Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 406: Teleportation in hand, the world can go anywhere

Chapter 406 With teleportation in hand, the world can go anywhere

"Ah, look who this is, Maiev Shadowsong, the watcher who has guarded me for ten thousand years, did you expect to see me in the outside world again?"

Illidan was obviously in a good mood at this time. He got the artifact he ordered. He was already quite sure about completing Kil'jaeden's mission. After seeing Maiev, he was still in the mood to tease her.

Maiev revealed her female tyrannosaurus nature as soon as she said, "Shut up, prisoner! This time I must take you back to prison, and I will let you experience the torture methods of the watchers. Tyrande can Can't save you twice!"

Referring to his 10,000-year history of humiliation and imprisonment, a murderous look flashed across Illidan's face, "I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did. Everything is to defeat the Burning Legion. You idiots can't understand my meaning at all..."

"Shut up! I'll say it again, you only have two choices, either follow me back to the prison, or die in this tomb full of demons, choose the second option, this should be the most suitable place for you to be buried as a demon place!"

Illidan let out an angry laugh, "Haha, arrogant watcher! I choose the third option, and I will bury you here. Continue to implement my plan without distraction, and feel the power of the Eye of Sargeras!"

As Illidan laughed wildly and lifted up the green gem, terrifying fel energy was guided out of it, and heavily bombarded the roof of Sargeras' tomb.


The entire tomb suddenly shook violently. While Maiev and the others stabilized their bodies, Illidan broke out with his Naga.

"Hmph! Farewell to Maiev, I hope you like this burial place you personally chose. Staying with the devil forever should be more in line with your original intention of setting up the watchman, hahahaha!"

Maiev shouted furiously, "Stop..."

"Mistress beware!"

At this moment, a boulder suddenly fell from the top of the tomb, and Nasha hurried forward to bring Mavey back. The boulder happened to land in the middle of the two teams, separating Illidan and Maiev.

Illidan took Naga and continued to flee outside without looking back. Maiev punched the boulder in front of him angrily, "Damn it! I was calculated by that damned demon!"

Charlemagne, who had been deliberately lowering his sense of presence before, came out and said, "Maev, it's not the time to take care of Illidan now, let's evacuate first, although this huge tomb should not collapse completely, but we have already buried it." More than enough."

Nasha looked at the blocked road in front of her with a sad face, "But how should we get out? The way we came here is already impassable, and we don't know the way inside the tomb..."

Charlemagne patted his chest confidently and said, "At this time, the teleportation technique is needed. Wait a moment, I will open the portal to Suramar City."


More and more stones fell from the head, and the entire tomb began to shake again. Charlemagne, who had just stretched out his hand, stood still with Onyxia's support.

‘I’m going, I have to speed up, if I’m unlucky enough to be crushed to death by a boulder, that would be a sad reminder. '

Gathering his mind, Charlemagne let Onyxia, who had a relatively stable chassis, stabilize himself, and concentrated on opening the portal.

"Go, the roof here shouldn't last long!"

Under the command of Maiev and Nasha, the watchmen passed through the portal one by one in an orderly manner. When Charlemagne and Maiev finally entered and closed the portal, a boulder happened to fall from the roof and hit them. The place.

When they walked out of the portal again, Charlemagne and the others had already returned to the square in front of the Dark Night Fortress. The Children of the Night were enjoying their leisurely afternoon with peace of mind. Seeing a group of people walking out of the portal in a panic, they sent looked curiously.


Charlemagne looked at the watchmen behind him, and there was no one missing, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Maiev and Nasha also seemed to be in a state of shock. If Charlemagne hadn't been present, their entire group would have been in dire straits.

Although Maiev has a grumpy temper, he is not a ignorant person in his normal state. The watchman bowed solemnly to Charlemagne and said, "Duke Theron, thank you for your rescue. If it weren't for your help, we might..."

Maiev herself is more confident that she can escape. She can use a simple space-based spell like Blink to escape from the Tomb of Sargeras, but Nasha and the others...

At the thought of losing the sister she regarded as her own, Maiev felt a little shuddering, and felt even more grateful to Charlemagne.

Charlemagne hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, I was also in it, so saving you is self-help, but what are you going to do next? Do you want to continue tracking Illidan?"


Maiev's tone was a bit gritted, "That damned devil! I must personally capture him and put him in prison for the rest of his life. Besides, he is holding that powerful fel artifact in his hand. I'm worried that he will do something big."

Nasha stabilized her emotions at this time, and after thinking for a while, she suggested, "Mistress, why don't we go back to Mount Hyjal first, judging from the number we saw just now, Illidan has many naga's to help. It will be very difficult for us to capture him, shall we ask Lord Malfurion for help?"

After hearing Nasha's words, Maiev weighed it a bit, "Alright, although I don't know what Illidan wants to do, as long as I report the fel artifact in his hand to Malfurion, I think he won't just sit idly by. .”

Immediately Maiev turned to Charlemagne and asked, "Duke Theron, can I trouble you again and send us back to Mount Hyjal?"

Charlemagne smiled heartily, "No problem, and don't call me Duke Theron, just call me Charlemagne."

As he spoke, he proceeded to open a portal leading to the ruins of Nordrassil, "Okay, Maiev, please bring my greetings to Jarod when you go back, I don't know that he is caught between Shandris and Sarah I hope he can take care of his health."


Mentioning the entanglement between the three, both Maiev and Nasha couldn't help laughing, and the watchmen next to them also couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, Charlemagne, I will convey your greetings to Garrod, and hope to see you again in the future."

Maiev is a vigorous and decisive person. After saying goodbye to Charlemagne, she immediately led Nasha and others into the portal.

Seeing the watchmen leave, Onyxia came over with a smile and took Charlemagne's hand, "Master, has your goal been achieved now? Maiev obviously has some affection for you. In your previous words, Favorability plus 20!"

"Poor mouth!"

Charlemagne lightly slapped the Black Dragon Princess on the head angrily, "This watcher is the top combat power among mortals, there are advantages and no disadvantages in making friends with her, and I have a hunch that we will meet again soon. "

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