ”

Soo Hyuk replied .

“Thank you for your patronage . ”

Karl replied back with a smile .

The table suddenly shone with a bright light, then all the pelts disappeared . A new message appeared .

[You have sold over 500 items at once . ]

[Title: Peddler received . ]

“Here you go . ”

Soo Hyuk turned away from the message and looked at Karl in response to his words . He was holding out a little pouch .

Soo Hyuk took the pouch from Karl . It contained 700 gold, but it was light . When he put the pouch away into his inventory, a message appeared .

[You have received 700 gold . ]

The pouch disappeared the moment it entered his inventory, but he still received the 700 gold .

“Once again, thank you for your patronage . ”

Karl said . But Soo Hyuk wasn’t done . While Karl was speaking he had brought out a stack of 10 wolf fangs .

“Then I look forward to……’

Karl suddenly froze when he spotted the fangs in Soo Hyuk’s palm . Soo Hyuk then said to Karl,

“I still have more things to sell . ”

“Hahaha! Have a good day! Please look for me again in the future! Hahaha……’

“Yes, have a good day . ”

Soo Hyuk bid farewell to the ecstatic Karl and headed towards the library . As he walked towards the library, he checked his new title, ‘Peddler’ .

– Peddler (Strength, Stamina +5)

“Wow . ”

Soo Hyuk sighed in admiration when he checked the title’s effects . It increased his strength and stamina by five .

“This title is no joke . I don’t think it’s recorded either . ”

Soo Hyuk didn’t remember seeing the ‘Peddler’ title in the Pangea fan databases on the official website . If this information was made known to the general playerbase, then it would be sure to create a storm, considering how easy it was to obtain . At least, it was easy for him .

“Heh . ”

And as Soo Hyuk looked at the gold in his inventory, he couldn’t help but grin widely . He had sold the wolf pelts for 700 gold, the fangs for 400 gold and the paws for 400 gold respectively . In total, he had received a massive 1500 gold for just 2 hours of hunting .

‘The value of gold will fall at this rate . ’

Soo Hyuk suddenly had the thought that the value of gold would fall as players discovered more and more things in Pangea .

‘I can learn from this . ’

Soo Hyuk closed his inventory . With 1500 gold, he could complete a few more skill quests . Although he didn’t choose where to hunt next, more skills would be beneficial to him . While thinking about his future skills, Soo Hyuk finally arrived at the library .

“Here you go . ”

Soo Hyuk pulled out his ‘Magician’s Token’ and handed it to the NPC librarian as he entered the library . Then, he headed straight for the bookshelves .


Soo Hyuk suddenly froze when he saw the bookcase next to him . He had already read every single book on that bookshelf . He was sure of it, but……


A book on the bookshelf was shining blue .

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