Pregnant With CEO's Baby

Chapter 1080 - 1080 Going To Court: All The Crimes Have Been Proven

1080 Going To Court: All The Crimes Have Been Proven

“I-I didn’t frame her. She was the one who told me to do it. I only said I had sex with Brie to convince everyone.”

“In order to convince everyone, you fabricated the ‘truth’, right?” Monica hit the nail on the head.

“No, it was all Brie’s doing!”

“But everything could only be done with your authority. Furthermore, why did you listen to Brie and commit a crime?” Monica said ruthlessly, “Daniel, I think I should remind you that your testimony now is of no use to determine whether Brie is the mastermind this time. If you can’t prove that you’re not the mastermind, the court will decide that you’re the instigator. In other words, you will bear the greatest responsibility for this incident. Not only were you bending the law to favor someone, but most importantly, the Cardellini Enterprise’s vaccine incident also involved the life of a boy. You’ll have to bear responsibility for this boy’s death!”

“I didn’t kill the boy. I didn’t know that the boy would be injected with potassium cyanide. All I did was fake the quality inspection report. I had nothing to do with what happened to the boy!” Daniel was agitated.

He was very clear that in Harken, it was a death sentence for murder.

“But the result is that you’re the main culprit of this incident, so you should bear all the responsibility.” Monica reminded him, word by word.

“It really wasn’t me! It really wasn’t me!” Daniel panicked.

“In that case, who did it?” Monica pressed on.

It made everyone gasp in surprise.

Perhaps everyone would think of the existence of a key person like Daniel later on, but they would definitely not react as quickly as Monica.

They had always thought that Monica was just an uninspiring and useless rich young lady. Yet, at that moment, everyone started looking at her in a different light.

Moreover, her arguments and aggressive presence were not something that a little girl in her 20s who only knew how to play could show.

Daniel was also driven out of his wits by Monica.

Just as he was about to speak, Michael said sternly, “Daniel, you have to think carefully before you answer. If you lie and fabricate facts, you will be punished by the law. You don’t have any motive to frame Monica now, so the court can’t sentence you guilty!”

“Your Honor,” Judah interjected. He was respectful but domineering to the judge. “The defendant, Michael, is seriously affecting Daniel’s behavior and words. I request that he be silenced while my client confronts Daniel.”

“Permission granted!” The judge agreed.

It was obvious that Michael was threatening Daniel on purpose.

Michael clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Without wasting any time, Monica said to Daniel, “Even though Michael is right about you having no motive to frame me, and the court will not sentence you for killing the boy to frame me, you have lied and fabricated the truth. If you don’t tell the truth, you will suffer a more severe sentence than what you should suffer now. To put it bluntly, as the key person in this case, if you don’t explain the ins and outs of this matter clearly, this case will be on you. As long as you don’t tell the truth, you’ll be detained forever. Do you think you will be released from prison one day?”

Daniel’s forehead was covered in sweat, and he looked flustered. He was clearly frightened.

Monica continued, “Let me tell you one more thing. Michael is almost at his end now. If you still hope that he can help you, you should give up on that idea. He can’t even protect himself now. Do you think he has the ability to do anything? Or rather, even if you let him go now, do you think he will let you go? Think about everything that Brie is going through right now.”

“Monica, you’re threatening me–”

“Shut up!” The bailiff threatened, “You’re currently being silenced.”

Michael endured it again and again.

He said, “I’d like to request a recess. I need my defense lawyer. I want to defend myself–”

“Michael ordered me to do this!” Daniel suddenly admitted.

Michael’s expression sank, and it was completely out of his control.

“He made me do it!” Daniel enunciated each word clearly. “He told me to testify against Brie because Brie had the motive to frame Monica. He said that Brie wouldn’t appear in court, so it was impossible for Brie to defend herself. The benefit of me doing this was that after I was sentenced to prison, he could find a way to get me out within five years. He could even put me in an important position again so that my career wouldn’t be ruined!”

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