Chapter 547: Edward’s Identity Revealed (Back To The Main Story)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Monica pursed her lips.

She knew her father would be angry, so she said, “It’s not what it looks like!”

“Then what is it?” Gary was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. If it continued, he would have a heart attack again!

“Michael is in some trouble now, and this is the only way to help him. Finn and I are only faking the divorce–”

“Faking the divorce? You’re still lying to me!” Gary was so angry that he was about to raise his hand.

Monica was stunned by her father’s hostility.

“Finn didn’t even pick up my calls, and you’re saying the divorce is fake?” Gary said fiercely.

“He’s just petty,” Monica mumbled.

“Hah.” Gary did not know whether to laugh or cry. At that moment, he really wanted to beat the sh*t out of Monica. “So you’re the greatest person here, huh? You’re so great that you divorced your husband to help another man! Monica, let me ask you. I’ve educated and cared for you so much, but how do you not have a sense of propriety?”

“Dad, don’t talk about me like that. I’ve thought about it carefully. I–”

“Did Finn agree?” Gary pressed her.

Monica was speechless.

Finn just had not figured it out yet.

“Did your mother and I agree?”

“Am I not asking you now?”

“Let me tell you, Monica, I will never agree to this.”

Monica pouted.

“Do your friends support your decision?” Gary continued to ask Monica aggressively without caring about how she felt.

Monica kept quiet.

“Does Jeannie support your decision?”

No one supported her decision.

“Monica, do you think you have a sense of propriety by doing something that no one supports?” Gary was exasperated.

If Monica were not his biological child, he could really beat her to death.

“Before you do anything, especially such a big thing, can you please discuss it with someone first and listen to their opinion?” Gary asked Monica fiercely.

“I was afraid all of you would stop me!” Monica also said in exasperation.

“Even though you knew we’d stop you, you still did it. Monica, what on earth is on your mind?”

“Nothing is on my mind. I just want to help Michael. Although all of you don’t like Michael and you think that Michael is not good enough, I know very well what kind of person Michael is and how good he is to me. I can’t choose to stand by and do nothing when I can help him. I’m not as cold-blooded as all of you!”

“Monica!” Gary was so angry that he could barely breathe.

Ruby quickly went over to support Gary and help him breathe.

Monica was also shocked to see her father’s condition.

Ruby quickly said, “Your heart is weak, and Finn has told you not to take it easy. But now, look at you. Breathe. Breathe.”

“I really can’t take this lying down.” Even so, Gary followed Ruby’s rhythm and calmed himself down.

“Dad.” Monica’s eyes were a little red. “Can you guys just support me for once? Can you just trust me this time? I know many people don’t understand what I’m doing and that it’s unfair to Finn, but if there were any other way to help Michael, I wouldn’t have chosen to do this. Please don’t force me, okay? I’m also very upset. In fact, I’m not as heartless as you think.”

Suddenly, Monica burst into tears and bawled her eyes out.

Gary, who was about to scold Monica, kept quiet.

Monica said, “Finn really doesn’t understand me, and he’s so cold to me. Actually, I’m upset because not only did Jeannie disagree with my decision, but now all of you are also coming at me. I’m also very stressed and upset that all the closest and most important people in my life are criticizing and ridiculing me. Do you want to force me to commit suicide? I’m just using my own way to help others. Do you really have to say that about me? Do you really have to put me down like this? I’m just being kind...”

The more Monica spoke, the more aggrieved she felt, and the harder she cried.

At first, Gary was so angry that he wanted to beat Monica to death. However, when he saw her crying so bitterly, he held it in.

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