Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 373: old friend reunion

Chapter 373 Old friend reunion


Kael'thas exclaimed, and stared at the high elf in front of him. After reconnecting with the world, Elisande had also heard of the reputation of the guardian of Tirisfal. She was the one who defeated the incarnation of Sargeras. However, the tauren chiefs headed by Ulan didn't know much about Aegwynn's deeds, and they all scratched their heads in confusion.

Behind Charlemagne, a man wearing a robe and covering his face with a hood quietly looked at the woman named Aegwynn.

"Is she the former guardian? I didn't expect that she is still alive."

"Quack, this lady should have been using arcane arts to bend the rules to prolong her life before, but now she no longer has that powerful guardian power, and she probably won't live for a few years."

"So, if you want to prolong your life, it is the most stable to use shadow power. As long as you ensure that you can control it, you can prolong your life as much as you want."

"Hmph! I don't care much about longevity. If it wasn't for suppressing you, I should have returned to the embrace of the Holy Light long ago."

While someone was having a schizophrenic conversation in his head, a raven flew from Dustwallow Marsh to Theramore Island, and under everyone's watchful eyes, it transformed into a handsome middle-aged man with a stick in his hand man.

"No, mother, you are not wrong. Who can easily see through Sargeras' tricks? It's all my fault. If it wasn't for my weak will and unable to control my body, I wouldn't have caused such troubles later. .”


Aegwynn walked up to his son with a sad face and hugged him heavily, "As you said, the fallen titan Sargeras is so powerful, how can a mere mortal's will fight against him, stop blaming yourself."

The appearance of two generations of guardians at the same time has opened the eyes of the masses who eat melons. If there is no such product as a camera, Charlemagne would like to record this historic scene.

On the second day after the arrival of the high elves' allied forces, the armies of the Stormwind Kingdom and Kul Tiras also arrived at Theramore through the portal opened by the Dalaran mages.

To Charlemagne's surprise, Lothar, who was on crutches, walked out of the portal slowly with the support of Varian.

"Anduin, you are... Didn't King Varian leave you in the country to supervise the country?"

Lothar turned a deaf ear to Charlemagne's inquiry, and his eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man in a feather cloak among the crowd who came to greet him.

"Medivh... Hehe, I really didn't expect that I would see you again before returning to the embrace of the Holy Light. It's been a long time, old friend."

"Anduin, I'm sorry...I killed Ryan."

The two old friends hugged each other emotionally. Charlemagne, who was ignored, looked at King Varian with some embarrassment. The Storm King shrugged his shoulders in a helpless gesture. Laughed lightly.

"Your Majesty Varian, since Anduin has come here, who will manage the affairs of the Kingdom of Stormwind?"

"Temporarily handed over to Bolvar, he seems very unwilling, but there is no trustworthy person in the country to stay behind, so I can only wrong Bolvar, and he can be replaced after Anduin returns."

While the two old friends were reminiscing about the past, Dai Lin strode up to Jaina and gave his daughter a hug and said with a smile, "Well done! My daughter, I'm proud of you!"

"Thank you, Father." Jaina smiled calmly, and then said sadly, "But the second brother..."

When Tanrad was mentioned, Daelin's face turned gloomy, "Those damned green-skinned bastards! Drake died at the hands of them, and now Tanrad has followed in his footsteps. I will never forgive him. them!"

Then he turned to his daughter with a serious face, "Jianna, you still have that kind of naive peace fantasy for orcs, right? Your ideal itself is very good, but you have to see clearly which races can unite Yes, which are stubborn."

"I've heard that the orcs drank the blood of the devil again. Do you still think these orcs are worthy of peace talks? If one day they don't know where to find a powerful but uncontrollable force again, we will sooner or later Will fight with these green skins!"

Gianna's face was a little sad, she said with a little pleading, "I know...but at least we have to cooperate with them in this world crisis, can we talk about the war later?"

Dai Lin couldn't bear to continue to see his daughter's embarrassed look, so he gently kissed Jaina on the forehead, "Well, listen to you, the father is not a person who doesn't understand the general situation, but I just hope you can straighten it out." own position."

"You are now a member of the alliance, the crown prince of Kul Tiras, you must pay attention to your words and deeds at all times."

Jaina asked in amazement, "The crown prince? Me?"

Dai Lin said sadly, "Who else could it be if it wasn't you, my silly daughter, Fenna is an illegitimate daughter after all, after the death of your eldest brother and second brother, it can only be handed over to you to inherit Kul Tiras .”


Dailin saw his daughter's anxious expression, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, "I don't want you to go back to Boralus to prepare now. Father is not that old yet."

"Besides, Theramore has just been established. The alliance's bridgehead in Kalimdor is very important. It just so happens that you can exercise your abilities by governing the people here, and lay a solid foundation for taking over Kul Tiras in the future."

Then Daelin looked sideways at Aegwynn who was following Medivh not far away, "I won't stop you from your arcane skills, after all, the tradition of our Proudmoore family has always been to fight in person, learn more It’s good to have something to protect yourself.”

Finally, Dai Lin leaned into Jaina's ear with a playful face and joked, "Also, you have to make plans about your husband-in-law as soon as possible. You can't let the royal family die?"


Antonidas smiled gratifiedly when he saw Jaina's current achievements, and then he seemed to think of the amazing and talented disciple who used to be, and sighed silently.

After the alliance army is assembled, King Varian will lead the army to the crossroads to join the tauren and orcs.

After meeting with Medivh, Lothar was sent back to Stormwind City contentedly, in exchange for Bolvar For the Dragon... Keke Fortagen.

Charlemagne left Cirvanas to lead the army, and returned to the crossroads first.

When he reached the command headquarters again, he was slightly surprised, because he saw a few familiar faces.

"Master Stormrage, Master Staghelm, and Hamuul, have you all returned from the Emerald Dream?"

Malfurion nodded at him with a gentle smile, "The material world really troubles you. I didn't expect such serious things to happen outside when we cleaned up the corrosion in the dream."


Fandral said unhappily, "Tyrande doesn't know what he is thinking, why didn't he wake up the druids earlier, Cenarius will tell us that the Burning Legion is about to approach the city."

Malfurion was a little embarrassed to hear the words of his proud disciple, Hamuul, a good old man, hurriedly changed the subject with a haha.

"The high priest of the language wind should have his own considerations. By the way, Charlemagne, the army of the alliance is about to arrive, right?"

Charlemagne, who quickly understood Hamuul's meaning, nodded cooperatively, "Well, I just completed the assembly in Dustwallow Marsh, now I should..."


Before Charlemagne finished speaking, a night elf sentry outside hurried in. "The orcs have returned, and...they also brought back the evil orc who attacked Cenarius."

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