Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 1200 - 1200 Monica, Let’s Start Over Again

1200 Monica, Let’s Start Over Again

Then, Finn let go.

Monica carefully got off the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Finn waiting for her at the door of the bathroom.

Monica glanced at him, walked past him, and then returned to the bed.

At the same time, Finn returned to her bed and sat down.

Endless silence filled the room again.

Hence, Monica took a deep breath and asked, “Do you have something to say?”

Only then did Finn turn his eyes to look at her.

Every time Finn came over, he would just stand there and not look at her. He also seemed to glance at her occasionally. Anyway... Monica did not know what he was up to.

Perhaps he was also struggling with what he should do to her, and that was why he chose to remain silent every time.

“No?” Since she did not get an answer from Finn, Monica tried to confirm with him again.

“I do,” Finn suddenly said.

Monica looked at him. If he had something to say, he should just say it and she would listen.

“Let’s start over,” Finn said clearly.

Monica pursed her lips.

She had thought too much about what Finn would say. For example, he felt guilty, or he was sorry.

Nevertheless, she had also thought that Finn would say something like that. That was because Finn should be very touched that she had risked her life to save him.

It was not just Finn; anyone would be touched. Now that she thought about it, she was touched by herself too.

Where did she get her courage to do that kind of thing?

“Monica, let’s start over,” Finn said again, his tone firm.

Monica did not respond for a long time.

She thought she and Finn were already done for. Their relationship was over because she had broken his heart and he had also disappointed her. It would never be possible between them again.

However, had the car accident, which she had traded her life for, given them a chance to turn things around?

She was actually very hesitant.

Did she still like Finn? If she did not, would she really risk her life to save him?

However, would he still like her? He had changed his mind because of his guilt, but was that really what he wanted?

She did not know.

Monica’s silence, hesitation, and struggle were all reflected in Finn’s eyes, but he understood all of Monica’s concerns.

In the past, he had completely given up on her and thought that even if he was alone for the rest of his life, he would never be with her.

Therefore, he had done a lot of things to make it impossible for the two of them to reconcile, to make Monica not approach him again.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, and his fingers moved closer to her cheek.

Monica’s body moved slightly. When she raised her eyes to look at Finn, she saw that his face coming close to hers.

After that, he took the initiative to kiss her.

Monica did not refuse.

In this life, she had never hoped that Finn would one day take the initiative to tell her that they could start over again or take the initiative to kiss her.

As he kissed her tightly, she closed her eyes, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

All she needed was one sentence and one kiss from Finn for her to accept it.

Outside the door, Ruby had just left Gary’s intensive care unit with Sarah and returned to see Monica and Finn kissing.

In fact, Ruby did not know if they were still suitable for each other. However, since they had chosen to be together, she would choose to support them.

She turned around and saw Sarah’s red eyes.

Ruby smiled sadly. “Didn’t you say you dumped Finn? Why are you crying now?”

“Can’t I be happy for my cousin? She’s finally back together with the man she’s loved for so long.”

“Silly girl.” Ruby patted Sarah’s head.

Sarah wiped her tears. “I’m going to find my best friend.”



“Take a look at how Nox is doing as well.”

“Alright.” Sarah agreed as she ran.

It did not take long before she stopped at the door of Nox’s ward.

After wiping her tears and adjusting her emotions, she was about to go in. However, she stopped in her tracks and just looked inside.

Nox was throwing a tantrum at Shelley.

“Shelley, I told you I wanted to eat pizza, but this is plain soup. Are you trying to go against me?” Nox was furious.

“The doctor said you’ve just recovered from a serious illness and your stomach isn’t good. It’s best to have light food, or you’ll have diarrhea.”

“I’ll have diarrhea from how bland this food is!”

“There’s also chicken soup here to help you recover.”


“I’m not drinking! I want to eat pizza today.”

“Tomorrow.” Shelley tried her best to persuade him. “I’ve prepared all the food for today, so let’s eat this.”

As she spoke, she scooped a spoonful of soup and placed it by Nox’s mouth.

Nox suddenly pushed her away, and even the soup in Shelley’s bowl was overturned.

Sarah, who was standing at the door, was shocked. She did not know that Nox had such a bad temper. Why was he so scary?

Shelley endured the pain.

With the bowl of hot soup knocked over on her hand, her hand quickly turned red.

She rushed into the bathroom and soaked her hand with cold water. It was only after a long that she barely felt the pain.

Then, she heard Nox shouting from outside, “Shelley!”

Shelley turned off the cold water and wiped the back of her hand with a towel. Although the back of her hand was still red and swollen, she endured it and came out of the bathroom.

“I want to eat pizza today.” Nox started to get angry again.


“I’ll order it for you.” Shelley did not want to deal with Nox anymore, so she picked up the call bell at the side and was about to order it from the nurse.

In any case, it was Nox’s problem if he had diarrhea.

“Who told you to order it? I want you to go home and make it for me!”

Shelley looked at him. Did he not knock down all the things that she had made for him just now?

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