Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 476: awakened queen

Chapter 476 The Awakened Queen

After opening the hatch, Queen Azshara opened her eyes and smiled at Charlemagne without being dramatic, and she still quietly closed her eyes and slept in her luxurious sleeping compartment.

As the hatch opened, Charlemagne finally noticed a strange-shaped stone held by the queen with her hands folded. From this stone, she could feel the power of a very powerful water element.

Charlemagne lightly stroked the stone, which obviously had stitching marks, and said with some emotion, "The Tide Stone of Goganes... I didn't expect to be brought into her dormant chamber by the queen. No wonder I didn't see it anywhere in the underground palace."

Gorganes, also known as Gorganes according to the translation, the son of Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, and Iona, the creator... Although Charlemagne did not know how the Titan's inorganic metal body gave birth to children, But if the glass **** insists on talking like this, just look at it seriously.

Gorgones was also a member of the Pantheon. He shaped the sea and sky of Azeroth. He himself controls the power of powerful storms and tides. Creator.

The Tidal Stone is one of the Pillars of Creation that he left behind to help the Titan Guardians maintain world order. After the Titan Guardians gradually faded out due to civil strife and the Night Empire slowly took over the world, most of the Pillars of Creation fell into In the hands of the night elves, Azshara ordered them to be kept in Suramar for study by the magisters.

Although I don't know why the Tidal Stone was shattered, but this artifact, which was handed over to the Nazaras Academy for research, was finally reassembled by Queen Azshara commissioned by Charlemagne, and left behind to suppress the underground palace. energy.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Tidal Stone that Narsalas Academy and the underground palace under it can still stand intact in Azsuna in the big bang ten thousand years ago, quietly waiting for the reawakening of future generations.


Just as Charlemagne was gently stroking the surface of the Tidal Stone, a bare hand that was overlapping and holding it suddenly burst forth, and tightly grasped Charlemagne's wrist.


Charlemagne was taken aback, and hurriedly shifted his gaze to look at Azshara's head, only to find that the queen had opened her majestic golden eyes, and was staring at him with sharp eyes.

"Who are you, why did you trespass into the underground palace and wake me up? Are you a bandit who wants to steal the Pillar of Creation?"

Although Azshara's expression was very serious, Charlemagne couldn't help but chuckled softly, "Your Majesty, as agreed, Charlemagne Theron came to wake you up, and now it's time for you to get up."

Azshara was stunned for a moment when she heard the words of the high elf she had never seen before. Her brain, which had just woken up from a deep sleep and was not very awake, immediately resumed high-speed operation.

The Queen showed a trance look on her face, and then she smiled with relief like Charlemagne, "Charlemagne Theron? I see, is it Kieran?"

Although there is some gap between Charlemagne's high elf form and the original night elf's appearance, some clues can still be seen in the overall outline. It is better to say that the softer facial lines of the high elves are more in line with Azshara's aesthetics ...It just seems to be a little shorter.

Charlemagne knelt down on one knee respectfully, put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head slightly, and said, "Exactly, because the mission has been completed, the pseudonym Kieran Farstrider does not need to be used anymore, just ask the Queen to call me Charlemagne from now on. "

Azshara sat up with the support of Charlemagne's left hand. Only then did she realize that there were some men and women with similar appearance to Charlemagne standing around. After a little thought, she could tell that these people were of the same race.

"...It seems that a lot of things have happened. Since you came to wake me up, it means that ten thousand years have passed since I fell asleep?"

Charlemagne carefully helped Azshara out of the dormant cabin, and replied with a smile, "Your Majesty is wise, after the catastrophe that year, the whole world has undergone tremendous changes, and many things have happened in the past ten thousand years, please Allow me to speak slowly."

Although there is energy provided by the Tidal Stone to maintain the operation of many dormant chambers in the underground palace, after all, there has been no activity for 10,000 years, and Azshara's whole body is still a little stiff just after walking out of the dormant chambers.

Charlemagne still carefully served her as before as she slowly walked in the underground palace to recover her control over her body. Although the three Windwalker sisters followed behind with a somewhat unkind expression, they were still very sensible at this time and did not intervene. Cut off the conversation between the two.

Onyxia and Malygos were entrusted by Charlemagne to open the dormant chambers of Valothen and others. As more and more people wake up, the speed of opening the dormant chambers is also further increasing.

After Charlemagne recounted roughly what happened during the 10,000-year sleep of the Queen in short sentences, more than 800 maids and guards in the underground palace had all been awakened, and they were half kneeling on the ground with the same stiff bodies Await Azshara's command.

Azshara has gradually got rid of the numbness and stiffness of her body while walking. After breaking free from Charlemagne's support, she stretched out her hand and said to the high elves present, "Don't be too polite. You have been asleep for ten thousand years, and your body needs to recover. Get up." Let's get active."



"Hehe, as I expected, the civilians who took control of the power after the war expelled all the upper elves from the ethnic group."

Queen Azshara was sitting in the cleaned-up dean's room at this time, quietly sipping the refreshment drink brought by Charlemagne. After hearing Charlemagne's detailed description, she smiled lightly, and incidentally said: He turned his head slightly to look at the four beauties surrounded by Charlemagne.

'Four...no, three? The black-haired one is obviously just a servant, but I didn't expect this wooden boy to be quite philandering, and that male is...Malygos the Spellweaver? It's really a wide range of friends. '

Now Varosen and other members of the guards are sent out by her to investigate the surrounding area, and the maids are serving their queen with all their heart as usual.

Azshara withdrew her uncomfortable eyes from looking at the three Windrunner sisters, looked at the cloudless blue sky and sighed slightly, "Ten thousand years is enough time for a lot of changes, it seems that I will also spend time Get back into the world."

Charlemagne nodded in response, "Indeed, I just don't know what the night elves will think of Her Majesty's return. I'm afraid...they won't welcome it happily."

Azshara smiled confidently, "It doesn't matter, there can be no permanent hatred between intelligent races, as long as there are interests, those commoners can also be persuaded."

"By the way, I remember that Azsuna is not far from Suramar. How is this city now? Do you think they will still be loyal to me?"

Hearing Azshara's question, Charlemagne nodded slightly and replied, "Suramar is still in charge of the great magister Elisande. She did not participate in the battle between the Burning Legion and the Azeroth coalition forces. Just use the Eye of Aman'Thul to block the entire city."

"As for whether she will be loyal to His Majesty again... I can't guarantee this, but there should still be a certain possibility."


Azshara put down the teacup, stood up and showed a charming smile, "Then let me go to Suramar to meet Elisande, but before that..."

Thanks to book friends "godora" and "wz316" for their support.

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