Vienna, the capital of the Holy Empire, was engrossed in preparations for war. Unexpected news, like a bolt of lightning, disrupted the tense atmosphere. 

“What? What did you say? Is it true?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! It’s a report that several castles in the east have already been captured.”

The emperor could not hide his astonishment at the sudden and alarming report. Up until now, his primary focus had been on the battle between the Allies and the Tarkics in the south. He believed all that was required was to quickly gather forces to support the Allies before they were annihilated. 

But now, his plans had been derailed by a report that seemed to mock his strategy.

“The Dragona Empire… I can’t believe they’ve done this.”

The emperor had expected the Dragona Empire to either join forces with the Tarkic Empire to attack the Allies or to target the Kingdom of Roland, which had long been a battleground. But their choice was neither Roland nor Hangury. Instead, they aimed directly for the Holy Empire.

‘I was careless. I thought it would be difficult for them to strike this place due to the terrain, but it couldn’t have been more wrong,’ the emperor thought grimly.

According to the reports, the enemy numbered around 20,000. Although it wasn’t a large force, the report indicated that they were all mana users or demons, making their power impossible to underestimate. In some ways, this army was as dangerous as the Tarkic forces.

No matter how much the Holy Empire’s conscription had caused a temporary power vacuum, the fact that dozens of forts had already fallen without any significant resistance spoke volumes about the enemy’s strength. 

‘A small, elite force with fast marching speed and minimal logistical burdens…’ the emperor thought. And then, Emperor Carol realized what the Tarkic Imperial Army had been aiming for all along. The reason they had assembled a massive army of 150,000 wasn’t just to defeat the Allies. It was a diversion to draw the continent’s attention, creating an opening for the Dragona Empire to strike the Holy Empire while its guard was down.

‘Well… if you think about it, it was strange from the beginning. No matter how dire the circumstances in the Holy Empire were, it didn’t make sense for the Dragona Empire to mobilize fully before completing its conquest of Hangury. They were aiming for this all along.’

Having analyzed the situation, the emperor quickly made his decision. Though caught off guard by the surprise attack, there was still time to minimize the damage with a calm and strategic counterattack. If done correctly, they might even turn the tide of the battle.

“Andersen, Isaac, summon the bodyguards and mobilize all conscripted troops. I will lead the army to stop the Dragona Empire’s advance.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

“I will obey your command, Your Majesty.”

Approximately 30,000 troops had been gathered in Vienna so far. In terms of numbers, the Holy Empire had an advantage, but considering the enemy’s strength, it wasn’t a favorable situation. Regardless, the emperor knew they couldn’t let the enemy’s advance go unchecked. 

With that, the emperor personally led his army to block the Dragona Empire’s progress.

“Considering the military’s travel time, they will probably reach Slava Castle soon.”

“Thanks to the lakes and mountains, the terrain will be relatively advantageous for us. However, if we lose Slava Castle, the next target will undoubtedly be here in the capital,” Andersen and Isaac said with concern.

Looking at the map, the Dragona Imperial forces had already advanced deep into their territory, with few defensive positions remaining. If they were to lose at Slava Castle, the outcome would be dire. 

“We must stop them at all costs. Especially the White Dragon Princess… We must take this opportunity to deal with that accursed woman who has caused so much trouble for the empire.”

“I will keep that in mind, Your Majesty.”

With those words, Andersen and Isaac quietly fueled their resolve. Not only because of their duty as soldiers but also because of the bitter experiences they had faced over the past few years. They had no intention of missing this chance to settle the score.


“It was easier than I thought. As expected, our plan is going smoothly.”

Elios had successfully advanced to the vicinity of Slava Castle. Though there had been several skirmishes along the way, none had offered much resistance. Due to the sudden conscription, most of the local forces had been pulled away, and many strong fighters from each region had also been called elsewhere. The result was that the empty castles were easily taken by Elios and her army, without much resistance.

Yet despite their success, Elios remained uneasy. While they had captured many castles, the distance between them and the Dragona Empire was considerable, stretching their supply lines thin. Moreover, her soldiers were growing fatigued. 

‘Is this the end of the offensive? It’s unfortunate, but pushing further to Vienna would be impossible.’

Though they had advanced fiercely, Princess Elios knew that, regrettably, it would be impossible to attack Vienna with her current forces. They were already deep between the Kingdom of Roland and the Kingdom of Hangury, and she hadn’t fully secured the territory behind her. It would be reckless to push forward.

But she also knew one more thing—the character of the emperor and the nature of his generals. They wouldn’t leave her army unchallenged, not when she had marched into their front yard.

‘And surely, he’ll come too. I’ve seen what the Sakiel Knights went through before. He will definitely come… Uhuhuh~’

In this moment of anticipation, as the prize she sought seemed within reach, Elios licked her lips in excitement, gazing at the looming Slava Castle.


The Holy Empire’s forces had gathered at Slava Castle. 

Upon arrival, the emperor awaited a welcomed guest who had followed shortly after.

“Mr. Bahamut, I didn’t expect you to come this far.”

“I came to where I needed to be. As someone invested in this endeavor, and as a person concerned with the continent’s safety, I’m here to offer whatever assistance I can.”

With these words, Bahamut gestured toward the munitions he had brought with him. His timely delivery of much-needed supplies was met with gratitude as the empire prepared for war.

“Indeed… I am truly grateful, Mr. Bahamut. After this war, your contribution will not be forgotten.”

“It brings me great joy that you hold my humble efforts in such high regard, Your Majesty,” Bahamut replied, bowing his head deeply, his words filled with genuine happiness.

This wasn’t just empty praise. From Bahamut’s perspective, this was a lucrative opportunity. Though he was assisting in the war, his supplies came at a cost—wrapped in loans. To Bahamut, it was like selling goods to customers in desperate need. Even amid war, he never missed a chance to make a profit.

While Bahamut was conversing with the emperor, outside the drawing room, Ophelia and the Predator members stood facing the emperor’s bodyguards.

“It’s good to see you again,” Ophelia said, her expressionless face betraying little emotion, though her words were formal.

“It’s unfortunate we meet under such circumstances, but I’m glad to see you too,” Andersen responded.

Despite their solemn exchange, Andersen was inwardly excited. A formidable warrior, equal in strength to himself, was joining the fight. He felt sure this would grant him an edge in the inevitable confrontation with Elios.

His gaze then turned to the five women standing behind Ophelia—warriors who were expected to be powerful, even if not on the same level as himself or Isaac. Anticipating their performance in the upcoming battle, Andersen’s determination flared once more.

‘Be ready, White Dragon Princess. This time, for sure… you won’t escape.’

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special, Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon, Ask the Mirror, and Immortal Divine Tribulation

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