Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 430: Silver Moon, let’s go!

Chapter 430 Silver Moon, let's go!

When the leaders returned home, and Draenei also drove the spaceship to the Eastern Plaguelands to build their new capital, Charlemagne frowned deeply after listening to Aurelia's story in the town of Far Travel brow.

"I didn't expect so many things to happen after I left for a few months. The leader of the Forsaken is actually His Majesty Solas, and Lordaeron has returned to the country..."

Cirvanas shrugged her shoulders gracefully, "To be honest, we didn't expect this kind of development at all, and from what you said, Queen Calia seems to have quite powerful wrists."

Alleria stroked the smooth hair of Vereesa who was sleeping on her lap, and said softly with a smile, "It's no wonder, after all, she was the princess who had been carefully taught by Terenas. If you don’t understand politics, then you underestimate people.”

Charlemagne flipped through the information sent back from Emeril on the table and said casually, "Although I always feel that someone behind her is coming up with ideas, but Queen Calia's hand is really beautiful. The Draenei are staying in the Eastern Plague. After that, we can no longer intervene in this land, which is equivalent to completely disrupting our expansion plan."

Valeira said indifferently, "After all, do the high elves really need to expand? Our population can only support so much land. It would be nice to be able to develop a Sandara, right?"

After reading the last report, Charlemagne looked up meaningfully and said, "Who knows, maybe someone is whispering in the ears of His Majesty Kael'thas. I always feel that those nobles seem to be too honest in recent years. Looking at it now Come on, they should have changed their strategy."

Onyxia's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Master! Do you need me to send my men to collect information? Don't worry, they are definitely professional!"

"Well, it seems that it's time to beat these disobedient guys again, and pay close attention to their movements. I want to see what these rice bugs want to do."

Aurelia saw Charlemagne getting up to get the weapon, and asked suspiciously, "Are you going out again? Where are you going this time?"

Charlemagne put Thoridar on the wall back on his back and replied with a smile, "Norrend, Emeril mentioned that Arthas has already landed in Dragonblight, and I'm going to save a silly dragon. This time, I failed to convince all the races to launch a coalition attack on Icecrown Citadel."

Thinking of this, Charlemagne sighed depressingly. After the discussion on the draenei issue yesterday, he made a suggestion, hoping that all races would send coalition forces to capture Icecrown Citadel and solve the problem of the Lich King once and for all. Unfortunately, it was rejected .

Not to mention the other races, even Kael'thas smiled wryly and shook his head, "Charlemagne, although I know your strategy is correct, but we should really rest now. Years of wars have exhausted the soldiers."

"The Eastern Plaguelands have finally calmed down. We also need to recuperate. I think other countries should also be based on the same consideration."

In desperation, Charlemagne had no choice but to give up this idea, and instead went to Dragonbone Wilderness to bring back the bones of Sindragosa while Illidan was fighting Alsace, and saved Sapphiron, the unlucky adult blue dragon.

Now, Illidan, who arrived in Northrend ahead of schedule, has already deployed his troops to prepare for battle. He personally arrived at the front line of Icecrown Citadel to attack the fortress. However, the Saronite Castle built by the Dreadlords is not so easy to break through.

Onyxia couldn’t go on this trip to Icecrown Glacier. She was responsible for arranging the mutated black dragon eggs brought back from Outland. At the same time, she also had to arrange for her dragons to sneak into Silvermoon City in batches to investigate the movements of the nobles.

At this time, the black dragon princess was obviously in a good mood. While humming, she sorted the dragon eggs into categories, which ones were about to hatch, and which ones were not yet ready. This job can only be identified by her, a black dragon.

Yesterday, Charlemagne took her to the shore of Lake Ellendal, spent several hours using arcane techniques to divert water from the lake, and helped the black dragon princess in the form of a dragon to brush her back well, and now her whole body is clean Onyxia seems more motivated to work.

Cirvanas raised her long legs and asked, "Then how do you plan to transport Sindragosa's bones back to the Dragonbone Wilderness? Surely you won't be able to move such a huge pile of dragon bones by yourself?"

"Hehe, I would like to thank His Majesty Kael'thas for his support. Although he didn't call out a large force to me, a space battleship that has just entered service has been temporarily handed over to my command."


Alleria, Valeira, and Cirvanas exclaimed at the same time, and Valeira hurriedly approached Charlemagne and asked repeatedly, "Is the new space battleship already in service? Who is the captain? What is the name of the ship? How many X-series mechs are attached?"

The shouts of the three awakened Vereesa, who had been sleeping soundly. The little girl was obviously a little annoyed when she just woke up. She raised her head and looked at the person who woke her up. It was only after Vereesa slept comfortably on the big sister's knee pillow again.

Charlemagne looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, lightly patted Valeira's head and replied, "Don't worry, I will answer your questions one by one. First of all, the captain's name is Calpurnia, you should have heard of this name before." ?”


Valeira nodded vigorously, "I heard that he is one of His Majesty's confidantes, and he is deeply trusted by His Majesty. It seems to be an old acquaintance of yours, right?"

"Well, Alleria and I knew her when she was the ambassador of Suramar. She is indeed a very capable female elf. I think she should be qualified for the position of captain."

"In addition to your last two questions, I only know that this ship is called Silver Moon, and I don't know anything about its attachments. After all, I haven't officially boarded Silver Moon yet."

Valeira's eyes lit up, and she shyly walked around the desk and grabbed Charlemagne's hand, "Charlemagne, can you take me up this time to have a look? I want to know what is the difference between this ship and the Lieyang" ~"


Charlemagne's whole body trembled, and he hurriedly shook off Valela's hand, "I don't know how to act like a baby, it's so disgusting, it's alright, alright, I'll take you there, anyway, there shouldn't be many combat missions this time."

"Thank you Charlemagne, hehe~"

Valeira served as a CIC for a short time on the Lieyang when she first served on the ship. She seems to be very interested in space battleships. Anyway, it’s not a big deal to just take her out for a walk.

With the help of her mother, Valeira quickly packed her luggage. At about this time, the newly commissioned Silver Moon docked in the open space outside the town under the curious gaze of the residents of Yuanxing Town. .

This newly built ship is different from the Lieyang, which is mainly painted in gold and red. The whole exudes a silver-white metallic luster. Calpurnia walked down immediately after the cabin door opened.

Miss Astromancer smiled and extended her hand to Charlemagne, "Long time no see, Duke Theron, please take care of me on this mission."

Charlemagne walked up to her and held her hand politely, saying, "Where, I'm so sorry that you were asked to go on a mission just after serving in the army."

While Charlemagne was still greeting Calpurnia, Valeira had already packed all her luggage into the magic backpack, and the little girl, led by the Silver Moon's logistics staff, entered the interior of the hull with great interest and began to visit.

Charlemagne and the three Windrunner sisters hugged and bid farewell one by one, and patted the monkey's head hard with Lilas' gossiping and joking expressions.

"Listen to your sisters at home, and I will take you out to see the world after you reach a high level."

"It's done, brother-in-law!"

When Charlemagne boarded the bridge, Calpurnia, who had already put on the captain's hat, asked slightly with her eyes. After getting Charlemagne's approval, she immediately got up and gave the order "The hull is lifted into the air! Adjust the course and target the keel of the Northrend continent." Wilderness, engine propulsion 70%, Silver Moon, let's go!"

Thanks to the book friends "Book Friends 161006130809826" and "Chonglou & Nightshade" for their support.

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