Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 365: Union Expeditionary Force

Chapter 365 Alliance Expeditionary Force

As soon as Kael'thas' words fell, Varian was the first to agree, "I agree, the Kingdom of Stormwind can send 15,000 troops, and I will personally lead them to Kalimdor."

With Lothar in charge of the country, Varian is very relieved of him. The only thing to worry about is the physical condition of this veteran.

Daelin also said without hesitation, "Since the survival of Azeroth is at stake, we in Kul Tiras will certainly not be left behind. The army will definitely need logistical supplies to go to Kalimdor. We will provide all the ships to transport the supplies, and we will He will also personally lead ten thousand sailors into battle."

Immediately, he showed a somewhat ferocious expression, "It just so happens that those green-skinned **** are also in Kalimdor, and I still have a lot of debts to settle with them!"

Everyone present knew that poor Dai Lin had experienced the pain of bereavement again, and the leaders expressed comfort and understanding for his attitude.

Brian, who attended the meeting instead of his brother, said with a bitter face, "Sorry... I'm afraid the Bronzebeard dwarves can't send troops. Magni is determined to support the exiled army of Lordaeron to recover the lost land and kill all the undead. Let's stay on the eastern continent." , after all, the expansion of natural disasters also needs someone to contain them."

Charlemagne opened his mouth, but thinking of Magni, who is now building the Ashbringer, he chose to remain silent for a while, at least telling him the truth of his "guess" after Magni successfully forged the artifact.

Gnomeregan's representative, Therma Prager, also shrugged regretfully, "We can't send troops either. Everyone knows that Gnomeregan is cleaning up the massive troglodytes that have invaded our homeland, so we really can't spare any troops."

The leaders of the alliance nodded in understanding. They were all aware of the dire situation in Gnomeregan. Although the great craftsman Mekkatorque relied on Gnomeregan's advanced weapons to resist the invasion of troggs, he had to thoroughly clean up the situation. It will take some time for the group of primitive creatures.

These advanced weapons are actually due to Quel'Thalas, because the guns and cannons used by the gnomes are the gunpowder versions of the high elves' magic guns and magic cannons...

Falstad, King of the Wildhammer dwarves, patted his chest and boldly promised, "The Wildhammer dwarves can send troops! Those bones and sticks did not enter the Hinterlands. Excluding the troops reserved for defending the trolls, we can send 1,000 lions." Eagle Rider joins the expeditionary force."

Kael'thas smiled and said, "The high elves will send a total of 2,500 troops from various legions, and there will also be some new weapons that we have jointly developed with the gnomes in recent years. I believe you will not be disappointed."

Antonidas, who still had a very stinky face, stared at Charlemagne and snorted, "Dalaran needs to rebuild our city, and there is no way to send too many troops. We provide 500 mages, and I and the Kirin Tor councillor Kla Seuss leads the team."

Being turned into a sheep and imprisoned in a dog cage, this is simply the shame of Antonidas' life. At the beginning, because he misjudged the strength of the natural disaster, Dalaran was on the verge of destruction, and the book of Medivh was at stake. Originally, he planned to sacrifice himself. He died in the city to redeem his sins, but he did not expect to be rescued by Charlemagne in such a humiliating way...

"If you want to atone for your sins, wouldn't it be better to keep a useful body? Now Archimonde summoned by the Book of Medivh is planning to destroy the world. Why don't you go to Kalimdor with us and risk your life to stop him? "

Antonidas, who finally returned to his original form, finally accepted Charlemagne's persuasion after calming down. He handed over the reconstruction of Dalaran to Modera and Ansrem and others, and he personally led the Dalaran mages. The team goes to Kalimdor to join the battle.

As for Krasus... Antonidas is not quite sure why this always low-key congressman would take the initiative to ask to participate in this war, but of course he will not refuse to have this strong supporter join him, so he will simply come to this alliance meeting with Krasus .

Consensus has been initially reached on the formation of the Alliance Expeditionary Force, and what will be discussed later is the foothold of the Kalimdor continent.

Charlemagne stood up after receiving a signal from Kael'thas and said, "Everyone, Quel'Thalas already has some ideas about the Kalimdor landing site and allies."

As he spoke, he walked to the center of the long table and put down a more detailed map of Kalimdor, pointed to the location of Theramore Island and said, "Princess Jaina of Kul Tiras has already led 3000 Lordaeron The remnant army and some refugees went to Kalimdor, and according to the information she sent back after she built the mage tower, the alliance has already established an outpost on this island."

Daelin raised his brows when he heard this. He had indeed heard about Jaina's actions from his queen, Catherine, but he didn't expect that this naive girl had already gained a firm foothold in Kalimdor.

Charlemagne continued to click on the positions of Mulgore and Ashenvale, "In addition to the question of allies, Quel'Thalas has always maintained a good relationship with the tauren living in Kalimdor. In this world crisis, they 5,000 troops will also be sent to assist.”

"Not to mention the night elves, the biggest force in Kalimdor. This was their homeland in the first place. They will definitely do their best to resist the Burning Legion. I'm sorry I can't know the number of troops, but it must not be less than three. Ten thousand."

"Then the Highmountain tauren and Suramar Nightborn, who maintain a friendly alliance agreement between the Broken Isles and the high elves, will also send 5,000 and 3,000 troops to assist them."

Charlemagne’s successive reports of reinforcements lifted the spirits of the leaders of the alliance countries, especially the fact that the night elves were able to dispatch at least 30,000 people with only one family, which made the leaders excited while maintaining a trace of vigilance in their hearts.

Charlemagne looked at the leaders of the alliance countries and paused for a while, then glanced at Daelin and continued, "One more thing, just as His Majesty Proudmoore said, the orcs who escaped from the shelter have now landed on Kalimdor , according to the information sent back by Queen Jaina...it seems that these orcs intend to cooperate with the races of Azeroth to defeat the Burning Legion."


After hearing Charlemagne's words, Daelin angrily beat the table and stood up. His face flushed and he shouted angrily, "Let us join forces with those green skins? Have you forgotten how they invaded our world in the first place? The Burning Legion originally They are inextricably linked with them, who knows if this group of green skins are the internal agents of the devil!"

Varian also frowned tightly. He still remembered the scene when his father, King Ryan, died tragically at the hands of Garona. The Storm King also instinctively opposed joining forces with the orcs.

Lothar thought for a while, stood up with difficulty, coughed twice, and said, "Duke Theron, are you sure that these orcs really have the willingness to cooperate? Everyone here has been deeply affected by the orc war, Quill Salas is no exception, and I, Lothar, would like to trust your judgment."

Bryan and Falstad nodded in agreement, Varian hesitantly let out a breath of agreement in agreement, and Daelin sat back down after calming down, but his expression was still not very good.

After Therma Prager and Antonidas also expressed their support, Charlemagne smiled and thanked everyone.

"Thank you for your trust. In fact, what I want to say is that we don't need to cooperate sincerely with the orc tribe. You might as well think about it differently and use them as cannon fodder to reduce the damage of the alliance. How about that?"

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