Chapter 499

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

Due to the light sensation he hadn’t felt in a long time, Chen Long twisted his entire body. He was a bit stiff, but that stiffness would soon be gone, so he didn’t care about it.

“Thank you. I am very grateful.” Chen Long thanked Hyeonu, the person who saved him.

Hyeonu was originally Chen Long’s benefactor. He’d brought Chen Long to the pinnacle of the Samsungga after he was initially pushed out in the internal power struggle. However, Hyeonu literally saved Chen Long’s life this time, so Chen Long’s degree of appreciation toward Hyeonu was different.

“What gratitude? I am happy to help.” Hyeonu smiled and delivered humble words.

‘Let’s chat to make him forget about the magic power.’

Before Chen Long could bring anything else up, Hyeonu attacked: “Shouldn’t we talk while moving? You aren’t just a guard anymore. You are the head of the Samsungga. You have to think of the many people relying on you.”

His intention was to distract Chen Long, but the meaning in his words sounded right for anyone who heard it. Chen Long still seemed inclined to think he was a guard or the leader of the Cheonryong Group. He didn’t have a proper awareness of his own status. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to have done such a crazy thing.

‘I am a player, so I can gulp down any essence, but...’

Hyeonu and the other players were bound by things called item usage restrictions, which meant there were preset protective restrictions. Meanwhile, NPCs were different and didn’t have a single protective mechanism. They would die if they couldn’t handle it. It was a big problem that Chen Long had consumed an essence without much thought.

“This is something I’ve also felt deeply. I realized it the moment I lost my mind due to the magic power running wild. I shouldn’t have done this.” Chen Long looked genuinely regretful.

Seeing his expression, Bakar knelt down on the ground in a thrilled manner. “You’ve finally come to your senses... Finally.”

Now he shed tears at the thought that Chen Long had properly become the master of the Samsungga.

“Then why don’t we return to Linakalu? The situation of the Samsungga isn’t very good,” Hyeonu said.

“The family? There shouldn’t be a problem just because I’m away... Did the emperor do something?” Chen Long glanced at Bakar after hearing Hyeonu’s words. His expression showed he was demanding an explanation.

Bakar sighed and opened his mouth: “It has been quite some time since you have been like that. No one really stepped forward, but vicious rumors were spreading inside the family. I had to crack down on it.”

“What? Again? Then that’s fine. They’re just rumors. If I show up, they’ll be gone soon. I thought something big had happened.” Chen Long’s expression relaxed.

Once he heard the whole story from Bakar, Chen Long judged it wasn’t a big deal. He pleasantly ignored rumors on the level that could cause a rebellion. It was as if it was just a coincidence.

‘Should I call it broad-minded... or should I say that it isn’t sensible?’ Hyeonu sighed at Chen Long’s response. This brief conversation alone showed how hard Bakar normally had it.

“Then we should go back. I have something to say to you,” Hyeonu said.

“Yes, it is too hot here. I want to go back to my cool home.” Chen Long was relaxed to the end. It was hard to believe that he had just regained his mind.


There were only two people who returned to the Samsungga—Hyeonu and Chen Long. Bakar said he would stay and bring back the Cheonryong Group, so he sent the two people back first.

“What did you want to say to me? If it’s a favor, go ahead and say it. I’ll hear you out,” Chen Long said and threw himself down into the chair in the fancy office. As he hadn’t recovered completely yet, he took a comfortable posture to make himself feel better.

“It isn’t a big deal. The man I serve sent a letter to the emperor of the East Continent about wanting to form a more active alliance than the one we have now,” Hyeonu stated. He sat down next to Chen Long before naturally pulling out a piece of white paper and handing it to Chen Long.

“Alliance? As far as I know, there is already an alliance...” Chen Long spoke while holding the white paper. His words showed he hadn’t listened to Hyeonu properly.

“I said he wants a more active form, Chen Long. Please listen to me right to the end. I know it hasn't been long since you’ve recovered from your injury, but isn’t this too much?” Hyeonu eventually became angry at Chen Long’s continuous nonsense.

Chen Long read the words on the paper as Hyeonu’s words entered one ear and exited the other. After having a quick read, he gave Hyeonu a positive answer: “Well, I don’t think I need to do anything? The one who has to sign it is the emperor in Taeyang anyway. If you’re asking me how I feel, I’m in favor of it. Tell him so. There is no damage to us anyway.”

[Chen Long of the Samsungga’s agreement 1/1]

Chen Long thought there was no problem with the proposal Hyeonu brought. ‘To be honest... It is a situation where I should feel grateful that there isn’t a conquest war...’

In comparison to the West Continent, the East Continent was a child. The result would be fixed right from the moment a war broke out. It would be a defeat.

‘Did Hyeonu call him ‘Master’? To think there are such monsters...’

Chen Long made such a judgment due to the ‘monster’ he had seen clearly with his own eyes. The man Hyeonu called ‘Master’—Chen Long had only seen him from a distance, but this alone was enough to make him fearful. Just by looking at the man’s eyes that contained a feeling of irritation toward the world or his face that showed signs of boredom, he absolutely didn’t look like a strong man.

However, the man’s shadow contained his true identity. It showed a sky blackened with darkness, and a ground where dark red blood covered his ankles. That was where the monster stood while laughing madly.

“If the emperor refuses to sign, come back. I’ll do whatever it takes to make the alliance happen.”

Chen Long barely managed to put his trembling hands on the armrests of his chair. It was only then that his hands stopped trembling.


[Chen Long’s Recovery has been cleared.]

[Experience has been acquired.]

[From now on, you have Bakar’s full trust.]

[Chen Long’s gift has been received.]

Hyeonu exited the Samsungga and took a deep breath. “Hmm...”

Clean air filled his lungs, and he felt pleasant and refreshed. He said, “Tang-E, what do you smell?”

Tang-E, who was hanging on Hyeonu’s back, suddenly climbed up and placed his butt on Hyeonu’s shoulder. Then he sniffed and started to smell the surroundings. “It smells like meat, Master dude. It is a pleasant smell.”

Hyeonu shook his head. It wasn’t the smell of meat. He was talking about a different scent.

“No! It is the smell of a jackpot, Tang-E.”

Hyeonu took a deep breath again. Then he took out a black box finished with luxurious leather that Chen Long had given to him as a gift.

‘Anything is good. Please give me something.’

This box was from the master of the Samsungga. There was no way this could be an item of an ordinary level.

“There is the pride of the Samsungga. He can’t give me garbage,” Hyeonu muttered while imagining himself as Chen Long. Then he immediately opened the box, with his hand moving unstoppably. The luxurious box contained a cool and transparent white bracelet that gave off the feeling it was made of ice.

‘Item Information.’

[Frozen Person’s Dawn]

[A bracelet carved from jewels that came from somewhere in the north where night doesn’t come. The jewelry made with the energy of ice has great value.

Rating: Unique

Restrictions: 950 strength, 1,250 magic power, and the ice attribute.

Effect: All stats +200, 15% additional ice attribute damage.]

Hyeonu had a distorted expression as a lousy item had emerged. Of course, it was actually a very good item by absolute standards. Few players currently had a bracelet with better effects than Frozen Person’s Dawn. It was a bracelet that increased all the stats of the user and gave them additional attributes damage. The effect was one level above the Dark Elemental’s Scream that Hyeonu wore.

‘How am I supposed to use this?’

The problem was that it just had no value for Hyeonu. His attributes were darkness and fire. He didn’t have the ice attribute, and he wouldn’t gain it in the future. This meant it would remain as a pie in the sky for the rest of his life.

‘I can’t sell it...’

Hyeonu wasn’t in need of money. Even if he wanted to sell it, few players would be able to wear it because the wearing restrictions were so demanding.

‘The price won’t come out right...’

Hyeonu signed and turned to look at Tang-E who was continuing to smell the food.

‘He can’t use it either...’

Tang-E couldn’t use it either as he had the dark attribute too. He never had any history with the ice attribute.

“Tang-E, let’s go eat meat.”

Eventually, the bracelet went back into the box. Hyeonu threw the box into his inventory and held Tang-E while heading to the market of Linakalu.


“Your Majesty, I have received an answer from Chen Long of the Samsungga.”

After a long meat shopping trip with Tang-E, Hyeonu returned to Taeyang, the capital of the Yuxin Empire to find the East Continent’s emperor. Hyeonu had already gotten Chen Long’s answer, so he could no longer waste time in the East Continent. After all, the West Continent’s emperor had already left for the demon world.

‘I have to protect Etono!’ Hyeonu’s heart felt more anxious when he thought about the emperor. He couldn’t release a living, breathing nuclear warhead in Etono.

‘Lebron might be there but... I felt more comfortable having the emperor in front of my eyes.’

It was better to get hit openly in front than in the hidden darkness.

‘They are both bad situations anyway.’

Of course, there was no difference since he was hit anyway. Hyeonu just hoped that things would flow well.

“You came back faster than I thought you would.” The old emperor welcomed Hyeonu. He didn’t ask why Hyeonu was late since he knew that Chen Long wasn’t in Linakalu.

The old emperor continued, “Yes, what did he say?”

Hyeonu smiled when he noticed the old emperor’s intentions.

‘Old ginger is spicy.[1]’

There was nothing wrong with the letter Hyeonu had brought. It was a wordless promise with no room for unfairness or trouble for anyone. There was no need to ask Chen Long for advice. Nevertheless, the old emperor had sent Hyeonu to Chen Long.

‘He was wondering what happened to Chen Long...’

Hyeonu hid his heart and spoke with a smile, “He said it’s good. He welcomes the deepening alliance with the West Continent.”

It was as if he had no idea of the old emperor’s intentions.

1. idiom meaning old people shouldn’t be ignored just because they look weak. They had a lot of knowledge learned while overcoming tough storms.

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