Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 379: expelled from his hometown

Chapter 379 I was expelled from my hometown again

When Charlemagne arrived at the hermitage of Azsharajarod, Tichondrius, who was far away in the Felwood Forest, had already knelt down on the ground, and he took a last unbelievable look at the unknown demon in front of him.

"who are you?"

A deep voice came from the demon's mouth, "The dead don't need to know this, go back to the Twisting Void with peace of mind!"

With a hoof stomped on Tichondrius, the leader of the dreadlord was completely obliterated by the fel energy.

"Hehe...hahaha! What a powerful force, this is what I seek to defeat the Burning Legion!"

After killing Tichondrius, the demon dissipated the black mist covering his body, and what appeared on the spot was a first-born man with curved horns and bat wings behind him, who was laughing wildly.

From the black cloth still covering his eyes and the familiar outline, he could vaguely recognize the identity of this person. It was Illidan Stormrage, who was sent by Tyrande to Felwood Forest to investigate the truth of forest corruption.

After Illidan came to Felwood, while killing satyrs and demons, he began to search for the source of corrosion in the vast forest. At this time, a "human" who suddenly appeared in front of him stopped him. After a fierce battle, the "human" Humans told him an important news.

"The one that corrupted this forest is a fel artifact called the Skull of Gul'dan. Tichondrius used it to corrupt the forest. If you want to save this land, go to the altar in the north and destroy him. "

Although Illidan had some doubts about the authenticity of the words of this human being who had a tie with him, but in line with the idea that he would rather kill the wrong than let it go, he finally led the night elves' small troop northward, and it turned out to be a high ground at the northern end of the forest. An altar was found.

What is in full bloom on the altar is the head of Gul'dan. Originally, Khadgar and the others had brought this artifact back to Dalaran after they entered Draenor to stop Ner'zhul, but when Tichondrius sneaked into Dalaran At that time, he also snatched away this evil artifact.

Now he happened to use this artifact full of evil power to corrupt the entire Felwood Forest. The furbolgs in front of Timbermaw Stronghold in the north were affected by this corrupting power before they fell. Now the fallen and sober furbolgs are going on A bitter civil war.

Illidan, who was thirsty for all power, only hesitated for a moment after holding Gul'dan's head and completely absorbed the evil energy in it. The huge evil energy filled his body, making him stronger and transforming him at the same time. shape.

Illidan, who turned into a demon, not only obtained the power in Gul'dan's head, but also inherited the memories of Gul'dan's life, including the situation of the tomb of Sargeras and the important artifacts hidden inside.

At this time, on a small hill not far from Illidan, Alsace, who was riding on Invincible, watched Tichondrius' fall with cold eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Respected master, the most powerful leader of the dread demon kings who watched us has died, and the few remaining are no longer to be feared. Do I need to return to the Eastern Continent now?"

Ner'zhul thought for a while after hearing the words, "No, you stay in Kalimdor for the time being, while Varimathras, Balnazar, and Deserocco are still staying in Lordaeron to monitor Kel'Thuzad. It's not time to turn against them."

The Burning Legion is still powerful now. If he jumps back at this time, it will be over if Archimonde gets the World Tree and comes back to liquidate it. It's better to wait for the final result of this war before stating his position.

Illidan, who had just gained power, hadn't had time to be intoxicated for a long time. After receiving the message, Malfurion and Tyrande left Fandral and Shandris to coordinate the defense of the coalition forces, and rushed to the scene from Mount Hyjal.

Malfurion in the form of a storm crow quickly returned to his original form after landing, and he looked at the demon in front of him with a sad face, "Illidan... I didn't believe it when I received the news, but I didn't expect you to really become a demon. "

Tyrande also frowned and looked at him. She began to wonder if her decision to release Illidan was really wrong.

Facing Malfurion's accusation, Illidan showed an indifferent smile on his face, "Huh! Brother, only such a powerful force can defeat the Burning Legion. How much can the power of nature taught by Cenarius alone do?" He even almost died at the hands of a **** of the Burning Legion."

Malfurion snapped, "Shut up! The forces of nature will only protect our world, not destroy it like fel energy. How are you any different from the demons of the Burning Legion?"

Illidan shook his head in disappointment, "Malfurion, don't you understand? Those weak natural forces alone can't protect Azeroth, and Tyrande..."


Tyrande, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke out. She looked at Illidan with a complicated expression, and finally made up her mind and said, "Malfurion is right, using fel energy will continue to destroy this world we love so much. I can't let you stay in the clan..."

Illidan twitched his brows, and said sadly, "So, Tyrande, are you trying to drive me out of my homeland?"

Malfurion closed his eyes and struggled for a while, and finally made the same decision as Tyrande, "Yes, you can no longer live with your own people in your current state, leave and never come back. "

Illidan was silent for a long time before he said, "That's it, brother." After speaking, he glanced at Tyrande for the last time, and then flapped the fleshy wings behind him and quickly flew away from the sight of the two.


Malfurion looked up to the sky with a painful face and let out a long sigh. The original twin brothers finally embarked on the road of separation today, and he naturally felt uncomfortable.


While the Kalimdor continent was under intense preparations, new changes took place in the Eastern Kingdom.

Received the reinforcements of the Bronzebeard dwarves, the remnants of the Silver Hand stationed in Southsea Town, led by Mograine who held the artifact, rushed all the way to the north.

The undead around the ruins of Dalaran and Tarren Mill were all wiped out, and the freshly baked artifact showed great power under the wielding of Mograine, especially for the undead, it is simply a natural enemy The presence.

Because the undead killed by this artifact will be purified into a mass of burnt ashes, the name Ashbringer is gradually used to refer to Mograine and the artifact in his hand.

The Scourge that attacked Thoradin's Wall to the east was cut off from the rear, and finally fell under the pincers of the Silver Hand and the remnants of Stormgard's army.

Stromgard's new king Galin followed Solas' original policy, and had no intention of in-depth communication with the Silver Hand and the dwarves. He led his army to hide in Stromgarde again.

At the same time, Modera and Ansrem of the Kirin Tor Council of Six led the mages to gather in Amber Mill. Taking advantage of the natural disaster and being attacked by werewolves, they dealt a heavy blow to the undead in Silverpine Forest from behind. Under Zu's command, the Scourge temporarily abandoned this land and returned to Lordaeron.

After the undead receded, the werewolves without enemies began to attack Ambermere and Greymane's Wall regardless of whether they were enemies or not. Modera hurriedly ordered the mages to return to the barrier, and it was at this time that Genn got Silva News that Lion Castle fell to Arugal.

After the ambitious Arugal summoned the werewolf, he quickly killed Baron Silvalain's family and completely occupied the castle. He used this stronghold he renamed Shadowfang Castle as his base, and continued to burn to the south. Kimura even marched on Greymane Wall.

Next, his goal is to make the whole of Gilneas a paradise for his werewolves.

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