Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 381: Scourge Vanguard

Chapter 381 Natural Disaster Pioneer Army

In the Battle of the Ancients, Garald relied on his unparalleled commanding talent to make the demigods and giant dragons, such rebellious and powerful beings, willingly unite under his command, and face the desperate ancient battle together with mortals. battle.

Although Garald always underestimated himself, thinking that he was just an ordinary person who happened to meet him, and he was not a hero, the leaders of various tribes, demigods and giant dragons all believed that he was a well-deserved hero in the battle of the ancients. leader of.

"Nowadays, the Eastern Continent has been dragged down due to the invasion of the Scourge Legion. We have mobilized all the troops we can send to the foot of Mount Hyjal. People...with all due respect there isn't a single one."

Seeing the hesitation flashing in Garald's eyes, Charlemagne continued to persuade, "Mr. Garald, maybe you have always thought that you are just an ordinary mortal, but what I learned from the demigod and the guardian dragon is different. Even The arrogant wolf **** Goldrinn praises you very much, and you are the supreme commander of the coalition forces."

Garald smiled wryly when he heard Charlemagne's words, "Sarah Hill has also mentioned this topic many times, but I really don't think I am so great. If it weren't for the large number of troops left by Lord Ravencrest, I wouldn't have It's impossible to turn the tide..."

Sarah Hill held her husband's hand and comforted her gently, "Garrod, this is your bad habit. With your keen insight, you can clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of the people around you and even demigods. But I can't see myself."

"It's time to face your responsibilities again. Now that Azeroth is in great trouble again, all creatures living in this world should be grateful for the world that raised us. You have the heart to see that you once guarded us. Will the world be destroyed in the hands of demons like this?"

Charlemagne did not speak out to persuade him at this time. He had already told Garald everything he had to say, and the rest would depend on his own choice... perhaps there was Sarah Hill's encouragement behind him.


After a long time, Garald, whose expression had been changing unpredictably, finally let out a breath. When he opened his eyes again, he had clearly made up his mind.

"Well, although I don't know how much effect I, a mortal, can play, but as Sarah Hill said, all Azerothians living in this world have the obligation and responsibility to contribute to her."

In the end, he gently patted the hand held by his wife, and then he stood up and said firmly, "It's not too late. From here, ride the night saber to the Tarrendis camp and transfer to the horned eagle." The beast will take a lot of time, let's go immediately!"

When Garald and Sarah Hill got up and started packing their bags, Charlemagne and the other three were sitting on the chairs, their behavior made the couple feel very puzzled.

Garrod asked tentatively with a black question mark on his face, "Don't you guys...don't get ready?"

Charlemagne shook his head dumbfoundingly and said, "Mr. Garrod... Do you know that there is a spell called teleportation in this world?"

Garrod scratched his head, but Sarah Hill beside him came to her senses, her eyes turned back and forth on the three of Charlemagne, as if she was looking for who the mage was, and finally her eyes fixed on Oni who was empty-handed Kesha.

"Could it be...is this lady a mage?"

Hearing Sarah Hill's question, Onyxia showed a mischievous smile, "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong, I'm not a mage."

Garrod finally came to his senses. He looked back and forth at Charlemagne and Emmoreel, who were carrying bows, "Could it be... one of you is also a mage?"

"Crack! Correct!"

Charlemagne stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and said with a proud smile on his face, "Just because of the convenience of moving, the first thing I want to learn from the time I practice spells is teleportation. Please clean up the two of you as soon as possible. I will open the portal and bring everyone back to Nordrassil."

Garrod breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great. Time is running out now. Now that Archimonde has arrived in Winterspring, I'm afraid it won't be long before this impatient demon leader launches an attack."


At the same time, at the first line of defense at the foot of Mount Hyjal, Goel was shouting loudly to direct his troops to resist the attack of the Scourge.

Just this morning, Archimonde had ordered Alsace to let the Scourge's cannon fodder army launch an attack.

Although Alsace didn't want to take out his troops to attack the defense line that the orcs had already set up, but Archimonde's order made him unable to disobey, so he simply sent a second-five of the Lich King's men who had already joined the Burning Legion Aberdeen Lich, Reggie Winterchill led the attack.

There are no such low-level walking corpses in the Scourge today. After several months of accumulation, Alsace has ordered his psychic masters to assemble all the corpses into ugly abominations.

Reki Donghan vigorously led a large group of elite Scourge troops to charge the orc camp. The two brothers Varok and Brox stood on the front line and led the troops to resist the attack of the Scourge.

Chief Vol'jin of the Darkspear troll and Drek'Thar of the Frostwolf clan led their respective witch doctors and shamans to provide strong support to the frontline fighters.

In terms of strength, Reki Winterhan is the most powerful Lich under the Lich King except Kel'Thuzad, but because of his loyalty to the Burning Legion, Ner'zhul and Arthas have made up their minds to kill him. As an abandoned son.

Although this Lich is powerful, his ability to lead troops is very clumsy. He didn't even do much command, and directly pushed all the troops to the front line according to the previous wave of undead natural disasters.

The group of orcs in front of them are the elite who survived the second war. After getting rid of the curse of the blood of Mannoroth, they finally regained their full fighting power.

Facing such a simple and rude attack from Reki Donghan, Brother Saurfang sneered disdainfully.

"A brainless undead, wanting to break through the orc defenses like this, dreaming!"

Varok, who was riding on the black wolf, raised his ax and pointed at the Scourge army on the left, and ordered loudly, "Send wolf cavalry to charge from the flank! The troll headhunters will attack the gargoyles in the sky first, and the psychic will hand them over to the shaman and witch doctor." !"

"Roar! Lok'tar!"

Brox drove the gray wolf under him, and took the lead with the wolf cavalry to charge towards the left wing pointed out by Varok.

Sitting on the hillside behind the town, Gouel, who had an overview of the overall situation, felt a little worried when he saw the endless stream of natural disasters.

"Although the command is lame, this number... is indeed a bit much."

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