Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 918  Have You Really Let Go of Finn?

Chapter 918  Have You Really Let Go of Finn?

Finn looked at Monica's calm appearance as she spoke. She did not look too sad. It seemed she really had let go.

They did not know what else to say, creating some awkwardness between the two. Monica had always thought Finn would immediately turn around and leave, but he did not go for a long time.

Suddenly, the door was suddenly pushed open. "Monica, how are you?" It was her uncle, Ron.

Monica turned her head and looked over, as did Finn.

Ron was a little excited when he saw Finn. He quickly greeted him, "Finn, you're here too. I was just about to look for you. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, my Sarah might've…"

As parents, they found it hard to accept what had happened today.

"Uncle, Finn came to see Sarah and went to the wrong room. Why don't you take him there?" Monica suggested.

"Sure. I'll bring Finn over now. I'll come over to accompany you in a while," Ron quickly said.

"No need. My parents are with me. I'm tired and would like to sleep for a while too. You should spend more time with Sarah and chat more with your future son-in-law," Monica joked.

Ron glared at Monica dotingly. He could not help but feel a little gratified.

After this incident, he and his wife would definitely not object to Finn and Sarah's relationship. They had felt a little awkward about it at first because of Monica. However, to see Monica so open-minded, he felt relieved.

Ron said happily, "Have a good rest, then. I'll take you out for some good food once you feel better."

"Alright." Monica nodded with a smile.

Ron said to Finn, "Let's go."

Finn turned around and glanced at Monica, a seemingly normal action. Then, he followed Ron and left her ward.

Monica watched them as they left, the smile on her lips gradually fading. She had no time to hide away her sad emotions before she heard her mother's voice, who had probably woken up by the noise.

She said, "Are you really letting go of Finn? "

Monica nodded. "what else can I do except let go? I can't let myself live at a dead end for the rest of my life. Besides, with Finn's personality, whoever dates or marries him will be the unlucky one. So since I don't like Sarah, I'll just watch her be unlucky!"

"You're so immature." Ruby was speechless at her daughter.

Monica smiled. "Mom, don't worry about me. I've been living a comfortable life with you and dad."

"Anyway, you know I can't help you when it comes to love."

"So don't worry about it. If you have the time, why don't you go to the hospital with dad for a checkup and see if you can give birth to a second child or something…?"

"Monica, are you itching for a beating?" Ruby's face turned red at her daughter's words.

Monica smiled brightly. Her mother, at her age, was blushing like a young girl.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't disturb me." Monica shifted her body and turned her back to them.

As long as she did not expect much in life, she could actually be very happy. In fact, she had been content with her current lifestyle since she was young.

In the next room

Sarah was a little excited when she saw Finn walking over.She said, "You saved me in the banquet hall and left right after you put me down. I didn't know where you went and have been so worried. Were you hurt?"

"No," Finn replied coldly. "Have a good rest."

"Did you come here just to see me?"

Finn had yet to speak when Ron quickly said, "Of course. He even went to the wrong room to your cousin's side. I brought him over."

Finn swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

"How is my cousin? Is her injury serious? It was a while after me before she came out. Was she severely burned?" Sarah asked nervously.

"The doctor said it's a little more serious than yours, but she's in good spirits. She even joked with me just now. She's much stronger than you." Ron could not help but praise Monica.

Sarah pouted.

"Alright. Since Sarah is much younger than Monica, it's only natural she would be a little melodramatic and can not take the pain, right? Look at you, talking about other people's good as a father. Could you, she would be a little melodramatic and can not take the pain, right? Look at you, talking about other people's good as a father. Could you, for once, not make Sarah sad?" Yvonne said protectively.

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