Chapter 477

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

Just like how Zhang Fei blocked hundreds of thousands of troops at the battle of Changban, Hyeonu was blocking eight players on the narrow wall. No, he was driving them toward the end of the ramparts. Hyeonu asked, “How about surrendering? This humiliating video will follow you like a tag for the rest of your life.”

The expressions of the Mino Dyrus players changed at Hyeonu’s words of concern. They felt that Hyeonu’s words weren’t out of consideration but that he was laughing at them. Yet unlike what the players thought, Hyeonu was genuine.

‘I am going to retire from the Korean League after today anyway.’

Meanwhile, they would continue to be on the Korean stage as professional gamers. Today’s match would be forgotten until it was pulled out in the media once in a while as his retirement match.

“Well... based on your reactions, it seems you don’t intend to do so. Then I’ll be on my way,” Hyeonu said.

The Mino Dyrus players seemed to have no intention of surrendering. Hyeonu once again brought tension to the battlefield that had briefly been in a lull. Black-red magic power flowed from Hyeonu’s body and soon changed into the form of chains, which seemed like they would make loud sounds upon moving.

At this moment, the dozens of dark-red chains moved, yet they made no sound. The chains dug through the walls and simultaneously tied up the feet of the Mino Dyrus players. Of course, the players couldn’t move when they were bound. They used skills and items to lift the bound status, but it couldn’t be undone. Suddenly, the chains disappeared. However, it was only for a moment. They grew back quickly like bamboo, grabbing at the players’ ankles and not letting go.

Hyeonu walked over to the players who couldn’t move. The Mysterious Sky Sword danced. There was no particular skill. It was just a neat slash, but the result was intense. The space was cut, and the heads of the Mino Dyrus players were separated from their bodies.

This was the end of the siege. It was a short game, but no one booed at the result. Instead, they praised Hyeonu’s ridiculous skills and strength.

“His abilities are at the peak. No one will disagree anymore that Gang Hyeonu is the best player in South Korea!” Jang Junhyung shouted while being unable to calm his excitement. His voice was transmitted through the microphone to the speakers, and it resonated throughout Arena Stadium.

“Crescent Moon has taken one step closer toward winning undefeated. If they win in PvP... it’s a perfect win. It will be like white paper. A totally spotless win!”

“Now the last gateway remains. How will the end of the Winter League be decorated? I think we can focus on that.”

The commentators couldn’t mask their excited voices. Hyeonu showed an overwhelming performance every time he came out. The siege ended so quickly that they wondered if he was playing the same game.

“The PvP will be conducted immediately after a break for Crescent Moon and Mino Dyrus.”

There was a break between the siege and PvP. This was a rule that was created because the siege game time was normally quite long. Meanwhile, the break time would be filled with stories from the commentators. Today, the royal seats on one side of the stadium had more people than usual. Rare faces had gathered due to the person called ‘Hyeonu’.

The commentators pinpointed precisely this matter.

Jang Junhyung started talking: “Many VIPs have come to Arena Stadium. I never thought all these celebrities would visit Arena Stadium on the same day.”

It showed that his decades of experience was no joke.

“Yes, there is Jamie Moore who is the representative of Nike, Gang Hyeonu’s management, as well as Kale, head of Nike’s planning team.”

The cameras moved to Jamie and Kale, and their faces appeared on the screens of Arena Stadium. The two people waved with a smile.

“Wahhhhhhh!” The cheers of the audience resonated throughout the stadium. The audience welcomed the two people. Mixed in with the excited cheers, there was also some surprise. Jamie and Kale were normally hard to see in public.

“It isn’t just them. New World’s Jin Sijong and Gang Junggu, who are known to be Gang Hyeonu’s close friends, have also visited. I remember they came not too long ago... Seeing them again... I think they care a lot for player Gang Hyeonu.”

Then it was Kim Seokjung and Gang Junggu’s turn. The two of them were bigger celebrities than Jamie and Kale in some ways. They led New World, the best guild in Arena and the guild that Alley Leader belonged to.

“Let’s do a quick interview during this break time. Commentator Chae Yunho?” Jang Junhyung prompted. The moment Jang Junhyung spoke, Chae Yunho took the microphone and moved near the seats where Jamie and Kale were sitting.

“Yes, this is Chae Yunho. I’m here to interview Representative Jamie Moore. Is an interview okay?” Chae Yunho asked a question with a fixed answer. In these circumstances, no one would decline the interview.

“Yes, it’s fine. I’ll take responsibility for the break,” Jamie replied with a smile that showed off his gentlemanly charm.

Most people in Arena Stadium looked surprised upon hearing his answer. It was because Jamie answered in Korean, not English.

Chae Yunho asked with an amazed expression, “Representative Jamie-nim knows Korean? Moreover, your Korean is very fluent...”

“Our best customer uses Korean, so I have to match it. Isn’t that business?” Jamie laughed and revealed his white teeth.

He used Korean skillfully. In fact, it had been quite some time since Jamie Moore started learning Korean. He had started right after he signed Hyeonu, Alley Leader. Jamie showed ridiculously good language acquisition skills. It was as if he hadn’t taken the helm of a huge company called Nike Management at a relatively young age and instead spent his years learning Korean.

“The more I learned Korean, the more attractive I found it. At first, I learned due to Mister Gang—no, Gang Hyeonu-ssi. Now I’m studying Korean because I’m attracted to it.” Jamie continued to give answers that people would like. He was very familiar and proficient with interviews. Rather, he led Chae Yunho to ask the right questions. Being the boss of Nike Management meant always having to do interviews. It was like a routine.

“In addition... I have a special gift for you today. You can look forward to it.”Jamie’s last words were more shocking than anything he had said before.

‘What does this mean?’ Chae Yunho didn’t know.

What did Jamie mean by a surprise gift? Chae Yunho looked toward where Jang Junhyung was sitting with a bewildered expression. Jang Junhyung made eye contact with Chae Yunho and shook his head a few times. He didn’t know either.

‘Then?’ Chae Yunho’s head turned again. This time, it was toward a staff member. The reaction he gave was somewhat different from Jang Junhyung’s. The general manager nodded and made a circle with his fingers.‘Please say something.’

The moment he saw the general manager’s reaction, Chae Yunho looked back at Jamie with a reassured expression and asked, “Can you tell us a bit about the gift?”

“A surprise is the most interesting when it is a surprise.” Jamie’s smile widened further.


Hyeonu knew little about the circumstances outside. The waiting room was too noisy. The Crescent Moon players were no longer paying attention to the outside world.

“Where is the party tonight?”

“Who knows? Wouldn’t Hyeonu oppa know?”

“That Hyung? I don’t think he knows. My guess is that someone will take us there directly.”

There were no feelings of tension for the Crescent Moon players. Nervousness and anxiety were very distant stories for them. All their attention was already on the party that Kim Seokjung and Gang Junggu had prepared. The Crescent Moon players had great expectations for it. They were surprisingly familiar with playing and having a good time with Kim Seokjung and Gang Junggu.

“On the island... it wasn’t a joke. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun.”Sunny recalled the workshop they had experienced. That day on the island Kim Seokjung owned had truly been the best. The food had been excellent, and the party at night had been just as good.

“Will today be the same?”

Everyone nodded in agreement with Sunny’s words.

Hyeonu sat quietly and listened to the ongoing chatter. He didn’t restrain them today. There were two reasons for this. First of all, today was the last day of the Winter League, and there was no need to cloud the mood. The second thing was that Hyeonu would go out first in PvP, so there was no reason for the other players to be nervous. In other words, it meant there would be no unnecessary sanctions.

‘I will start now.’

Hyeonu glanced at the clock on the wall and told his teammates who were chatting with slightly flushed faces: “I’ll be back.”

The moment Hyeonu stood up, the other five also got up and approached Hyeonu.

“Oppa, have strength.”

“Hyung, we can take a month off after today.”

“Let’s finish it quickly and enjoy the festivities.”

“I believe you will be back soon.”

They all cheered for Hyeonu with different words.

“Thank you, everybody. I’ll be back again. Let’s finish it quickly and go to the party. We should dance and sing. Of course, we will also be drinking alcohol. You won’t be able to go home today.” Hyeonu smiled, opened the door, and left the waiting room.


Jang Junhyung made a drumming sound by himself. It proceeded as if two people were having a conversation.

“The vanguard of Mino Dyrus is the team’s captain and spiritual pillar. It is player Choi Eunho! Crescent Moon’s vanguard is him!!! It is Alley Leader, player Gang Hyeonu!”

As Jang Junhyung’s words ended, two men appeared on stage. They were Hyeonu and Choi Eunho. The two people shook hands before entering their respective cubes.

“Please take care of me, Alley Leader.”

“You too.”

The two people promised fair play and disappeared into the cube. Once they disappeared, some people started moving in a bustling manner. They were the on-site staff and people from Nike Management. The two parties exchanged things and kept talking. After a long talk, they parted with satisfied smiles. A staff member of Nike Management split up with the field staff and called someone straight away.

Kale took out his smartphone and answered the phone. He received the report from the staff member and passed it onto Jamie with a smile: “It is ready, Boss.”

Jamie replied, “I hope he likes the gift we prepared.”

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