Chapter 453

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

Hyeonu’s black-red magic spirit had a very familiar form. Additionally, it wasn’t as large as John Blake’s magic spirit. The difference between the two of them was too great, considering the difference in the amount and proficiency of Hyeonu’s and John Blake’s magic power wasn’t that immense.

Hyeonu’s magic spirit was small enough to be 50 centimeters, but it wasn’t lacking when it came to details. Even its fluffy fur looked perfect like it was alive.

“It is perfect.” Hyeonu marveled at the magic spirit that was in the shape of Tang-E. He made it himself, but it was perfect from head to toe. It perfectly showed Tang-E without any sense of violation.

“Is this your magic spirit? You’ve created something pretty amusing.” John Blake also admired the Tang-E that Hyeonu had made. It was obviously Hyeonu’s first time making a magic spirit, but even so, it was perfect. The magic spirit version of Tang-E truly looked alive.

“My memories of this guy are the deepest.” Hyeonu had a faint smile.

Just then, a message window appeared in front of Hyeonu. It was a message announcing the acquisition of the magic spirit.

[A skill has been created.]

[Magic Spirit Creation]

[Make a shape using magic power. There will be many benefits while the shape is maintained.

Type: Continuous

Rating: Epic

Skill Proficiency: F

During the magic spirit duration, all stats will increase by 25%. During the magic spirit duration, all effects associated with magic power will increase by 25%. During the magic spirit duration, magic power recovery rate will increase by 200%.]

‘It is truly an epic rating...’

Hyeonu marveled at the strong skill effect. This was truly an epic rating. It was difficult to make a magic spirit as well as to maintain it. Still, he felt it was worth it when saw the effects. The skill would increase all stats, magic-power-related effects, and magic power recovery speed. In other words, it contained everything Hyeonu needed for battle. It couldn’t be better. Hyeonu hadn’t wasted his time going around looking for Duke Blake.

“Move the magic spirit and fight. I have to make sure it is done well,” John Blake instructed Hyeonu, who was staring at the magic spirit. In fact, Hyeonu was certain he’d acquired the skill after seeing the message windows, but John Blake was an NPC and couldn’t know such things.

“I understand, Duke.” Hyeonu imagined the magic spirit moving slowly.

‘Start from walking slowly,’ he thought. Hyeonu pictured the magic spirit version of Tang-E raising his knees and stepping forward. His paws should shake appropriately to keep his balance and give strength to the waist to maintain his body’s center of gravity.

Just like Hyeonu imagined, the magic spirit moved and started to walk slowly... very slowly. Then the speed increased.

‘This time, it’s turning.’

After a while, the magic spirit stopped moving and started to turn to the left and right—once to the left and once to the right. The magic spirit repeated this several times before stopping again. Then he raised his paws to the sky and clapped hard above his head with a certain rhythm. Simultaneously, he started to shake his waist and pelvis.

‘Good dance, good movement to the beat.’

Hyeonu admired the Tang-E magic spirit who boasted a fantastic sense of rhythm. He was manipulating the magic spirit, but the more he saw, the more fantastic he felt it was.

John Blake also acknowledged it: “I don’t know what you’re doing, but... that guy dances very well.”

A strange smile flashed on Hyeonu’s face when he heard John Blake’s words. Just then, the movements of the magic spirit changed dramatically. The spirit that only moved in place expanded the scope of their actions. East, west, south, and north—he moved in all directions. He shook his shoulders and waved his paws. He raised his feet and stomped on the ground repeatedly with his heels. They were dazzling steps.

“Isn’t this wonderful for the first time, Duke?” Hyeonu was already treating John Blake in a relaxed manner. Thinking about it, there was no reason to feel uncomfortable.

‘He is my master’s master... That means he is on my side.’

In the end, John Blake was an NPC who was favorable to Hyeonu. The starting point was different. If others started from zero, Hyeonu’s relationship with John Blake started from 50.

“Once again, Lebron has talent in picking a disciple. It is amazing!” John Blake exclaimed. He thought it would be hard to see such geniuses again when he taught Lebron and Alexander. Now this guy, who is called Lebron’s disciple, showed an unmatched talent.

‘If I have time, I want to sit down and teach him,’ John Blake thought. However, this wasn’t possible since he wanted to kill the weak demon king and return to the middle world. He didn’t want to waste any more time in the demon world.

“Stay here and learn. Study various methods of using the magic spirit. I need to sort out the remaining people,” John Blake stated as he looked at Hyeonu, who was still moving the magic spirit.

‘He wants to leave me behind?’ Hyeonu quickly removed the magic spirit and recovered his magic power. Then he approached John Blake and asked, “Duke, can’t we go together? I have the confidence to take care of my body.”

Hyeonu couldn’t miss this great opportunity. He didn’t know what the rewards would be for killing a demon king.

‘Title, items, skills, or experience...’

The demon king was a mass of rewards in any game. It was a common gold goblin. Both of his hands trembled when he imagined the jackpot he might obtain.

‘Please say yes...’

Hyeonu didn’t know what the battle between Rubolle and John Blake would be like, but he was convinced he wouldn’t die just by watching.

“Um...” John Blake was troubled. Could he take Hyeonu there? It didn’t matter much. There didn’t seem to be a problem. After all, Hyeonu wasn’t a three-year-old child. He was a rare strong person in this world.

“Yes, I will take you and Baler. Both of you will be witnesses to the duel.” John Blake allowed Hyeonu to participate.

‘Nice!’ Hyeonu cheered inwardly. He didn’t show it on the surface, but he had already somersaulted 10 times in his mind. “When are you going to depart?”

“Right now. I want to go back to the empire as soon as possible.” After John Blake’s words, the two of them left the garden.


“Is it over already? I thought it would take another few days.” Baler waved his hand toward John Blake and Hyeonu. A few hours for humans were only a few minutes by demon standards.

“Where did Viscount Garcia go?” John Blake turned his head and glanced around. There should be two people, not one. Yet the only person here was Baler.

“Viscount Garcia? Was he called Garcia? He said he will come back next time and just left. I thought something urgent had happened.” Baler shrugged and turned his head to one side. It was in the direction of the path that led outside the lord’s castle.

“So why don’t you go with us?” John Blake asked. Hearing that, Baler’s eyes widened, and he stared at John Blake’s face.

“I am going to become a king. I’m dumbfounded just thinking about it. The highest point that I never reached in the middle world...” John Blake said while staring up at the sky with an irritated expression. He had devoted his life to the empire. As a result, he became a duke who stood under one man but above ten thousand men.

‘It is really troublesome.’

It had taken him less than five years to rise to this position, but it would take more than 30 years to come down from it.

‘Do I really want to be a demon king here?’

“I can’t do that,” Baler said.

The light in John Blake’s eyes darkened. The pressure was so intense that it seemed like he would kill people with his eyes alone.

“Do you want to kill me with your eyes? I don’t really like Rubolle. You are still only a duke thanks to the coward who never stepped out of his city... I understand,” Baler said.

However, his words of comfort didn’t comfort John Blake at all. John Blake’s focus had shifted, and Hyeonu realized it: ‘This is obviously an annoyed look.’

The emperor, Lebron, and the dragons, Leon Meyer and Johannes, had also made such an expression before. It was a face full of all the annoyances of the world. It was the expression of a person who wanted to lie down and rest.

“Duke, if you go to the middle world, you should stop by my territory. I have collected famous alcohols from both the West Continent and the East Continent.” Hyeonu properly penetrated into John Blake’s heart.

“Really? Then I’m going to eat at your territory this evening.” John Blake started laughing. Baler didn’t understand and looked at the two people with strange eyes.


They moved to Rubolle’s city at once. It took less than a second thanks to Baler’s instantaneous movement. On the way to Rubolle’s castle, Baler heard the exact circumstances from Hyeonu and John Blake. He showed a sullen expression when he heard John Blake was going to leave the demon world.

“You want to leave the demon world? After becoming a demon king? Of course, it doesn’t matter as long as you have the ring, but... if those beggars in the divine world find out... I will be bothered...”

Baler’s worries were about after Rubolle’s death. He wasn’t pleased about the increase in his workload.

“Aren’t you too casual about Rubolle dying?” John Blake asked.

“What is the difference if Rubolle dies? He died because he was weak. It is a natural thing in the demon world.”

It was the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. The strong ate the weak. They would die if they didn’t adapt to it. This was the psychology of the demon world. So it was obvious that Baler, who stood at the peak, wouldn’t feel sad about Rubolle’s death.

“It’s just... My request is that you stop by the demon world periodically,” Baler repeated what John Blake had ignored. This was what was important to him, not Rubolle’s death.

“So Baler, is this confirmation that Rubolle will be defeated?” Hyeonu asked Baler, who discussed Rubolle’s death too naturally.

“Of course. Rubolle is a demon king in the top position among demons, but that’s it. Meanwhile, this friend... I want to fight him right now. I don’t know what you did, but he has changed from a few hours ago. Rubolle might die with one blow.”

Baler could sense the change in John Blake. John Blake’s entire body was full of fiery pressure. His magic power had changed completely. Yet this was only the hidden pressure he gave off, and it already felt like this.

“If you want, I am willing to fight you later. So... please play the role of a witness in the later duel,” John Blake said.

Baler smiled brightly and replied, “I won’t forget that promise.”

The conversation ended here. It was because they saw Rubolle.

“What are you doing, Baler?!”

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