Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 546: New Guardian of the Earth

Chapter 546 The new guardian of the earth

Now that everyone has reached an agreement, the next step is to discuss how to implement Charlemagne's idea.

Azadas thought for a while and said, "Give me a little time, I want to study how to draw the power of the earth from the Hammer of Kazgros, after all, I have never tried to use this method before."

While Azadas hid in his workshop with his assistant Elonaya to study the Holy Hammer, Charlemagne began to ask Tyre for more details about Silithus.


Tyer felt a little emotional when he heard Charlemagne's question, "They were originally the jailers sent by Lai to C'Thun's prison to guard them. I don't know when they were gradually corrupted by C'Thun."

"I have already seen the quicksand battle thousands of years ago from the Norgannon disc. These Anubisaths may have been completely lost. I still remember one of the leaders named Ossirian. He was appointed by Lai. Anubisath leader."

Charlemagne rubbed his chin and muttered, "Ossirian the Unscarred... He killed many dragons in the Battle of Quicksand."

Immediately, he looked up to Tyre with a look of hope and asked, "Are these Anubisaths really hopeless? After all, they used to be created by titans, right? And C'Thun didn't seem to curse them completely with flesh and blood. Corrupt them."

Tyr smiled and said after seeing Charlemagne's face, "I know what you're thinking, indeed, if they completely become flesh and blood creatures, then we won't be able to transform Anubisas back anyway, but..."

Tyre's eyes flashed, "It was the biggest mistake that C'Thun didn't choose to corrupt them with the curse of flesh and blood. Perhaps he thought that Anubisath's original obsidian body was more effective in combat, so he only corrupted their will, but this happened to be available to us."

"All titan creations have a characteristic. If a higher authority touches their core and gives an order, the consciousness of titan creations can be reformatted and restarted."

Charlemagne immediately showed joy when he heard Tyr's words, "In other words, as long as there are titan creations higher than Anubisath's authority to order them, can they get rid of C'Thun's control and return to the order camp?"

"That's it, but there are existences with higher authority than Anubisath...I'm afraid there are only us titan guardians."

Charlemagne, who was originally full of joy, froze when he heard this sentence, and then sat down again in frustration.

"In the end, the problem still went back to the original point. You and Azadas couldn't fight in person, and the other guardians were either corrupted or couldn't be there. In the end, they could only fight by force..."

"No, that's not necessarily the case."

Tyre smiled meaningfully, and pointed to the silver armor on Charlemagne's left arm, "Do you remember what I said when I gave you this prosthetic arm? This arm has most of my authority." ah."


Charlemagne raised the gambrel on his left hand, and only then remembered that this thing still has this function. He has been using this gambrel as an amplifier all along, and almost completely forgot about Tyre's introduction.

Charlemagne slapped his forehead angrily, "So there is such a thing." Then he smiled again, "In this way, Anubisath will have hope, and some of my future layouts will be much more convenient..."

While Onyxia was waiting anxiously, Azadas finally walked out of his workshop with Elonaya after more than 3 hours.

"I already know how to draw out the power of the earth in the Hammer of Kazgoros, but as we discussed before, the energy contained in the hammer is not as good as that given to Nessari by my lord Kazgoros himself. O's power is so majestic."

Alexstrasza said with emotion, "It's enough, as long as the guardian of the earth can be returned to its position, it can form a certain containment effect on Neltharion, and the remaining orthodox guardian power will be recovered after killing him." Bar."

Witnessed by everyone, Azadas stood in the center of the hall with the Hammer of Kazgros, and a huge black dragon was squatting in front of him. It was Onyxia who had returned to her original form. .

Azadas first changed back to his real body as the guardian. He held up the Hammer of Kazgoros, which also changed in size, and shouted loudly, "With the will of my lord Kazgoros, I recognize the black dragon princess Oni. Kexia is the new guardian of the earth!"

"The Titans are above! Guided by the power of my lord's holy hammer, bestow on Onyxia the power to protect the land!"


With the urging of Azadas, the Hammer of Kazgros flew from his hand, and the huge war hammer hovered directly above Onyxia.

Thick, khaki-yellow light gradually shone from the holy hammer, shining on Onyxia below, and her entire dragon body also emitted light of the same hue.


Maybe this process of power inheritance was not very pleasant, Charlemagne, Malygos and the others could clearly hear the muffled groan of the Black Dragon Princess.

Tyer encouraged loudly with a serious expression on his face, "Hold on! Your father Neltharion's process of accepting power was more painful than you, so bear with it and pass!"

Tyr's words made the corners of the mouths of the four dragon kings beside Charlemagne twitch, including Nozdormu, who was usually indifferent. Obviously, they remembered the process of being transformed by the guardian force.

Before receiving the power of protection, they were only in the form of proto-dragons with short forelimbs. If they want to evolve to the shape of the current guardian dragon, they will inevitably be transformed by the power of protection.


Onyxia's pain continued, but perhaps it was because she was worried about her future. This hard-won infusion of power planned by the master could not be given up because of the pain.

Princess Black Dragon has been obediently lying on the ground, even though her whole body was shaking with pain, she didn't have the slightest intention to escape.

Half an hour later, the surface of the exhausted Kazgros Hammer finally lost its brilliance, and Azadas took it back with a distressed expression.

Charlemagne looked thoughtfully at the black dragon who was still lying on the spot, and said with some uncertainty, "Is it my illusion, I always feel that Oni seems... to grow bigger?"


Onyxia's neck, which was originally used to restrain her, suddenly split in two and fell to the ground. A substantial coercion suddenly emanated from the black dragon princess, which made Onyxia get used to it. Charlemagne, with his usual demeanor, felt a little uncomfortable.

The huge black dragon gradually opened her eyes, stretched her body and began to look around her body, her dragon face showed a trance look, "It's not your illusion, Master, I have indeed grown a lot, and the inside of me The power of the earth has also been greatly improved, is this the power of protection..."

Onyxia slapped her curious paw on the ground, and as a slight khaki light flashed, the entire underground palace began to shake violently.

Tier, who was staggering, stretched out Erkang's hand and shouted, "Stop, stop! Our little underground palace can't stand your toss, we have to try to master new power and go outside!"

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