Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 287 Annoying Classmate

Divine mana and demonic mana, conflicting forces, now coursed through Allen's body, a peculiar and dangerous coexistence that defied all logical explanation.

Based on Petronella's speculation, Allen's body had anomalies due to living raised in a dungeon, which was also impossible. Humans who live in a dungeon would not be able to withstand demonic mana, and many other factors make that impossible, even if he lived in the "safe territory" in the dungeon. The concentration of the place, the air pressure, and many more factors make the baby wouldn't survive living there.

But Allen survive.

Petronella's speculations stop at the "Other-worlder" concept, which is still mysterious. The other-worlder's body adept at absorbing mana, must have also absorbed the demonic mana inside the dungeon, and then supported by a (probably) Nortish body that has a large mana capacity and control, making Allen adaptable in the dungeon.

Approximately how the mana gate that Allen has? Is it possible for two opposing things to enter his mana gate?

After spending 10 years in a dungeon with demonic mana, he got used to it. When he left and encountered divine mana outside, his body adjusted, and his mana gate started favouring divine mana. Surely the mana gate inside his body was dominated by divine mana once he get out of dungeon.

But now, the demonic mana is still around at an academy, that's essentially, a reconstructed dungeon. Going deeper into the dungeon forces him to absorb more demonic mana. This creates a bit of a tug-of-war in his mana gate as it tries to balance between the divine and demonic mana.

Just like the Queen Orc when first obtaining divine mana, Allen's body was currently in a state of mana flow adjustment.

"My head still hurts, and my fever hasn't gone down yet," muttered Allen. He felt that since he entered the second floor of the great hall, but his strong body was able to endure all that pain, and only reduced 50 percent of his supposed strength.

What's going on, Allen?" Felicia inquired, observing Allen as he repeatedly drew amnis slowly.

'Maybe because of the adjustment, I can't bring out the mana to draw the amnis circle,' Allen thought.

"There's no way someone who came in with the power of money could have draw it. He probably didn't know how to draw amnis. Well… he's just a commoner who happened to be elevated to knight, has no ability, nor is he educated," Hallie said. "Unlike that commoner, my knight, Clarke Reeva Whiteham, entered the academy at a young age, he also graduated with good grades for me."

It became evident that the man standing beside her was her knight, the very same individual who, like Allen, had enrolled in the academy under the banner of his master. As Clarke sneered, he xpress his disdain. "Seeing people like you makes me nauseous," Clarke said.

"Are you saying that to me, Clarke?" said Felicia, "I am the daughter of the Earl Boldenville, compared to you who is just a baron, do you think your words just now can be forgiven?"

"Of course it can, I allowed it," Hallie defended. "The Whiteham family is under the earl Johnson family."

It was then that all the students' eyes literally stared at them.

"I, Hallie Lydia Johnson, challenge you to a duel!" Hallie's statement echoed in each student's ears.


"Challenging to a duel at the beginning of year?"

"Our points haven't started to be identified yet, is that possible?"

Suddenly came the voice of a little girl, answering everyone's questions. "Of course it's possible."

The girl seemed to appear suddenly in the middle of everyone. 

"Since when has she been there?!" muttered the others in surprise.

Her appearance was that of a 10-year-old little girl, with long pink hair and a ponytail. On her back was an axe as big as her body. Although her body was small, people could confirm that she was also Praeterea from her uniform. In addition, the emblem on her chest was more striking than her appearance.

It was the student executive board emblem.

The girl turned her head to Petronella, and asked "Teacher, aren't you supposed to break them up?"

"I'm not new to the academy, I know that teachers can't do much about student duels. Please continue with your business." Petronella said as she continued lazily.

"Oh no oh no, even teachers would have the right to interfere in student affairs if it's during class time. But I guess, if you let it go, that's fine too."

She then looked at everyone and raised both hands.

"My name is Daphne Amaya Isleman, Praeterea second year, and a member of the student executive!" her voice was also childlike.

The little girl continued, "Oh no no no? Why am I here? It's because I saw an argument, and someone declared a duel in public. Then I'll assume the two are having an official duel.

In a nutshell, a duel becomes official when both sides have something at stake. In a duel, the student executive will be the supervisor and guarantor. We, the student executives, will judge and guarantee the loser to pay for their loss.

So, can I assume you guys want to have an official duel?"

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