Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 461: Nozdormu’s Tip

Chapter 461 Nozdormu's Tip

This night elf who was caught by Charlemagne but still looked calm was naturally Nozdormu in mortal form.

At this time, Nozdormu in this timeline is maintaining the dragon form and resisting the Air Force of the Burning Legion with other dragons on the battlefield. Nozdormu himself will return to this era ten thousand years later, just like Krasus, Cannot transform back into his own dragon form.

"I don't need to tell you, you have already vaguely realized the truth of your mission, right?"

"I noticed it, but this feeling of being led by the nose is really..."

Charlemagne let go of the bronze dragon king who seemed to have no emotion in his hand with a look of displeasure, "Can't you just make it clear? You must engage in this kind of mysticism."

Nozdormu reached out and patted the clothes wrinkled by Charlemagne, and explained without changing his expression, "If I tell you in advance, it will definitely interfere with your judgment at critical times. Isn't it good to obey your heart like this?"

"Hey... Forget it, so what are you doing here at this time? What if you are discovered by yourself in this era?"

"I discovered it when I discovered it. As a guardian of time, if I can't even accept this shock, it's not me. Besides, seeing the strange behavior of Rhonin and Krasus, I should have noticed it in this era. Something is wrong."

Charlemagne sighed, and turned his head to look at the main frontal battlefield that was still in full swing in the distance. "Then what? What should I do next? You already know my plan, is it feasible?"

"It is theoretically possible, what I need you to maintain is the normal operation of the original established history."

Nozdormu turned his head and looked at Charlemagne with his golden eyes that seemed to be shining with the light of time sand, "Don't worry about what you saw in the long river of time in the future, our main world line has already been modified by you. It has deviated greatly from the original."

"The history you need to maintain is only the history of the time point before we set off. What was Malfurion's description of the War of the Ancients?"

Charlemagne held his chin with one hand and thought for a while. After the Battle of Seamount, he really heard Malfurion and Fandral mention it.

"It doesn't seem to be much different from what I remember. Under the sacrifices of demigods, dragons and many mortals, the resistance army closed the portal in the Well of Eternity through the soul of the dragon, but the violent power when closing the portal In the end, the entire continent was torn apart..."

Needless to say, the rest is nothing more than ancient Kalimdor being split into what it is now.

Nozdormu shrugged lightly and reminded, "Then what about the person who used the dragon soul to close the portal? And what about Queen Azshara's end?"

"Of course it is..."

Charlemagne almost blurted out that it was Malfurion, but he suddenly remembered something, and his face changed.

"Wait! Malfurion didn't seem to mention this directly. He only said that he and Illidan broke into the palace to retrieve the Dragon Soul, but didn't say exactly how they destroyed the portal."

"Also, the ending of Queen Azshara is also vague in his mouth. Fandral said that she was involved in the maelstrom together with his palace and maids destroyed by Malfurion, but Malfurion did not say anything about it. Make it clear."

Nozdormu meaningfully stretched out his hand and patted Charlemagne heavily on the shoulder, "So you understand now, there is a lot of room for manipulation in history, and you can make some minor changes while maintaining the established history." , This is the task I entrust to you."

"I'll go back first. I have already engraved the coordinates of returning to the original time and space on your body. Activate it when you think you should leave after completing the mission."

As he spoke, Nozdormu walked into the space-time passage just opened in front of him. At this moment, Charlemagne was still thinking about what the Bronze Dragon King said just now, and did not respond to his departure.

After a long time, Queen Azshara's soft inquiry sounded from the crystal ball hanging on Charlemagne's neck, "Kiran, what happened? You have been standing there in a daze for more than half an hour."


After recovering, Charlemagne realized that Nozdormu had long since disappeared, and the connection with the crystal ball that he had obscured had been restored.

"It's nothing, I thought of some things in the future, are you ready, Your Majesty?"

Azshara on the other side of the crystal ball nodded melancholy and said, "Well, it's just that Vashj will be wronged if you follow your plan, and is it really safe there?"

Charlemagne shrugged, "It should be safe for at least the next ten thousand years. Please don't worry, Your Majesty."

Vashj's fate Charlemagne really can't change, because from the time he came, Vashj has become a Naga form, which means that the fate of Azshara's most trusted maid has long been doomed.

But others may not necessarily...


While Charlemagne and Azshara were preparing in secret, a turning point finally appeared on the frontal battlefield.

Under the leadership of Usor and the Ursoc brothers, the demigods finally broke through the demon's defense line with the support of the guardian dragon, and the road to the palace was completely exposed in front of the coalition forces.

Cenarius, who had already killed Mannoroth with the help of many helpers, shouted to his proud disciple while maintaining the tranquility of the wide area, "Go, Malfurion! Complete your mission and close the portal The task is entrusted to you!"

Malfurion's face tightened. He was obviously a little nervous when he was suddenly entrusted with such an important task at this time, but after all, he was born with a big heart, and he quickly adjusted his emotions.

"I see, Cenarius, you have to be careful, Archimonde is ready to go into battle himself!"

After his striker died in battle, Archimonde had lost his patience, and his huge blue figure was approaching Cenarius.

The other demigods were exhausted by the massive amount of demons. Brothers Ursoc and Usor had already been drowned in the pile of demons. I am afraid that it was more or less ominous. Aviana, the messenger of the demigods, also fell from the sky. Going on, countless lives are sacrificed almost every moment on the mortal battlefield.

"Leave me alone! As long as you can drag Archimonde to the frontal battlefield, your task will be much easier. Go, the safety of the world depends on you!"

Now he can only trust his mentor, Malfurion finally bowed to Cenarius and saluted, then rushed towards the palace without looking back.

Tyrande, who was supposed to stay behind to provide support on the battlefield, seemed a little hesitant at this moment. In the end, she gritted her silver teeth and handed over the command of the Elune Sisters to Maiev, and she quietly followed Mafari. Ao entered the gate of the palace behind him.

Almost at the same time, an Eredar stepped out of the Well of Eternity portal in the palace.

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