Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 536: nightmarish trap room

Chapter 536 The Nightmarish Trap Room

Passing through the area guarded by the little red dragon, Charlemagne and others came to the second floor of the Shadowwing Lair. Perhaps the movement of the previous battle had alarmed the dragon guards here. At this time, there was no one in the entire hall.

Charlemagne rubbed his temples with a headache, "There is no one here, that is to say...all piled up in the trap room at the back, right?"

The trap room is a very distinctive design of Blackwing Lair. As long as you have participated in the Raiders, there are basically no Warcraft players who don’t know it. This place is notoriously...disgusting.

Sure enough, when Charlemagne and others entered the spacious battle hall, the entire hall was already filled with densely packed five-color hatchlings and dragonman guards of all classes.

In addition, of course, the characteristic of the trap room is indispensable-repressing traps.

Scratching his head irritably, the dragon man and young dragon on the opposite side didn't seem to intend to leave the trap area, and made it clear that they wanted to rely on these extremely disgusting traps to block the attack of the oath and the tribe army.

Trying to disarm the first wave of traps against the opponent's attack, Charlemagne immediately made the army retreat, which was too inefficient.

Just like in the game, this kind of trap specially researched by Nefarian to deal with invaders can greatly delay the action of the attacker. Fighting the dragon people in the trap is simply like a stupid target.

Frowning and thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at Leloras and Herestasa, "You two, can you change back to your original shape and destroy the entire room?"

Lelolas shook his head, his eyes were still fixed on those red dragon hatchlings that were obviously the product of experiments, "Although I really want to help you, but..." He pointed to the upper floor of the Conquest Hall, which was staring at this side A tall dragon man.

Herestassa shrugged helplessly, "That guy Leshrell has been aiming at this side with a giant long-range weapon. If we take off, we will be hit by the weapon he threw out immediately."

Then Charlemagne turned his head to look at the two thighs, Azshara and Velen. Azshara just smiled and said nothing, and Velen simply stuck his staff in the back and began to close his eyes to rest...

"Tsk, a group of unreliable bosses."

Charlemagne saw that these thighs were unreliable, so he could only stop the army temporarily to be alert, while he stood still and began to think hard about a breakthrough method.

However, this kind of defense facility specially designed by Nefarian is not so easy to think of a perfect solution. In the end, Charlemagne can only adopt Gouil's suggestion, advance step by step, and destroy the trap step by step.

Although this method is very simple and rude, and it also has certain risks, as long as the trap is destroyed quickly enough, it should be able to provide a relatively good combat space for the troops suppressed by the trap.

Charlemagne deliberately organized the high elves and draenei's paladin legions separately, and divided them into four brigades. When the army entered the range of a trap, these paladins would activate the blessing of freedom to quickly destroy the surrounding traps.

The advancement process of the trap room was extremely difficult. When Charlemagne and the others broke through the second floor and entered the third floor, that fellow Leshrell would personally charge into the army formation from time to time.

Limited by the suppression of the trap, the oath and the tribe's army couldn't even pursue him when he retreated swaggeringly.

Taking advantage of Leshrell's retreat again, Leloras and Herestassa finally found a chance. The two red dragons and Onyxia immediately changed back to their original forms and spewed violent flames. The last part was trapped in the three dragons. The dragon's efforts were demolished.


In order to stop the intruders, Leshrell has almost sent all the available troops in the Black Wing Lair to the trap room. He himself has also been taken care of in the previous assaults. At this time, he is already bruised and out of breath. .

Seeing the leaders of the coalition forces with ferocious smiles on their faces and holding up their weapons to surround him, Lechrell raised his remaining power, waved the huge double-headed sword in his hand, and launched a deadly charge at Charlemagne and others.

ten minutes later

"Huh... this guy is quite difficult to deal with."

High King Saurfang rubbed the muscles on his arms. Under his feet lay the huge headless corpse of Leshrell.

The captain of the Dragon Guards, who was loyal to the end, earned his respect, and was beheaded by High Overlord Saurfang himself with his own axe.

Break through the battle hall with the largest number of soldiers, and the road ahead will be much easier.

Considering the three adult black dragons and the deformed monster Chromagus, the number of soldiers should not be of much use. Charlemagne simply let the army temporarily station in the battle hall to wait for the call.

He himself continued to explore carefully with a group of vows and tribal elites.

Behind the gate guarded by Leshrell is Nefarian's laboratory. In Charlemagne's memory, there seems to be a considerable number of goblins helping the Black Dragon Prince with research, but at this time the entire laboratory is completely empty.

Goblins, the most volatile race, saw Nefarian lose power, and had already packed up and fled. There was no one in the entire laboratory, only some test benches that were still dripping blood showed that It was still in use until here.

Charlemagne frowned and took some experimental records from the laboratory bookshelf. Most of these books were still stained with more or less blood, and the records left on them were even more shocking.

"The 25th experiment failed. The experimental red dragon could not bear the new power given by the master, and was killed by the master himself after going mad."

"The 128th experiment was successful. The colorful dragon beast pieced together from five-color dragon corpses finally succeeded for the first time. The owner excitedly named it Chromaggus."

"This terrifying beast also has part of the ability of the five-color dragon. The master is very satisfied with it. He regarded the birth of Chromaggus as a milestone in the history of multi-color dragon research."


The pages at the back of the book were deliberately torn, making them unrecognizable, but what they saw just now made the eyes of Leloras and Herestasa blaze.

"Unbelievable! I thought Nefarian was just using Valastats to conduct living experiments. I didn't expect this **** to slaughter countless four-color dragons to carry out his disgusting experiments!"

When Herestasa was yelling hysterically, the slightly more stable Leloras said with a calm face, "These experimental records will become important evidence for Nefarian's conviction. Take them back, and the dragon kings will decide his fate!"

After passing through the wide and **** two-story laboratory, the heavy-hearted people finally came to the final area, Nefarian's lair.

At this time, the three adult black dragons loyal to Nefarian...or sent by Deathwing to monitor their son, Filmer, Ebonok, and Flegel have already hovered in mid-air and waited for them. arrival.

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