Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 399: Wow! Sorry... (700 monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 399 Wow! Sorry... (700 monthly ticket plus update)


Charlemagne, who was fishing leisurely, couldn't help but yawned. He hadn't lived such a peaceful and comfortable life for a long time, and it made him a little uncomfortable for a while.


At this moment, a splash of water was splashed on his face, and the cool and slightly salty sea water woke him up. When he looked to the side, he found that Vereesa was standing in the sea with her little feet bare. , it seems that the sea water just now is a good thing she did.


The little girl raised her head arrogantly, "Are you so lethargic when you come out? Your bait has already been eaten."


Charlemagne heard the words and hurriedly lifted the hook out of the water, "Oh, no..."

Sure enough, the bait had already been eaten by the fish, and Charlemagne's face was a little embarrassed, "Eh... this was an accident, I was distracted just now."

Vereesa wrinkled her little nose in disdain, "What a distraction, you're obviously about to fall asleep, and if you're fishing like this for the rest of your life, you won't be able to catch it. Why don't you come over and play cards with us."

The card game Vereesa mentioned refers to the Hearthstone legend that Alleria is currently fighting against Sylvanas... Needless to say, this thing is a bad taste of a certain traveler.

Seeing the two sisters holding the cards nervously and Onyxia and Valeira chatting to help out, Charlemagne could see their love for this board game, even Lor'themar was far away. Playing couple battles with Liadrin under the parasol.

"Haha, I've played this game a lot, go ahead and play it, as long as it can make you relax, our purpose of coming out to play this time will be achieved."

Actually, Charlemagne didn’t think so in his heart. Wei Guangzheng was ‘just kidding! What's the point of playing with you rookies? My big Anduin stole you so hard that you can't take care of yourself! '

Well, since this game came out, Anduin Wrynn, who is less than 6 years old, has gradually become a dirty shepherd in a small part of the population, and a certain black dragon princess has also learned what Charlemagne casually said when playing cards. A mantra.


In order to let relatives and friends enjoy this rare relaxing time, Charlemagne offered to put down work and come out to play together. Except for poor Lisson who couldn’t leave, Sean, Romans and Lena all responded positively to the call.

The place where Charlemagne and others are now is a territory of the Windrunner family on the sea, called Sharantis Island.

Five years ago, Charlemagne slowly transformed it into a tourist destination after consulting Li Reza's opinion. In recent years, this small island has created a lot of wealth for the Windrunner family. Apart from the golden sandy beach next to Sail Harbor, Sarantis Island has the largest number of tourists.

As for Quel'Danas, the island where the Sunwell is located is not accessible at any time. Except for important festivals, Quel'Danas is not open to ordinary people at all.

Li Reza was very surprised by the benefits created by Sharantis Island. She really didn't expect that a deserted island enclave of a Windrunner family could turn a grass chicken into a phoenix.

After being repaired by Charlemagne, the beach on the shore of Sharantis Island is now covered with fine white sand transported from the golden beach, the blue water, the warm sunshine of Quel'Thalas and the warm sea breeze. , will bring a feeling of relaxation and joy to the tourists on the island.

Especially couple tourists like to come here in groups to enjoy life, they caused tons of damage to the single tourists around, even Charlemagne began to consider whether to charge couple tourists...cough.

While he was looking at the Golden Mist Village in the distance, there was a burst of triumphant laughter from another group of card tables not far away.

"Sorry! I won, hahaha!"

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth curled up, and he knew it was Sean when he heard the smug voice. At this time, Rommath, who was opposite him, had a constipated expression on his face.

"Why are you so sorry..."

Charlemagne turned around and saw that Vereesa was still standing beside him, he couldn't help but chuckled and patted her on the head with his hand, "Okay, don't follow me, go play with your sister, I'm just I’m just in a daze here, thinking about life.”

Vereesa opened Charlemagne's hand, and pouted dissatisfiedly, "Don't slap my head! I'm not a kid anymore, I've broken through to epic now!"

Charlemagne rubbed Vereesa's silver hair, which was very similar to himself, jokingly said, "Yes, yes, the third Miss Vereesa is mighty and rippling, and she came from behind to catch up with Lor'themar. It's really commendable." .”

"I told you I'm not a child!"

Amid Vereesa's furious rage, Charlemagne laughed and avoided the little girl's flailing attacks, and ran all the way in the direction of Aurelia and the others.

Lor'themar had already broken through to the epic level during Charlemagne's expedition to Kalimdor. Vereesa, the third lady of the Windrunner who received the bonus of an artifact, was not far behind Lor'themar. Step into the epic footsteps from the peak of the hero.

Valeira seemed a little dissatisfied with Vereesa sneaking away first, but in fact she is not far from a breakthrough, and after a year of precipitation at most, she will be able to pass the threshold smoothly.

As for Charlemagne himself, his control of the power of rules has become more and more proficient with the passage of time and his own efforts. I don’t know if this kind of control rules for vectors has appeared in the history of Azeroth before, but there is a certain rule in the previous life. Baimao's experience can be used for reference, and it can finally save him a lot of detours.

Usually, when he practiced vector control, he would imitate that white hair and form a reflection force field around his body. As long as the attack energy does not exceed the upper limit of the vector he can control, then he can perfectly resist the opponent's attack, even Bounce this attack further back.

As for the attack, he can change the direction of the arrow by manipulating the vector, and add vector propulsion to the arrow to further increase his attack power. He even doubts that when the control of the vector is further strengthened, will he finally be able to break through the laws of physics and shoot super arrows? Arrows at the speed of light...Of course this will take time to verify.

Right now, he still has no way to reverse the direction of the blood flow and bioelectricity in the opponent's whole body through a simple touch like Baimao, and it is even more impossible to change the rotation of the planet Azeroth.

But when he tried to change the direction of the vector under his feet, he got a huge surprise, because he found that he could fly... Maybe it is more accurate to say that he jumped out of an extraordinary height, at least he could not stay in the air for a long time.

According to Charlemagne's own speculation, his level of control over the power of rules should have reached the epic level. When he can condense a strong wind around his body and let himself really fly into the sky, he will probably reach the peak of the epic.

Thinking of this, Charlemagne felt very much looking forward to ‘Fly! Instead of relying on external force, but using your own body to fly freely in the sky, it feels exciting to think about it. It seems that you still need to work hard to unlock the flying achievement as soon as possible! '

Add more than 100 monthly tickets every day... I feel like my body is hollowed out, and I will double the monthly tickets at the end of the month, and I will die.

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