Prime Originator

Chapter 398 - Visiting Fragrant Tea Abode

Chapter 398 - Visiting Fragrant Tea Abode

Inside the bedroom of Barrenrock Courtyard, Chief Valencia sat on the bed and listened to Darlene's recount of the events between her and Leonhardt.

"Alright, that is enough. Continue to monitor him and use the voice transmission tool to contact me when you have something new to report." Chief Valencia said.

"Yes, chief."

Darlene answered emotionless like she was a puppet. She had recounted to Chief Valencia about how much she had done it with Leonhardt when they were together.

Whether it was in the palace or here in the Barrenrock Courtyard, their time together was filled with nothing but lascivious actions and carnal pleasure.

Chief Valencia had listened to so much of Darlene's detail pleasurable experience recount that she became sick and tired of hearing more. She wanted to end the report there and return to the palace at once.

Outside of Barrenrock Courtyard, Leon was seen leaning against the back wall with his eyes closed. After leaving the courtyard, he did not go far before circling back to the backside to eavesdrop against the wall.

'I cannot let my guard down anywhere, can I?'

Leon thought amusedly with a smile before opening his eyes and left the area to look for Master Woodrow. He had heard enough.

Chief Valencia was truly not simple. Leon could fathom the depth of her intelligence network within the Darkmoon Tribe. Nevertheless, he was right to assume that everyone in the tribe could be her ears and eyes.

If he had not returned to the courtyard, he would not have been able to confirm that Darlene was a spy that Chief Valencia had planted by his side. Nevertheless, he had been suspicious since that night he passed out from drinking.

Even so, that lass was not bad. That girl did not tell the chief everything. Although he felt weird having his intimate moments with Darlene exposed to the chief, at least that lass did not mention her training and power over space.

All that effort into doting on her was not in vain.

He will continue to influence her and make her someone entirely on his side while pretending that he does not know anything. Only by keeping his cards hidden would he have more cards to play.

Shortly after strolling around the streets of Darkmoon City and asking people for directions, Leon finally arrived in front of Fragrant Tea Abode sometime later, the place Master Woodrow once mentioned previously.

The Fragrant Tea Abode contained three floors and was divided into two parts. The front was a tea store, while the back was his private residential home.

"Welcome to Fragrant Tea Abode, Young Master Leonhardt. How may I help you today? Are you here for tea, or are you here to look for Master Woodrow?" The female waiter greeted Leon at the entrance.

Leon studied the pretty female waiter who appeared to be another person with Void Body, feeling inwardly alerted.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Young Master Leonhardt sure knows how to joke. Everyone in the Darkmoon Tribe knows who Young Master Leonhardt is after your benevolent act of treating the wounded warriors after the battle ended." Responded the pretty female waiter and gave Leon an alluring smile like she was trying to seduce him.

Leon shook his head ruefully, thinking he might be overthinking. The pretty female waiter did have a point. His appearance was quite unique and easily recognized unless he decides to have a change of clothes.

She might not be another person under the chief, but it was too early to rule out that possibility.

"I'm here to see Master Woodrow. Is he available?" Leon asked.

"Understood, Young Master Leonhardt. I will go and inform Master Woodrow of your visit. Would you like to take a seat inside and try some of our fine tea while you wait?" The pretty waiter suggested.

"Sure." Leon nodded.

"Right this way then, Young Master Leonhardt." The pretty female waiter gestured with her hand for him to follow her.

After Leon followed the female waiter inside the tea store and took his seat on the third floor by the balcony where there were fewer people and better scenery, the female waiter left promptly to find Master Woodrow.

Leon glanced at the regular teapot on the table curiously before pouring himself a cup and have a taste of the standard tea.

The taste was ordinary and had no peculiarities about it, but that was a peculiarity in and of itself. The land was too barren to grow tea leaves.

Wherever the tea leaves were procured, it was not within the Infertile Plains, not unless a unique biome was set up to grow them. But that would also require the procuration of the tea tree in the first place.

While Leon was guessing the origin of the tea, Master Woodrow shortly made his way over in a jovial manner, "Hahaha, Little Brother Leonhardt has finally decided to visit me. I am honored. How can I let you drink our Fragrant Tea Abode's standard tea? Nora, go prepare the premium tea for our special guest."

"Yes, master."

Nora curtsied.

She gave Leon a suggestive wink before swaggering off with her shaking hips to carry out Master Woodrow's order and prepare the premium tea.

Apparently, the name of the pretty waiter was Nora.

Leon smiled wryly and said, "Brother Woodrow should really try to control your servants. This Nora girl has been giving me suggestive hints. If I am not getting the wrong message, I would think that she wants me to f*ck her."

"Hahaha, if Little Brother Leonhardt fancies this little servant of mine, I don't mind giving her to you. Actually, I implore Little Brother Leonhardt to take her away." Master Woodrow pleaded.

"Oh? Why would Brother Woodrow say that? I'm not interested in loose women, however." Leon waved his hand and refused.

"Believe it or not, she is still a virgin. I have not touched her once since I took her in. It has been quite the torturous experience having her around, and I would be more than happy if you take her away." Master Woodrow sighed.

While mentioning this, Master Woodrow seemed to have aged a few years due to stress. Leon noticed this and became curious about what exactly Master Woodrow experienced.

"It seems like Brother Woodrow is someone with a story to tell," Leon said with an amusing smile.

"Haiz…" Master Woodrow sighed before he looked at Leon seriously and asked, "What do you think men fear the most in this world?"


Leon was slightly taken aback by the question. He did not expect Master Woodrow to suddenly ask this question. However, since Master Woodrow asked him seriously, he should also do his best and answer it seriously.

'What do men fear the most in this world?'

Leon creased his brows and pondered for a moment. This seemed like a pretty broad topic with no right and wrong answers.

Men fear many things in life, such is normal for humans to be. Only by overcoming those fears will they become strong men.

However, Leon understood that Master Woodrow was seeking a specific answer. Thus, he should be thinking, 'What does Master Woodrow fear the most in this world?'

Master Woodrow was a Witch Doctor and a highly respected Venerable Shaman in the Darkmoon Tribe. There should not be many things he would fear. What could it be, he wonders?

Master Woodrow watched Leon ponder the question very seriously while pouring himself a cup of standard tea before he shook his head.

"Ahem," He cleared his throat with an awkward cough and said, "It's not supposed to be a difficult question. No need to ponder too deeply into it and give me a simple answer."


It seems that Leon was looking into it too deeply. Thinking back, he collected the clues. Nora was still a virgin despite her flirtatious behavior, and the question was something all men fear most in the world…?

"I suppose all men fear being impotent the most?" Leon answered honestly.


Master Woodrow took a sip of his tea when he heard Leon's answer, causing him to spit everything out to the side before coughing profusely. After he recovered, he wiped his mouth.

"Excuse me?"

"Err… is it not?"

"Ahem, well… you are not exactly wrong, but it is not quite the answer I was looking for." Master Woodrow said with embarrassment.

When he thinks about it, he did give off the impression he was impotent. It was not strange for Leon to arrive at this answer.

"Why don't Brother Woodrow enlighten me?"

"Wife, it's wife. Men fear their wives the most in the world." Master Wood said seriously like it was the absolute truth in the world.

Leon smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid I cannot relate, but it seems that Brother Woodrow's wife has quite the strong leash on you."


Master Woodrow sighed. No matter how great his status was, he could not even beat his own wife. It was normal for men to have multiple wives and lovers; his wife was not one who liked to share her man.

"Little Brother Leonhardt does not need to understand it now, but you will understand it one day. Women have such frightening talents for twisting words in their favor. You can be right, but you will also be wrong. In short, you can never beat them in an argument. However, the most frightening part is when you commit a mistake. You can apologize for it, but if you don't know what you did wrong, they will give you literal hell until you do."

Master Woodrow had a disheveled look like he had been significantly tormented by these experiences, as he was explaining.

"And if the problem is not settled early, they will bring up several mistakes from the past that you have no idea about and make you feel guilty and miserable." Master Woodrow added.

Leon was amused, but he felt like he should keep a note of Master Woodrow's experience… It might prove to be helpful later in the future.

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