Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 470: Changes to the Silvermoon Council

Chapter 470 Changes in the Silvermoon Council

There is no need to rush to wake up Azshara. This time back to 10,000 years ago, Charlemagne’s work certainly didn’t always revolve around the queen. The relationship with Malygos is also an important issue.

Charlemagne, who originally planned to go out to the Magic Hub in the near future, was stumbled by the sudden outbreak of a large-scale noble scandal the next day.

Charlemagne was stunned for a while after hearing Onyxia's report, and then he patted his forehead suddenly, "Oh! I remembered, the matter of those nobles has not been dealt with yet, what are you talking about? Something happened."

After leaving for more than half a year, Charlemagne's mind was no longer on these jumping clowns. It was only when Onyxia mentioned this that he thought of such a thing.

The Black Dragon Princess sighed helplessly, "Master, you really have a big heart... But yes, I have experienced such a grand scene in the War of the Ancients, and this domestic political struggle is nothing. Little, I haven't been able to meet the master yet."

Charlemagne patted Onyxia's hair lightly, "Okay, let's get down to business, what happened to those nobles, and how did His Majesty Kael'thas deal with them?"

"The way to deal with it is very simple. All the official positions of the nobles involved in this matter are revoked, and all of them are ordered to shut up and think about their mistakes. They are not allowed to participate in politics again within 200 years."

"The leader, the Duke of Fire Crown, was ordered to be executed by the angry Sun King because of his involvement in Darkan's rebellion. All the people in the Fire Crown family who participated in this incident were also implicated. They may not be able to recover in a few hundred years. position."

The Firecrown family was also one of the high-level elf families that followed Dath'Remar to the east. It has a long history. However, after years of corruption in Quel'Thalas' peaceful life, these high-level elf families will almost always have some problems.

Thinking of the way Dath'Remar respected him at the beginning, Charlemagne always felt a little strange in his heart, because this time travel across time and space produced a lot of weird conflicts of thought, and Charlemagne couldn't fully adapt for a while.

For example, the once funny Tyrande has become the old hag who seems to owe her money...

This noble earthquake made the people of Quel'Thalas see clearly what the so-called upper-class nobles who have been oppressing them are like. Charlemagne even came to watch the execution of the Duke of Fire.

The last time we met, the Duke of Fire Crown was still a hale and hearty old elf, but now he has completely lost his previous energy, kneeling on the execution platform with a sluggish face, looking at the ground in a daze.

Kael'thas was obviously still angry at this time. Dar'Khan had poisoned and killed his most beloved father back then, and Duke Firecrown's involvement in Dar'Khan's rebellion had already doomed his end.

"Why do these nobles always want to do something? Now that Quel'Thalas is booming, it is in a leading position among all the races in the world in terms of economy, diplomacy, culture, and military. But these nobles always like to be in the Pull back your legs!"

Charlemagne shook his head and sighed softly, "Your Majesty, to put it bluntly, it is still a matter of interests. When King Anasterian decided to let other professions enter the House of Lords, he had already touched the authority of nobles respected by mages. Afterwards, they finally elected Solanlian has been unwilling to cooperate with them, no wonder they will take the risk."

This time, Charlemagne asked Onyxia to release some bait to lure Solanlian, but I don't know that this great astrologer is very good at taking sides and really has a heart for the country. Until the end, she was against the Duke of Fire Crown. Coaxes indifference.


Osis, who was getting more and more old, coughed twice, and added, "Charlemagne is right. Although the reform of the country is beneficial to the entire Quel'Thalas, it will inevitably touch the interests of these old nobles. The Duke was involved in Darkan's rebellion before, so he deserves death."

Speaking of which, Osis raised his head and gave Charlemagne a meaningful look, as if he could see the behind-the-scenes driving force of the heavy losses of the aristocratic faction. Charlemagne didn't care, and returned a kind smile.

Li Reza crossed his arms and said disdainfully, "Huh! In the end, they are too rigid and clinging to the old routine all day long. If they are determined to keep up with the pace of the country's development, the family will not be able to revitalize again."

Muric with a sickly face shook his head sadly, "If they knew this, they wouldn't be so desperate. The old family wants to be stable. It's hard for them to let go of their original interests and cooperate with the new nobles!"

It's not that Kael'thas doesn't understand this point. This time it was purely because of his own personal problems that the Queen Mother was misled, which led to the collapse of the large-scale nobles. This kind of result reminded him that he can no longer let It's up to these nobles to contact the harem staff...and he really needs to find a queen.

At noon, an arcane executioner walked up to the high platform, and pressed his hand on the head of the Duke of Fire Crown very neatly. In a few seconds, the Duke of Fire Crown with dull eyes fell headfirst on the platform.

The execution method of the high elves is not as **** as that of humans. It only needs a small spell into the brain of the prisoner by the arcane executioner to completely annihilate the consciousness of these prisoners whose mana is locked by the arcane shackles, painless and painless. Blood, safe and hygienic.

This reshuffle of the nobility plunged Quills into turmoil for a short period of time, but with the efforts of the Sun King and the councilors, they finally got through it safely.

After this incident, Osis Dawnwalker resigned to the council and Kael'thas on the grounds that he was old and wanted to spend his old age in peace, and Muric, who was getting more and more ill, followed up immediately.

Kael'thas had already made a plan for the resignation of the two, and after politely holding back for a while, he agreed to their request, and Sean Morningwalker and Rommath, members of the Silvermoon Council, took their places. .

"Sure enough, it's still a bit difficult. Without my uncle's help, I'm afraid I will be busy for a while."

Sean, who participated in the meeting for the first time, complained to Charlemagne a little tired when he walked out of the meeting hall, while the more stable Romans seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

Charlemagne put his arms around Sean's neck and encouraged him with a smile, "Isn't this the path you chose? Then go on firmly. After all, Uncle Osis is the mainstay of the council. You, a rookie, want to replace him at once, of course." Impossible, if you are too busy, go to the seniors to help share."

Sean patted himself heavily on the cheek for encouragement, "I know, I didn't expect to be able to take over all the work of my uncle by myself, take your time, I believe that one day I will be able to handle the work like him speed!"

Everything in the country is over, and Charlemagne plans to go out to pay off the debt he owed 10,000 years ago, but he still hesitates where to go for the first stop.

Vereesa touched the three squinting Shadow Leopards beside her and suggested, "Why don't you go to the Blue Dragon King first, aren't you a bit unsure about Queen Azshara?"


Charlemagne lowered his head and thought for a moment, and agreed with the little girl Windrunner's suggestion, "Okay, let's go to Coldarra first... I hope Malygos won't suddenly explode and tear me to pieces."

Thanks to the book friends "魔· Remnant Soul", "Eternal Companion", "Mozalla", "One Sword Must Kill" for their support.

In addition... Ask for an opinion, how should Tyrande deal with it, this time the War of the Ancients is considered to be out of play... Tyrande was not originally planned, but it became like this when it was written, please give me some advice, it should be How to treat Tyrande Σ(°△°|||)︴

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