Chapter 392 Stealing the house

On the canopy of Nordrassil, under the command of the two leaders, the night elves are scattered through the portal to take refuge in places such as Astrana, Auberdine, and Moonglade.

Although resistance from some diehards was unavoidable, Tyrande, who led the Sisters of Elune, and Fandral, who was equally tough, were not soft-hearted people, and they would arrest and take away anyone who dared to make trouble at such a critical moment.

Estalia grabbed Leiana's hand and pouted with some dissatisfaction, "What! Grandpa just let us hide in Mount Hyjal, and now we are going back to Astrana again. What's the point of going back?"

Leiana hugged this immature daughter dotingly, and comforted her with a smile, "Don't be petty, your grandpa has important things to do now, as long as he's busy for a while, he will definitely come to you in person Sorry, you also know that grandpa loves you the most."

"Hee hee, I know, next time I must let grandpa play with me for a while longer!"

Most of the civilians completed the evacuation in an orderly manner under the command of the priests and druids, but at this moment, the whole city shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred, and the screams of panic turned the evacuation scene into chaos .

The mages who were shaken to this side could no longer maintain the portal. Under the command of experienced seniors, they hurriedly lowered their stances, so as not to be shaken by the earthquake and fall to the ground and be injured.

Tyrande tried his best to maintain his figure and asked loudly to the Moon Priest beside him, "What's going on? Is anyone attacking Nordrassil?"

Fandral turned into a storm crow without saying a word. After leaving the ground, he quickly flapped his wings and flew towards the outside of the canopy. When he saw the situation below through the dense branches and leaves of Nordrassil, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils. .

At this time, Charlemagne, Garrod and others also noticed the change in the rear, and a group of elf leaders turned their heads at the same time to look at the blue-skinned Eredar of normal height standing under the World Tree in horror.

"That's... Archimonde?"

Garrod couldn't help but exclaimed. At the same time, he turned his head and glanced at the huge polluter who was still keeping a mocking smile behind him.

Charlemagne smacked his lips in frustration, "Tsk... careless, I didn't expect Archimonde to leave an illusion in place, and I sneaked through the defense line and sneaked under the World Tree."

Archimonde took advantage of the inertial thinking blind spots of Charlemagne, Garrod and others. Who would have thought that dignified polluters would use such a small method, and everyone thought that Archimonde would use his strength to crush the frontal past.

Garrod didn't take Charlemagne's words, and turned his head directly to Shandris and ordered, "Let the demigods and dragons attack immediately, and we must try to delay Archimonde as much as possible, so that he can't wantonly absorb the power of the World Tree! "


When Shandris set off on the Hippogryph, Elisande glanced at the Burning Legion that was still attacking ahead and asked in puzzlement, "But how did the Polluter bypass the entire line of defense and enter the rear? It's so conspicuous." It's impossible for the foreign races not to notice."

Charlemagne looked anxiously at the figure of Shandris, and subconsciously replied, "Archimonde was originally a member of the highest triumvirate of Eredar before his fall, and his arcane attainments are very profound. It didn't have any difficulty becoming one of us and infiltrating the camp."

"Before we were purely misled by inertial thinking. It is true that Archimonde spent most of his time using fel energy after he became the general of the Burning Legion, but this does not mean that he cannot use arcane magic."

The battle in the rear Charlemagne and others can't help at all, because they are mortals, it is impossible to cause any harm to Archimonde, so a group of people can only stand here and worry.

At the same time, Archimonde's assault also caused a chain reaction among the frontline soldiers. In order to maintain morale, these leaders must stay here and continue to destroy the remaining Burning Legion.

Fortunately, not long after Archimonde began to absorb the energy of the World Tree, the two flying guardian dragons, Alexstrasza and Ysera, rushed to Nordrassil first, and the two rushed to Archimonde at the same time. Mond exhaled dragon breath.

Alexstrasza's flame of life has the same high temperature and lethality as the black dragon's shadow flame, while Ysera's breath is poisonous green dragon's breath, which contains part of her dream power, Those who are hit will instinctively enter a trance state, providing opportunities for other companions to attack.

Of course, Archimonde would not let the two big lizards attack him. He temporarily withdrew his hand from the world tree and started a battle with the two dragon kings. Delin and Taranistrasz had just arrived, and Cenarius also stood behind and began to support the two dragon kings.

"Hmph! Have you been discovered? That's fine, then kill you reptiles first and then slowly absorb power!"

Archimonde looked at a group of demigod-level opponents who suddenly appeared around him, and with a cold snort, he turned back to his tall prototype. Almost at the same time, the phantom incarnation he left in the distance also dissipated like a wave of water.

As the battle between Archimonde and the demigods began, a large number of fel flames began to appear on the battlefield. However, considering the safety of World Tree, Archimonde still had reservations and did not completely let go of the attack. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mages in the canopy city immediately opened the portal again, and the frightened night elves ignored the command of the priests, rushing into the portal.

Galod gritted his teeth looking at the battlefield where the gods were fighting behind him, "I can't control them for the time being, I hope Alexstrasza and the others can delay until Malfurion is ready, and let's gather superior forces to kill these remaining demons first."

Both Kael'thas and Elisande nodded, and the two gave the order to counter-defense and attack with solemn expressions.

Following the orders of the two leaders, the troops on the front line unanimously stepped up their attacks under the orders of their respective commanders.

Alleria and Cirvanas commanded the Farstrider and Ranger troops to push forward respectively, and Liadrin's Dawn Vanguard also put away their magic spears and took out the long weapons used to charge the battle.

"Morning Vanguard Legion, assault!"

Under the command of the flag officer waving the battle flag of the Morning Front, the paladins took the lead in sending out battle cries to drive the dismounted Quel'dorei horses to charge towards the flanks of the Burning Legion, and the other major legions also sent cavalry troops to follow the Morning Front. The legion began to charge behind.

On the Lieyang, Lianda clenched her fists after receiving the order. She fought and ordered firmly, "Stop the secondary artillery attack and start Genesis! Let us deal with those tall abyss lords behind the Burning Legion!"

"Yes! Genesis is activated, and the main gun is being recharged with energy."

Following Archimonde's unexpected surprise attack, the pace of the entire war suddenly accelerated. Now that both sides are fighting for time, it depends on who can take the lead.

"The energy of the main gun is fully charged and ready to fire at any time!"

Lianda imitated Charlemagne's movement at that time, stretched out her hand, and ordered loudly, "Genesis launch! Eliminate the enemy's large demons!"

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