Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 474: Ten thousand years of resentment

Chapter 474 Resentment for a Whole Ten Thousand Years

"Please excuse my refusal!"

Charlemagne categorically rejected Aurelia's proposal, and his girlfriend who had been with him for the longest time actually wanted him to go to Grandma Tai to confess.

"What are you kidding! If I confess, there will only be one end. I will definitely be suspicious of my life by the Luna Railgun BIU. Tyrande was already fierce enough ten thousand years ago, and now she has the hatred for me and the Highborne. Resentment has been brewing for ten thousand years..."

Charlemagne shivered suddenly, hugged his arms with both hands and rubbed them, with a horrified expression on his face, "Thinking about it makes me feel horrible!"

Malygos slapped his legs gloatingly and laughed loudly, "Hahahaha! You deserve it, who told you that you are going to tease Tyrande, you know that people with her personality are easy to be serious!"

"No, I do not know…"


Malygos, who had a happy smile on his face, suddenly stopped, "What do you mean? Tyrande's character should be easy to understand, right? By the way, you obviously have three girlfriends, why don't you even ask such a simple question?" clear?"

Seeing Malygos turn his gaze, the three Windrunner sisters lowered their heads in a shameless manner.

Onyxia jokingly explained for them, "Unfortunately, my master is an out-and-out Wannian Ironwood emotionally, and his three girlfriends... without exception, the woman took the initiative. "

Malygos opened his mouth wide and looked speechless. After a long time, he stretched out his left hand and patted Charlemagne's shoulder, and gave a thumbs up with his right hand, "That's right! It's probably as good as it was when I was young, I think then…"

Charlemagne turned out the dead fish eyes and interrupted Malygos' boasting, "Stop! I don't want to hear about your love affairs back then, or you can tell Saragosa? She's right behind you."


Malygos turned his head somewhat mechanically, and saw Saragosa with a kind smile on his face, leading a group of curious baby dragons standing not far behind him.

Saragosa intentionally made a weeping expression and complained, "Your Majesty, you told me that you were heartbroken and would never accept any other little blue dragon girls. Could it be that this sentence is a lie? Is it?"

"Ah...did I say that?"

Malygos really couldn’t remember it. After all, he had been in a daze for a lot of time before, and there was no way to remember everything he had said and done clearly.

While Malygos was dealing with Saragosa and a group of baby dragons, Charlemagne once again clarified his solemn position to the three Windrunner sisters.

"I will never go to Tyrande to apologize! This matter will let it rot in everyone's hearts. Kieran Farstrider is dead! He only lives in Tyrande's memory, and now Tyrande De has let go of the past and once again has a new love life of his own, why should I run to get in the way."

Malygos used his rich chattering experience to easily deal with Saragosa. He walked back to the conversation circle of several people with two baby dragons in his hands and interjected, "No... as far as I know, Tyrande is not It has not completely stepped out of the shadow of 10,000 years ago."

"I wondered at the time, why the magic pivot staff I gave you..."

"Please call it the Maw of the Blue Dragon! That staff has nothing to do with giant characters!"

Malygos shrugged indifferently, "Well, the Maw of the Blue Dragon, I have never understood why Tyrande kept it so precious, and has always held an inexplicable prejudice against the Highborne since then. But now I seem to understand something."

Charlemagne saw the eyes of the melon-eaters watching the show, and scratched his head irritably, "Forget it, let's not talk about this topic. Anyway, you must help me keep it a secret. If she finds out, I will definitely be tortured to death." die."

"And Illidan's sister-in-law lover and Malfurion's real boyfriend will definitely join the hunt and kill camp. Once this matter is picked up, it will be too involved. Let it be buried in the dust of history!"

The Blue Dragon King said with pity in his eyes, "According to Ysera, Tyrande seems to have agreed to Malfurion's pursuit more out of political considerations. He is already troubled by getting close..."

"Ah! That's right! Let's discuss Queen Azshara's issue. Do you think I should go to Azsuna to wake her up now or wait a while?"

Vereesa and Cirvanas showed contemptuous expressions at the same time, "The topic has changed."

"That's right, and it's very stiff."

Alleria patted the hair of the two younger sisters and smoothed things over for her lover, "Forget it, since he doesn't want to continue this topic, let him go, and the issue of Queen Azshara really needs to be discussed clearly."

Malygos comforted the restless dragonling in his arms and said with a smile, "Queen Azshara, to be honest, I don't know whether it's good or bad to let her out. Her strength is undoubtedly on the same level as mine." Even I am not her opponent when she borrows the power of the Well of Eternity."

Among the five guardian dragons, Malygos is almost as different as the original Neltharion. He has a proper high-level demigod strength, and has even touched the edge of the peak of the demigod. The dominance of the temple would never be in the hands of Alexstrasza.

According to his own statement, the bottleneck that restricts his strength now is the knot that has affected him for ten thousand years—Death Wing. As long as he can be completely freed from the shadow of the Black Dragon King, Malygos should become The first existence among the guardian dragons to normally advance to the peak of the demigod.

Azshara's own strength is not the same as Malygos, but with the support of the Well of Eternity, the night elf queen can even defeat the spellweaver who controls magic.

Although there is no such large amplifier as the Well of Eternity in the world today, once she is released, there are only a handful of existences in the entire Azeroth world that can guarantee to suppress her, and none of them are mortals...

Not to mention that the queen herself is still a talented and qualified king, who knows how big a storm she will cause when she reappears.

Malygos thought for a while before raising his head and said, "It's pointless to think so much now, as Charlemagne said, maybe the entire underground palace had sunk into the bottom of the sea in the big explosion that year, so we might as well go there first." Suna is going to check the situation before considering the next step."

Charlemagne noticed the words of the Blue Dragon King, and asked in surprise, "Marek, are you going too?"


Malygos raised his head with a stinking face and said, "I won't go, if something happens to Azshara and wakes up, who of you can guarantee that you can stop her?"

Charlemagne looked around at the three epic-level rangers and a half-god junior black dragon princess, and shrugged helplessly, "Okay, anyway, go and find out the situation first, but I don't think Queen Azshara is irrational. She has always had a very clear plan for her goals."

Thanks to book friends "sxd752", "Pumpkin Man", "Invincible Big Light Bulb", "魔· Remnant Soul" for their support.

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