Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 984 - 984 Scheming Against Michael, Kingsley’s Cruelty

984 Scheming Against Michael, Kingsley’s Cruelty

Perhaps that was also Michael’s plan — to take all the blame on himself. Since he could not save himself, he might as well save the other one.

Thinking about it, Michael would also leave a person he trusted the most in the quality inspection department. Whether he had the power to operate in secret or not, it was not his own doing, so it was only natural that he was worried about others.

“Brie is devoted to Michael, so if Michael tells her to do something, she might do it. Moreover, Brie also has the motive to frame Cardellini Enterprise. After all, Monica also exposed her. It’s easy for people to believe that she holds a grudge and was operating in secret!” Jeanne seemed to be mumbling to herself, but she also seemed to be asking Mason to help her with her deduction.

Mason did not say anything.

Usually, silence meant that there was nothing wrong with Jeanne’s logic.

After analyzing the situation, she confirmed her own conjecture. “The first person Michael thought of was Brie, but Brie might not really take the blame for Michael. After all, this matter involves a life and has attracted the attention of so many people. It will definitely be the death penalty. From the perspective of human nature, it’s impossible for Brie to love Michael so much that she’s willing to die for him. That’s unless Michael can negotiate terms with Brie so that she’ll be willing to take the blame for him.”

“What kind of conditions would make a person throw away her life?” Mason asked.

Exactly. What kind of conditions could make a person give up her life?

Jeanne said, “If she doesn’t have to die, of course.”

A strange look flashed across Mason’s eyes.

He was clearly stunned by Jeanne’s logic, but he remained calm as he listened to Jeanne.

Jeanne was lost in her own thoughts as she explained, “If Michael gives Brie the condition that she doesn’t have to die, Brie definitely won’t expose Michael’s scheme. In fact, she will even help Michael clear his name. If Brie doesn’t have to die, and Michael won’t bear the blame, they can kill two birds with one stone. Brie will definitely agree to it.”

“But Brie shouldn’t be so stupid as to think that Michael has the power to save her from going to prison. According to the information, Brie is not stupid. To be able to get the position of assistant to the director of the quality inspection department because of her own ability, she definitely won’t be blinded by love and believe everything Michael tells her.” Mason raised his doubts.

“Brie isn’t stupid, but she hasn’t really fought with Michael. Most people who have fought with Michael won’t be able to escape from his clutches. Take Eden for example!” Jeanne’s face turned cold.

Eden was not stupid, but in front of Michael, he was nothing!

Fortunately, with Eden as an example, she was able to find one of Michael’s tricks.

She looked at Mason and said, ” Michael will rat Brie out as soon as possible. After that, he will call Brie and say that he will send her out of South Hampton City so that she can stay away from the limelight. He will also tell Brie that if he’s exposed, both of them will die together in South Hampton City. With Brie’s trust in Michael now and the power Michael still holds, Brie will believe that Michael can send her away safely.”

“What you mean is that Michael will make Brie believe him first and then arrange for Brie to leave before he kills her to silence her?”

“Yes.” Jeanne nodded.

As expected of the world’s number-one assassin. One hint was all he needed to understand everything.

“This is the only way for Michael to completely clear his name. If he’s really smart, he will do this.” Mason gave his affirmation.

“Michael is smarter than me, so what I can think of, he will definitely think of it as well! And this time...” Jeanne sneered. “I’ll let him know what it means to be too smart for his own good.”

“So, what should we need to do now?”

“We need to let Brie see Michael’s true face and see how sinister and cunning he is. Then, she can accuse Michael of his crimes!”

“How do we do that?”

“Talk to her face to face,” Jeanne said bluntly.

Mason raised his eyebrows. ‘She’s so… domineering!’

“It’s best not to beat around the bush when discussing matters with smart people. The more you beat around the bush, the less likely they will believe you.” Jeanne explained to Mason.

“Are we going now?” Mason asked.

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