Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 506: Garithos Rage MAX

Chapter 506 Garithos Anger MAX

Charlemagne wanted to try to talk about this pretentious remark a long time ago, and after the successful release of this spell, he finally gained confidence.

This spell called "Reflection Barrier" was created by him by combining his own power of rules and arcane spells. Of course, the advice and guidance of Malygos, an arcane master, is inevitable.

During the War of the Ancients, Charlemagne hadn't been able to completely perfect it. During the process of visiting relatives and friends in the previous month, he finally succeeded after many studies with Malygos. This is the first time to use it in actual combat. .

The effect is just as you can see. Although the name "reflective barrier" doesn't sound very loud, its effect is overwhelming. The area protected by this barrier has actually become a one-way street.

It is impossible for the people on the opposite side to come in before Charlemagne's mana is exhausted. Even the arrows shot by the archers in the opponent's back row will counterattack them with the same or even stronger force.

Based on the special design of Malygos, the magic attack will not be reflected, but will be absorbed by the defensive barrier and converted into endurance to maintain the existence of the barrier.

The mages under Garithos saw that the spell was not being reflected, and thought the spell would be effective. Under the command of the commander, they launched a more violent ground scrubbing, but they didn't know that this would only make the barrier stronger.

Of course, this barrier will inevitably have weaknesses. The biggest problem is the speed of mana consumption. Charlemagne's mana at the peak of the epic cannot maintain the barrier for more than three minutes... Of course, it is another matter now that there are those power banks.

Moreover, this barrier cannot maintain a wide range. It is very suitable for use on such a narrow mountain road. As long as the peaks on both sides are crushed, a restricted area can be formed, but it can be used when the two armies charge on the plain. The effect is more limited.

Taking advantage of the pursuit being blocked, Alleria and the others stepped up their actions to harvest the remaining knights. After Vereesa's Shadow Leopard finally jumped up and bit off the head of the last mage, this unexpected encounter finally came to an end. curtain.

Seeing that Lafayette was still angry and was about to urge his horse to charge towards Hearthglen, Charlemagne immediately shouted, "Stop! Tyran is not dead, why are you so excited, go away! You don't think you can Stand alone against thousands of troops!"

Charlemagne's words poured like a basin of cold water on the furious Tirion, and he looked hopefully at Tyran who fell to the ground.

"Really not dead?"

Charlemagne, who was already tired of maintaining his spells, said angrily, "Nonsense! How could he die so easily with me around? Go back! My spells can temporarily block their pursuit."

Charlemagne poured most of his remaining mana into the barrier. Coupled with the cooperation of the mage on the opposite side, the barrier should be able to block them for a while. Taking this opportunity, Tirion picked up Tyran and put it on his horse, and rode Juechen took the lead and ran towards the top of the mountain.

It was even easier for the remaining four rangers and one thief to escape. Before Charlemagne's barrier broke, they all entered the stealth state, and left the already worthless post without anyone noticing. stand.

When Garithos learned that his hometown had been attacked, he hurriedly teleported back from the Royal City of Lordaeron, the entire battlefield was deserted, leaving only the headless corpse of his most important think tank and a group of people left here. messy.

The Marshal of Lordaeron was furious. This sudden raid disrupted his upcoming plan. He looked up angrily and shouted, "Tirion Fordring! I must kill you!"


Since such a big event happened in Hearthglen across the river, it is of course impossible for Tirion to continue to live in seclusion beside the Solidar Trail. It is almost foreseeable that this place will be searched soon.

Charlemagne patted Lafayette on the shoulder and asked, "Tirio, what are you going to do next? Although Garithos' power cannot go deep into the center of Lordaeron, if you go back to Lordaeron, it's hard to say whether it will be because of political The exchange was caught and handed over to him."

Tirion looked at Tailan who was still sleeping on the bed and nodded, "I don't plan to go to the King City of Lordaeron, I'm going to take Tailan to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel together, and I need to find someone for the shadow spell on him." Help him out."

Perhaps it was the shadow spell of Isenlien that caused Tyran to be seriously injured on the mental level during the process of controlling it. Two days had passed and he still couldn't wait for him to wake up. Tirion was very anxious and annoyed about this. After all, Tyran Lan is the only relative after his wife's death.

"Alright, although Baron Tyrosus of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel is a bit... suspicious, but I believe he should be an upright person. As long as I tell him clearly what Garithos has done, I think he will definitely take him in. you."

"Besides, Tai Lan's injury may also require a full-time priest to treat him. Paladins are not professional in this area."

After years of development, the development of paladins is more inclined to charge on the battlefield and give emergency treatment to comrades, and deeper healing spells... Not to mention Tirion, even Uther has not studied it in depth.

Before Tirion left, he went to visit his two neighbors and told them about the possible search here.

Carl scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "That's troublesome, so I don't know where to hide."

Charlemagne glanced at Diniguffy, who was next to Carl, who was applying inferior preservatives, and gave his advice to the two.

"You might as well go to the city of Sandara in Northrend. This city is a purely neutral city. Recently, I heard that Forsaken adventurers have also begun to appear in the city. You and Dingnegolfy should be able to survive better."

Karl and Dingnefy looked at each other, and at the same time pondered, "Adventurers... I used to work for a while, but I gave up because there were no mercenaries for the money, and now it seems that I can only go back to the old business. "

Tirion patted Karl on the shoulder with a gentle smile and encouraged him, "As long as you have the heart, you can achieve something in any line of work, and for the two of you, going to Sandara to become an adventurer should be the most suitable." gone."

After years of development, Sandara City is no longer the newly built city with two or three kittens. Northrend's rich resources will never lack adventurers who want to make a fortune.

The high elves are only responsible for maintaining the law and order in the city and the operation of the shops. As for what the adventurers want to do, it is their business. There are not only alliances and oath tribes here, but also tribal orcs, trolls, and even the Forsaken whose attitudes are still unclear. Both.

Finally, Karl and Dennigefe accepted Charlemagne's suggestion, and after a simple salute, they were sent to Sandara by the portal he opened.

Tirion also solemnly thanked and bid farewell to Charlemagne and the others, and rode forward with the unconscious Tailan to the Holy Light's Hope worship service.


Vereesa stretched her graceful body, and rolled her eyes at Charlemagne after noticing Charlemagne's treacherous gaze.

Aurelia stroked Valeera's hair funnyly and asked, "Where are we going next? There should be no need to go to the Western Plaguelands, right?"


Charlemagne opened a portal casually and said with a smile, "According to the original plan, let's go to Dun Morogh and find Magni by the way to learn about the latest situation."

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