Chapter 114

I stared at the butler calmly.

“Didn’t the butler think it strange?”

“Isn’t this the first party held in the Grand Duchy in decades? This kind of investment makes sense.”

The family head, the butler are all the same.

No, I like to spend money, but this is a little.

Suddenly, I remembered Tollyman Elliott, the only penny pincher of the Grand Duchy’s fortune, to the point that the other vassals were also terrified.

“Does Count Elliot say anything?”

The butler thought it was okay to confess the Count’s whereabouts now.

“The Count has gone to invite the Royal Band of Rivet Kingdom.”

The Rivet Kingdom was famous for its many outstanding musicians and artists.

However, it was far from the Ravenna Empire, so even the nobles of the capital did not rest to watch their performances.

“Is that what Aedis ordered him to do?”

“Yes. Also, there is a special cat treat that is only produced there, and a wizard is also accompanying him for long time preservation.”


I’m an idiot who expected this guy to do what he wants.

There was a clear black spirit mixed with the count’s actions, but everyone except me was enthusiastic.

Yes, well.

The Grand Duchess spent ten billion marks on her birthday party……

It’s not even the emperor’s birthday party that lasts for a full month, it’s only three days, but 10 billion…

The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it became, and I changed the topic.

“Do you know when Aedis’s birthday is?”

The butler shook his head.

“He said he doesn’t remember. But he mentioned that a long time ago, that day was called the Shadowless Day. I couldn’t find any relevant material.”

It was a silly word.

The Shadowless Day

Is it a metaphorical expression?

I don’t think it was a holiday.

If it was a famous anniversary, related materials would have been left everywhere.

After a few more words, I let the butler go.

On my lap, there was another person other than Aedis who had lived for more than 500 years.

I gently rocked and called Paimon, who had his eyes widened, drunk from the sluggishness of the afternoon.

“Paimon, I’m sorry to wake you up, but do you know about the Shadowless Day? Long ago, there was a day when people were called that.”

At that time, Paimon was said to bring wealth and honor to people and was prized for it.

I asked him if he would have picked up even a tiny bit of information, but Paimon moved his front feet and head at the same time.

“Ahhh, I know roughly.”

It was a positive enough answer for me.

Paimon said while rubbing his cheek against my hand.

“The same thing happened in the forest. Trees and beasts, all the shadows disappeared.”

What. It’s not a metaphorical expression?

“Is it really the day the shadow disappears as the name suggests?”

“Ugh, that person was sick for a while. He has been living too long.”

“That person…… ”

My nose wrinkled in a frown as I thought about it, and I remembered the only existence that Paimon called that.

“Is he the person you asked to unlock the seal?”

“That’s right.”

“Why does the shadow disappear when he’s sick?”

“It’s just him. When he coughed, the mountain went away.”

What does this mean?

“What is he, an incarnation of destruction?”

Paimon jumped at the question with an absurd expression.

“Absolutely not! He says he will protect us. He usually lets us do what we want, but if someone like the demon king appears and the balance is seriously disturbed, I’m grateful that he would mediate. He also made a new mountain that was blown away at that time.”

He coughed and blew the mountain away, so he made a new one.

It sounded like an old-fashioned story or a myth from centuries ago.

There was a moment when I felt awkward as to how to respond because it didn’t really make sense to me. Regen knocked on the door.

“Your Grace! I’m here! Father too!”


“Come in.”

As soon as I allowed it, the door slowly opened.

“I missed you, Your Grace!”

“Me too.”

I smiled softly at Regen.

Aedis’s eyes secretly glanced toward Paimon, but Paimon felt it as well and clung to me.

“What! Why! What! Even if you stare like that, I won’t come down from your knee! Hhng!”

Regen, unable to hear Paimon’s voice due to the magic restraint in his arm, puffed out his cheeks.

“Even though my father was waiting outside, the Viscount didn’t finish the class quickly.”

After the interview with me, Regen’s tutors were very enthusiastic.

As an example, I also cut off the guy who was the most rude in class.

“But am I glad that Lord finished his class on time?”

“Eve, won’t you look at me?”

I answered without turning my head to Aedis.

“I would like to do that, but I have not yet recovered from the shock of 10 billion marks.”

With that comment, Aedis seemed to immediately realize what I had discussed with the butler.

A sweet laugh could be heard that pierced my ears.

“Because this is not the capital city, the wife seems to be too self-conscious.”

…… 10 billion marks is by no means a small budget.

Regen, who did not know that 10 billion marks could build another cyclamen castle, helped.

“That’s right. Your Grace’s birthday party should be the most spectacular in the world!”

In the past, it would have been an implicit taboo for even the most noble to indulge in more luxury than the imperial family.

However, the Elaine’s family that Monica will inherit had greatly reduced the status of the imperial family, and the current prince was unable to ascend to the throne even after his coming-of-age ceremony.

Still, compared to the novel in which the prince was killed, the situation was improved.

Monica, the villain in the novel, did not just undercut the imperial family as it is now, but conspired to rebel with Gilbert.

In contrast to the present, Morgana and Morgoz in the novel, who were powerless, had no choice but to acquiesce.

Ummm, I changed the flow, but I need to meet Monica once to make sure it doesn’t go the same as the original story……

“Your Grace? Did Father do anything very wrong…… ?”


I was lost in my thoughts, and when I returned to my senses, the father-and-son duo had shocked faces.

“The expression on Your Grace’s face…… that…… It’s the same as when you have to swallow the food you spit out again…… ”

No, this was because I was thinking of Monica!


Meanwhile at that time.

Charles and Monica were lost on the road.

It was because they met a trafficker disguised as a coachman and a worker near the Emerald Gate near to the north.

“As expected, it wasn’t just the two of us. No matter how cheap the public carriage is, it is deceiving.”

Charles wiped the blood from his sword and inserted it into the scabbard.

It was a journey that started at haste without an attendant due to Monica’s urging.

Even if it wasn’t for the traffickers, the two had quarreled several times.

It was because it was difficult to guess that Charles in loose pants and Monica, who only calls ‘Maevia’ like a parrot, were the heirs to the great family.

However, Charles and Monica got their clothes dirty, but they were not hurt anywhere.

In particular, Charles’ face was revitalized as if he had exercised lightly.

“It was too much to cut off the coachman’s head, Charles. We should have made them guide us all the way to the gate and then annihilated the gang and their family.”

Under Monica’s scolding, Charles slumped down on the floor.

Monica also carefully put the dress bag down and stood in place, loosing a sigh.

Charles looked curiously at Monica, pampering her dress bag.

“Monica, isn’t that heavy?”

“It’s okay.”

“Eve doesn’t care what you wear.”

Beyond not caring, she was most likely not interested at all, Charles thought to himself.

However, Monica was furious as if she could clearly see Charles’ inner heart.

“Don’t be flattered just because you can call Maevia by her nickname, alright? I am a noble who knows how to be formal, so I don’t call her that. And I never said that I brought a new dress to show her!”

“Then who were you going to show it to?”

Monica said arrogantly, flicking her bright red hair behind her shoulder.

“Yes, of course it’s Maevia.”

At the bizarre question and answer, Charles’ expression rotted like an apple.

‘It really wasn’t just the two of us …… ’

The Morgoz family were warriors, and Charles was accustomed to hard training and homelessness. So, he did not have much fear even on unescorted long-distance trips.

Monica wouldn’t want to, but he was confident he could protect her when she was in danger.

However, listening to the Maevia’ parroting, which starts with Maevia and ends with Maevia, for a few days all day long made Charles, who had suffered from Monica’s tyranny for all his life, get tired of it.

He thought that her obsession would diminish over time because Maevia had gone away, but it only got worse. Monica’s obsession with Maevia was famous.

Only the object, Maevia, didn’t know.

That didn’t mean Maevia was ignorant, though.

She just wasn’t as interested in Monica.

After resting for two or three minutes, Monica rushed Charles.

“When you’re done resting, let’s leave, shall we? Maevia was forced to pretend to be calm, but the northern area is a barren and gloomy place. If she lived there, she would become lethargic. She must be brought to the capital as soon as possible!”

Monica’s eyes blazed fiercely.

Monica had been like that ever since she left the capital.

“Monica, I think I’ll get sick before Maevia…… ”

Monica didn’t even listen to him.

“One minute and one second are precious, so get up, Charles. You have to walk diligently to get to the Emerald Gate today. If we keep procrastinating, my new dress will no longer be new.”

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