Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 330: Goddess Profile (Fog)

Chapter 330 Goddess Profile (Fog)

Although Magna didn't know why Charlemagne threw out his weapon, the flight trajectories of the two short knives had clearly deviated from his direction.

The experienced warrior regarded this attack as Charlemagne's mistake, and with a mocking smile on his face, he took a step forward and chopped Broken Scale towards him.

Of course, Charlemagne would not stand still and let him attack. He immediately burst out of energy under his feet and jumped back. When he was in midair, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.


Seeing Charlemagne's expression, Magna instinctively raised his vigilance, but it was too late. Before he had time to react, Mo Xie, the general who had just deviated from the track, had already quietly and fiercely hit him with the help of the enchantment effect. Hit him in the back.

"Uh... how is that possible!"

Magna knelt down on one knee with an unbelievable face, and invaded his soul with the power of frost and fire erupted by Moxie, which caused serious damage to the soul of the Vrykul king. Injured, he has no power to fight anymore.

"Phew... it's great to be successful."

After landing, Charlemagne wiped the sweat from his forehead. His control over the power of his rules was still immature, and he wasn't sure whether he could complete the raid until the end.

The power shown by Charlemagne's power of rules... In his words, it should be called vector control.

That's right, it's the kind of ability possessed by a certain white hair in the previous life. Of course, it's not as powerful as her to stomp the planet with one foot. At least at this stage, Charlemagne can only change the direction of movement of some objects to cooperate with his mage's hand It can even be used remotely.

Although Charlemagne vaguely felt that his power of rules should not be so simple, but now he can only do these simple applications, and it is very nonsense that the time is not effective.

Magna, who was kneeling on the ground, stretched out his hand to look at his translucent body, with a dazed look on his face.

"I am in the state of a soul? That's right...I was indeed dead when I was betrayed by my tribe."

Seeing that the battle was over, Alleria led a group of melon-eaters to the high platform. She and her two younger sisters walked to Charlemagne first to check whether there were any injuries on his body.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt...don't touch around!"

Onyxia walked to Magna, who had accepted the reality and looked a little regretful, and carefully observed the scale of the guardian of the earth in his hand.

"Hmm... This should be the scale of my father before he fell. It's lucky that you can find it to make a shield."

Magna was taken aback when he heard the words, "Your father? Could it be Neltharion, the guardian of the earth?"

Magna, who has been dead for countless years, still doesn't know the news that Neltharion has fallen. At this time, his title to the Black Dragon King is still the guardian of the earth.

Onyxia caressed the surface of the scales, with a nostalgic expression on her face, "Yes, I am Onyxia, the daughter of Neltharion, and more than ten thousand years have passed since the day you died."

Magna's soul became more and more transparent, and he sighed with some emotion, "Is that so... I don't know how my son is doing now, has he been promoted to the Hall of Valor?"

Charlemagne finally escaped the hands of the three Windrunner sisters, walked up to Wagner in the half-smile eyes of Liadrin and Valeira, and said, "Your son Hunil has become a member of Valagar , should still be serving Odin in the Hall of Valor now, although the heroic spirits can't go down to the realm now."

Wagner smiled relievedly, "Is that so, so I can rest assured."

He untied the Scale and Broken Scale of the Guardian of the Earth from his hands and handed them to Charlemagne, "You have defeated me. According to the customs of the Vrykul, you have the right to get the spoils. I am not long in the world. I hope you can do it for them in the future." Find a suitable successor."

"Don't jump to conclusions too soon, mighty Vrykul King Wagner Icebreaker."

Just as Charlemagne took over the artifact, a female voice suddenly came from under the high platform. Everyone looked back in surprise, and found that the voice was a female vrykul with flapping wings and a golden body. With the golden helmet covering most of her face, no one present could see her appearance.


This Valkyrie directly ignored Charlemagne and others and flew in front of Wagner's gradually dissipating soul body, "I have come to pick you up many times but have been rejected. What is your choice this time?"

Wagner was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed boldly, "Sorry, sorry! I was not so clear-headed before, thanks to this little brother who woke me up. Now that I know that my son Hunir has become Valagar, of course I am willing to Follow you to the Hall of Valor!"


The female Val'kyr pronounced the name, turned her head and took a deep look at Charlemagne.

"Indeed, I personally led Junir to the Hall of Valor, but that happened thousands of years ago, and the Vrykuls in that area have already passed away. Mortals, how do you know that Junir has entered the Hall of Valor?" Hall of Valor."

Hearing what this Val'kyr said, except for Alleria and Sylvanas who already knew Charlemagne's secret, everyone else turned their heads and looked at him in surprise.

Charlemagne didn't panic in the face of Wa'kyr's questioning. He shrugged with a smile and said, "Just think of me as a prophet who is proficient in prophecy. This question is not important, is it? If you don't make a move, Wagner's soul will be destroyed." Are you going to dissipate?"

Wagner glanced at Wagner, and didn't care about pursuing Charlemagne's affairs. He immediately stretched out his hand and released a golden light to cover Wagner's body. Wagner's blue soul was quickly transformed into gold under Wagner's shaping, and the soul body dissipated. Also stop at the same time.

Next, this Valkyrie turned Wagner into a golden light and sent him to the Hall of Valor in Wagner's farewell wave. Finally, he turned his head and gave Charlemagne a meaningful look. After leaving a word, he escaped into the Shadow Realm again. Disappear.

"I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future, mortals, remember my name, my name is Reinas."

Start with the second artifact. Although I haven't thought of the suitable successor Wagner said for the time being, Charlemagne put away the shield and sword for the time being.

Charlemagne turned his head and looked at the female elves who were chattering because of Val'kyr's appearance, "Okay, the basic goal has been achieved, now let's go to the last tomb to see the situation, if we are lucky, that mechanism can be destroyed by Va'kyr." Layla opened it?"

Although this possibility is very low, it should be tried anyway. After obtaining unanimous consent, Charlemagne led a group of female elves who were still in high spirits to the tomb of Warlund on the far right.

The structure of the tomb here is almost exactly the same as that of the Icebreaker's Tomb. It is also connected to the high platform above by two spiral staircases. When Charlemagne walked down the stairs, he happened to find a mechanical dwarf sitting slumped.

Valeira stepped forward to check it out, shook her head and said, "This mechanical dwarf can't see any scars, maybe he has entered a dormant state, but I don't know how to wake him up."

Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while, then raised his head and said to Valeira, "Let's go to the stage first to see if we can crack Mimiron's password mechanism. Let's leave this mechanical dwarf for now."

However... when everyone came to the stage, Valeira turned to look at Charlemagne with a "you're kidding me" expression on her face.

"Are you sure this mechanism can be disarmed by thieves? I don't want to become a suckling pig yet!"


Charlemagne looked at the strong electric current that was still crackling on the outer layer of Titanstrike, scratched his head and said, "Okay...let's think about it again."

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