Chapter 623 - 623: Reminiscing About a Certain Fag“I see. Before you continue, can I have a small request? Since you already know so much about me, I’ll just confess to the fact I killed Soren and made his ex-slave into my group’s tanker. I want to have Lyra present from now on.”
“Hoh…?” Instant amusement was visible in Vex’s playful eyes.
“Once it became clear Soren was a traitor, a mule of the Phantom League, you, Raika, and Orianna engaged the three higher-ups of the syndicate while the rest of us fought their soldiers. We killed Soren back then, resulting in Lyra falling headfirst to the ground.”
It was the Hexblade herself who continued my tale for me, with a pair of teary eyes adorning her gorgeous features. “You grabbed the paralyzed girl and took your portal to safety while leaving your poor future wife frantically searching for you, thinking her beloved had vanished into thin air… Is this what they call domestic abuse? Am I a victim?”
I looked at her, entirely unimpressed. “Before you get into your self-pity party too much, might I remind you of the fact you were nothing but a strange examiner back then who kept appearing and disappearing at your leisure, leaving all of us shitting our pants because we could not tell when you were spying on us? I only declared my intentions to make you mine later, so no, I did not leave my future wife on her own, I left three hazardous women on their own.”
“I didn’t know you had such a low opinion of Orianna, but I get it, future hubby. That woman truly is a goner.” Vex deflected everything without an ounce of shame evident on her face. It didn’t even make sense, because I did not see Orianna disappear and reappear multiple times, hell, I only saw her that one time back then, but that did not bother Vex one bit.
“As for your question, you don’t have to worry about my reaction to learning you stole Soren’s property from under our noses—instead of giving you problems, I’m simply impressed. Truth be told, I had completely forgotten about that closeted homosexual until now. Hehe, do you guys remember what he said?”
She began snickering, and Ayame replied with a similar amount of mocking glee in her tone. “I remember his exact words, they’re impossible to forget. I quote, ‘Let me tell you, my guy, Vex is the prettiest woman I’ve seen in my entire life. I would trade Lyra for just a chance at making her mine in a heartbeat. I would even suck a fat cock for it.'”
“Exactly! No wonder he was a Phantom League member, hehehe!” Vex burst out into a hearty laughter, I could already tell she would become good friends with Ayame after some time spent together. As for Ayame, she also snickered alongside the platinum-haired gal, but she was also thinking of something else. Namely, the Phantom League. They are likely behind her sister, Kaede, who almost certainly killed their father and most certainly betrayed Ayame.
“[Warp Gate]”
<Join us, Lyra. I got the go-ahead from Vex.>
<Huh?!> The girl couldn’t help but yelp, I did intrude on her quite abruptly, to be fair. Even worse, I straight-up invaded her mind at my leisure. <Lord Quinlan?>
<Are you busy?>
<N-no, I’m ready to serve! Are you under threat, Lord Quinlan?!>
Without even waiting for a reply, the stalwart warrioress took her sword and shield in hand before rushing into the portal without a shred of fear for her personal safety.
Not wishing to see this adorable girl embarrass herself by jumping into the bath, I created wind currents to catch her in the air, making her hover a few inches from the water.
“Huh?!!” An even stronger yelp voiced her evident shock, alongside her flailing limbs desperately trying to reach solid ground.
“Cecile! Help Lyra change!” I shouted at the maids chittering at the bottom of the makeshift tower bath and then delivered the pink-haired tanker to the ladies who giggled cutely upon witnessing her complete bamboozlement before beginning to detach her armor pieces one after the other.
Soon, a beyond embarrassed girl with wonderful feminine curves extended her toes into the water while doing her best to hide her lady parts with her arms despite them being hidden behind bath clothes. Lyra plopped down next to Aurora on my right. As I observed the woman, I couldn’t help but notice that it was not only her hair that was a shade of pink right now.
I didn’t know for certain what caused her current feelings. Was it her rushing into a bath where people were enjoying a nice dip? Or perhaps it was just that this was the first time she saw me naked. I could see how that would make an inexperienced young girl like her feel entirely out of her element.
“It’s good to finally have you in our midst. Wrath will no longer have to be the main frontliner of the group.”
She snapped her head my way before nodding many times in quick succession, “Y-yes, Lord Quinlan! I’ll do my best!”
Knowing how badly she wanted to turn invisible right now, I elected to spare her by moving on. “You didn’t finish your tale yet, future wife.”
“Hehe, nice seeing you again, young lady. I wanted to say you’ve upgraded your master to a much better one, but seeing a severe lack of a cumbersome collar strapped to your neck, you’ve met a truly generous man,” Vex greeted Lyra before turning toward me. “You’re a lot more benevolent than I assumed. I thought you would enslave her.”
‘That’s exactly what I did…’ I replied wryly in my mind. Her words alluded to the fact they had no deep understanding of my powers. What Vex assumed was that while Lyra was paralyzed, I took her to a slave merchant and had them conduct the enslavement procedure. However, I was the Primordial Subjugator—I did not need my slaves to wear a collar for my binding magic to work.
“Back to the topic at hand…” Vex mused before her lips turned upward in a mocking manner, “Future hubby, did I give you more credit than deserved when I assumed you to be a cunning, smart man?”
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