Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 424: Our goal is the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 424 Our goal is the sea of ??stars


The corners of Charlemagne's mouth twitched a little. The Prophet probably thought of running with Kil'jaeden in the sunset of Argus, so he had no choice but to repeat the question just now.

Velen sighed and said, "Yes, we have decided to evacuate Outland and go to Azeroth. I hope this is the last time we escape with our tails between our legs. Years of fleeing have exhausted us."

Charlemagne smiled and said, "Your Excellency Velen, I believe that the draenei can gradually recuperate in Azeroth. Under the protection of the space barrier, it is not so easy for the Burning Legion to come in. Sporadic demons cannot pose too much threat to us." .”

"Hey... I hope that as you said, we will be able to set off on the Tempest Fortress this afternoon. Please Mr. Theron board our spaceship and get ready."

"Huh? So fast?"

Although Charlemagne has seen the swift evacuation preparations of the draenei just now, this is too fast...

Velen smiled wryly, "Because this is not the first time we have evacuated, and the people are already used to this kind of up and down life."

Although I don't know exactly how many years Draenei's lifespan is, but the group of people who escaped from Argus, except for those who died in the battle, are basically still alive, including Marla who is beside Velen with a bitter face. De and Onara, obviously they all thought of the history of humiliation and escape.

Khadgar also shook his head and sighed at this time, "Charlemagne, don't poke their sore spots. The expeditionary force has already made preparations, and most of them have already entered Storm Fortress."

Charlemagne looked around the Holy Light Square. Naru, such as Adal and Keshili, who were originally here, had disappeared, and they were probably transferred to the Storm Fortress.

"Then let's start evacuating too, do you know the coordinates of Azeroth?"

Wei Lun probably didn't expect Charlemagne to ask such a professional question, he was taken aback before answering, "We already know the coordinates of Azeroth, some of our clansmen were driven into Azeroth as slaves by the orcs through the portal of darkness. Although most of Xerath died there, a small number escaped back, including a few technicians."

Charlemagne touched his head, and said with some hesitation, "Your Excellency Velen, in fact, not all of your compatriots who passed through the Dark Portal died, but most of these draenei living in the Swamp of Sorrows have become... like Nobundo In the same shape as Mr.

As Charlemagne spoke, he pointed at Nobundo the Shaman next to him, and his words made Nobundo and Velen stunned at the same time.

Veylon sighed with relief, "Bless the Holy Light, are there still people alive? It seems that we need to bring these poor compatriots back."

"Nobundo, after I find these compatriots, I will hand them over to you. I hope you can teach them the way of shamanism that is different from that of the Holy Light."

"Obey, Prophet."

Draenei, who were corrupted by fel energy and turned into Broken ones, could no longer perceive the Holy Light. If Nobundo, the original defender, discovered that they could comprehend the way of the ancestors and become shamans, I am afraid that these Broken ones would be completely crazy sooner or later.

When Charlemagne followed Velen out of the Plaza of Holy Light, a huge object happened to descend from the sky. This huge upright object emitting purple light should be the spaceship given to the Draenei by the Naaru——Storm Fortress.

There are four smaller satellite spaceships around the Storm Fortress. Not surprisingly, they should be the Eco Ship, the Energy Ship, the Arcatraz, and the Exodar.

When Velen brought Charlemagne and others close to the Tempest Fortress, a teleportation anchor appeared on the square of Shattrath City. Velen reached out and gestured to Charlemagne and Vereesa, "Please board the Storm Fortress, this one!" We will also send someone to deliver Miss Black Dragon's eggs."

Onyxia, who had been wearing a dragon egg bag around her neck, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally changed back to the form of a high elf, "I hope you can properly place my dragon eggs, these are my master's important property !"

Princess Black Dragon’s arrogant words made Khadgar’s face a little weird. He quietly approached Charlemagne and asked in a low voice, “Can you tell me how you tamed the black dragon? No matter how I communicated with them back then, it was useless.”

Charlemagne looked at Khadgar with idiot eyes, "You are not talking nonsense, you were facing the fallen black dragon army led by Deathwing, how could they communicate with you under the order of the Black Dragon King."

"Oni is different from those black dragons corrupted by evil blood. He is a descendant of Deathwing born before his fall. He doesn't have the crazy thoughts of other black dragons. You want to tame the black dragon? Good luck!"

Charlemagne patted Khadgar's shoulder sympathetically, and walked into the teleportation formation with Onyxia and Vereesa, who stared at Khadgar unkindly.

Khadgar didn't take it seriously either, he shrugged and muttered to himself, "I'm just talking, it's just an academic research."

As the draenei entered Storm Fortress, Shatata, which was still lively, suddenly became a lot quieter. Arakkoa, ogres and other alien races were looking up at the spaceships in the sky in a daze.

Entering the spaceship, Charlemagne discovered that the real Tempest Fortress is many times larger than the dungeon map in the game, with roads extending in all directions and a large number of rooms. If he is allowed to wander in the spaceship alone... he will probably get lost.

At this time, Velen walked up to Charlemagne with his staff and issued an invitation, "Mr. Theron, please follow me to the bridge. Romul has already located the coordinates of Azeroth. Now Outland is far away from Azeroth." The distance is very short, and we can reach the outer layer of Azeroth tomorrow morning at the most."

Charlemagne nodded, "Okay, the space barriers erected by the Titans were mainly aimed at carriers of negative energy such as evil energy and void, and the Draenei, a race that has received the Holy Light, should be able to enter unimpeded."

Otherwise, the Exodar would not have fallen into Azeroth so easily, and would have been ejected by the space barrier long ago...

The bridge of the Tempest Fortress is very different from the one designed by Charlemagne (cottage). Perhaps Naru prefers an open design. The entire bridge is more like a huge hall, only near the edge of the hull. Some operating instruments.

Overall, the bridge of Tempestkeep...looks like a scaled-up version of the Vidical upper deck.

Chief Technician Romuel, who had been waiting here for a long time, nodded slightly when he saw Velen's arrival, "Prophet, we have made all preparations and are ready to go at any time, waiting for your order."

Veylon asked Charlemagne with his eyes sideways, and waited until he nodded before gently ordering, "Then let's go, target, Azeroth."

"Yes! The jump engine starts, enter the coordinates of Azeroth, adjust the course, Storm Fortress, let's go!"

Following Rommel's order, a film of light covered the surface of the fleet headed by Storm Fortress. When several spaceships were almost completely covered together, a dazzling light flashed, and the sky above Shattrath City had once again Can't see the shadow of Storm Fortress either.

Thanks to the book friends "Dragon City Tanhua" and "Yi Chen灬" for their support.

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