Months passed in the blink of an eye, and the seasons with it. The autumn came and went, as did the winter that followed. Soon enough it was the spring of 1917, both the German Reich and the Russian Empire had entered a new state of prosperity.
Industrialization had been in full swing in Russia, and the wealth it gained from the war was monumental. Bruno knew now was the time to make a move, to permanetly cement the alliance between Germany and Russia, and using his family as the glue that would do so.
Eva had been promised to Prince Wilehlem of Prussai, the Grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the future heir to the throne. Elsa however was in her early teens and without a man to be betrothed to.
It just so happened that Erwin’s wedding was around the corner, and invitations were being sent out to those who were close to the von Zehntner family. Powerful friendships had been built in the preceding decade by Bruno’s hard work, and now that his children were approaching adulthood, it was time to cement those friendships into permanent alliances.
The bedrock had been lain, pure roman concern. It was now time to build a house upon it. Because of this, not only was the house of Hohenzollern in its entirety invited to Bruno’s wedding, so was the house of Habsburg, and Romanov. Bruno wanted to marry his daughter off to Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia. Alexei was Nicholas’ only son and was practically the same age as Elsa.
In addition to the fact that the Romanovs were already seeking more permanent ties to Bruno and his family, Bruno was overly fond of the Romanovs, perhaps because in his past life they were elevated to the status of saints in the Orthodox Church as a result of their martyrdom, or maybe simply because he felt sorry for them.
And his choice to marry his second daughter to the only son of the main line was as much one of personal sentiment as it was strategic value. Thus, he made sure the Romanovs were first and foremost among his invited guests except for perhaps the Kaiser and his family.
Heidi even watched as Bruno put of all of his thought and grandeur into the invitation, and knew whatever he was planning was significant as a result she was quick to ask for his thoughts on the matter.
“What exactly are you scheming now with the Tsar of Russia?”
Bruno, quick to notice his wife’s presence swiftly leaped out of his chair, and grabbed hold of her waist, dragging her into his loving embrace as he whispered his thoughts into her ears.
“I intend to unite our two houses in marriage. Elsa will marry Alexei, and Eva will marry Wilhelm. Our family will be the glue that unites the Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns… Securing an alliance with Russia that guarantees both of our empire’s security, wealth, and power for generations.”
Heidi was indeed surprised by the bold strategy, and was quick to agree with it, as she was naturally familiar with the character of the young Russian heir.
“He’s a good match politically, but also personally. The boy has grown up with only elder sisters, and Elsa is a year his senior. He would obviously know how to treat her properly considering his upbringing.
Still, having our daughters be the future Kaiserin, and Tsarina? It will create turmoil… There are those who do not like how quickly our family is rising… We’re young, very young, and yet you hold more wealth and military power than any of the old houses, aside from the great emperors of Europe themselves.
Tying our line through marriage directly into a position of royalty it is a bold move, and a dangerous one. It is a gamble that will either build a dynasty that lasts a thousand years, or see us all end in ruin…”
Bruno wiped his wife’s bang from her eyes, his eyes were filled with passion and ferocity. He was quick to remind Heidi that he was well in control of these things.
“Of course it is… But nothing great has ever been achieved without ever grander risk and sacrifice… This isn’t just about the future of our family, nor the Reich, but all of Europe. What we do, here and now at the start of this great century, will echo for eternity.
There will be those who oppose us, even try to harm us. But the age where a man gained his lot in life by the position of his birth is gone. Now is a time where a man’s merit determines everything. And if those fools dare declare war on me, I will remind them what happens to those who trespass beyond my boundaries.
If Belgrade does not serve as a permanent reminder to those who would come after my house, then perhaps a few more cities will need to be razed to the ground. And the houses that built them with it.”
Despite the overwhelming gravity of Bruno’s words, and the dread contained within them, Heidi couldn’t help but be proud and excited. The future they were building together was no longer just about their own family and its place in history.
It was about creating a better world. And since Bruno had promised to inflict pain and suffering a thousandfold on those who dared to provoke his fury, she could only stand there and accept the choice he had made, and the path he was leading their family down.
“So be it… Whatever comes our way, we will face it together with blood and iron!”
Hearing his wife say these words, and voice her support for him in this hour of divergence, Bruno couldn’t help but cup her heart-shaped face and kiss her lips, before confirming she was as right as rain with her proclamation.
“I couldn’t have stated it better myself…”
Afterward the two began to set their play into motion. The wedding between Bruno’s eldest son, and heir, to a Russian orphan bride, would act as the catalyst that bound Germany and Russia together for generations to come.
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